#please make a difference


Sorry for not posting lately, but currently my family, my friends, my friend’s family, every family that I do not personally know is at war. They are being bombed, pummelled into the ground, driven to their edge because of centuries old imperialistic wishes of a megalomaniac who knows nothing of peace, and who is willing to pay the price of his desires and ambitions with blood. Blood that people close to me, close to my home, close to my roots are paying. Blood that will forever be on Putin’s hands. Blood that will forever be staining the memories of this year. I don’t know whether things are going to be okay, or when or even if they are - but war is still there. Is being waged, is being fought. It’s being lived. And it’s destroying every single bits of life, of peace, of hope that has ever been part of people that considered Ukraine their little place. Their home. That now is no more. So, I invite you to take this lesson to heart and to donate if you can, to support if you can, to escape if you can; but most of all, I invite you to spread information, to let people know what is going on and to reach those who are power so those who can, might make a difference.
