#plot hook



By Robb at readytorole.com

  1. A large boulder blocks the central path in a valley, and a hill giant stands by offering to lift it up temporarily for trade. The strange part is that he wants a flower that is very common in the area; some of them are growing 10 feet in front of him!
  2. A local ranger offers to show travelers a shortcut, but some people don’t trust him. He went missing a few months ago and only recently reemerged much hairier than he used to be.
  3. Due to overpopulation, hippogryphs has started nesting lower to the ground. This by itself isn’t a problem as they are not aggressive, but poachers have been showing up in droves and at least one altercation between poacher and traveler has left those involved with injury.
  4. A mudslide recently affected a large part of the pass, making it hard but manageable to travel through. The worst part is small mud imps throw rocks and clumps of mud at those who pass through- not to hurt, just to harass.
  5. After digging into the mountain in search of precious gems and metals, the dwarves have repurposed one of their mineshafts to act as a shortcut underneath the mountain. This seems like a good deal for those willing to pay a few gold, but the bent, unconnected steel and “jumps” that the minecarts need to make leave most people terrified and shaking after arriving on the other side.
  6. Trolls who normally live at the top of the mountain have started coming to the lower depths to attack people, especially merchants, on the path. Rather than eat them and leave the shiny bits like they normally do, they’ve been stealing but allowing their targets to live, causing speculation of their new behavior.
  7. Many openings to an underground cave network have opened up all throughout the mountain pass. Unfortunately, they serve no real purpose other than allowing subterranean predators to prey on those passing through on the surface.
  8. Giant spiderwebs have been appearing all over the path, making all travelers worried about the size of the spider that must be making them.
  9. Sights of a supposed dragon have all but halted travel through the mountain pass, stifling trade and causing some smaller communities to suffer. They are offering a collective reward for anyone able to kill or drive off the scaled menace.
  10. There has been an increase of monsters that disguise themselves as rocks such as stalagmites and stalactites within a certain cave and even outside of it. These have always existed, but the quick uptick in sighting and encounters with them has locals questioning why and how this could have happened.
  11. Travelers speak of a thick-furred monster attacking them near the top of the mountain pass. One survivor asks anyone willing if they could retrieve a lost pendant that was torn from them while running from this creature.
  12. A new, mysterious cave passage saves a lot of time for anyone willing to traverse it. No one knew who had carved it, until the giant ants started coming out of the walls and hunting those inside.
  13. An overzealous earth elemental has begun restoring the parts of the mountain that have been carved for travel back to their previous state, undoing years of work. When asked why, they state that the merchants who travel litter and show no respect for the earth.
  14. After mistaking a cave hosting stirges for a simple cave of bats, travelers who spent the night find themselves close to death and afflicted with a deadly disease. The local cleric says the only way he can create an antidote is with a few live stirges present.
  15. During a particularly busy time for the pass, one of the mountains reveals that they have been a dormant volcano, suddenly bursting and causing all manner of life to search for refuge.
  16. Bandits figured out that by hiding out high above paths that they can easily shoot at and intimidate passersby into give them their belongings. That is until orcs started climbing even higher than them and holding up both the bandits and the passersby.
  17. After a series of small cave-ins, some kobolds have begun selling homemade explosives to any who will buy them. While nothing bad has happened so far, many wonder why they are being so helpful.
  18. Supposedly, the top of the mountain is home to a holy pilgrimage site to a god of travel. While few bother venturing up there due to monsters and natural dangers, those who do claim being given a boon that grants them safety on the road.
  19. A growing number of humanoid bones litter all parts of the pass, freaking out anyone who travels through. What might be creepier is that no one has been reported killed or missing since this has started.
  20. A small group of goblins pester travelers, asking if they want to hire their band of adventurers as guards. Most people laugh at them and move on, leaving the goblins to sulk.
  21. An ettin has been arguing with itself about whether to open up its personal tunnel to others for a price or to keep it closed. Somehow this has resulted in the ettin sitting in front of another path, refusing to move until it can be convinced one way or the other.
  22. A particularly intense thunderstorm has swept through the pass recently. When a bolt of lightning stuck the peak of the mountain, it partially peeled away to reveal a giant, beating heart within.
  23. A shaman living off the path has come out of solitude, looking for a curious set of spell components that would have to have come from halfway around the world. He won’t say why he needs them or what he is willing to trade for them, just that it’s a matter of life or death.
  24. The same horse keeps appearing at one side of the mountain pass every morning. No matter if someone ties it up at night after riding on it or otherwise restraining it, it always ends up back at the start of the path without a saddle or other gear.
  25. Harpies have somehow come into the possession of explosives, likely either bought or stolen from kobolds. They are using these new weapons by dropping them on travelers below, leading to an intense effort to eradicate these avian humanoids from locals.

RT @varnished_truth: The king paid handsomely to have druid bless all the lands in the kingdom to grow fruitful this year. They perhaps did their job too well, as now seedlings are growing in every crack and crevice and are tearing buildings apart. But maybe that was the plan? #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/IMnCpMHNVX


RT @varnished_truth: In a place where the land remakes itself, a person may also do so. The process is painful and uncertain, but those who survive the Firewalk leave their pasts behind and step onto a new life path. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/ydZF1Vg3dQ


RT @varnished_truth: The Siren’s Mercy has long offered sailors a well-lit path through dark waters, usually to safety. Now it’s beginning to appear on land to lure people into the sea. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/GoSIhq4C4D


RT @varnished_truth: A newly-rebuilt neighborhood is said to be the most modern in the world. Magic & science mingle to bring luxury at an affordable price. Particularly desirable because of the serene silence. Just don’t look anyone in the eye & don’t try to talk. Nobody can. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook ️ https://t.co/1uRjemJzqi


RT @varnished_truth: The king decided he didn’t want to continue aging, so he outlawed time. The merchants aren’t happy, the farmers aren’t happy, and the gods aren’t happy. But the king will not listen. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook ️ https://t.co/0gh8VzmkVN


RT @varnished_truth: Ever since you did a troop of pixies a favor, you’ve been finding little leaf-wrapped bundles in your things randomly. They probably think they’re helping, but some of the gifts are a little weird. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/1yKljIqSgk


RT @varnished_truth: The druid had promised a vegan diet full of his specially-grown vegetables would let people become one with nature. Now they’re turning into plant creatures. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/RQyDb8kOSj


RT @varnished_truth: The migrating trees of Tiriathon are traveling farther and faster than ever. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/0CDlcUqFXv


RT @varnished_truth: The family who lives in this massive manor house say that guests brighten the gloomy corners of the place. There’s usually someone staying, but there’s always room for more. And there’s so much to learn here. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/FMQWRzd8fN


RT @varnished_truth: “Put your money on the table” seemed like a good way to make sure everyone playing cards could pay their debts. But the casino had the tables enchanted to not release the money afterward. Now nobody’s getting paid. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/PdmJOVbiBg


RT @varnished_truth: The Fallight, that dull blue glow that fills summer forests and leaves autumn behind, has been known to envelop people. Those who return say they were sent to a land of endless springtime, always in bud & never in harvest. And always hungry. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/lwF15Gk8LE


RT @varnished_truth: You have to admit, raising cliffs into the clouds is a formidable form of border security. But at what cost? #DnD #RPG #RPGhook ☁️ https://t.co/V4dzL541Y1


RT @varnished_truth: Ashmasks were once modeled on the faces of the recently dead. Although they’re more generic now, they still strike fear into those who already suffer the potent mix of grief and guilt by whom amends can never be made. They keep temple donations up. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/XNoprgdMCB


RT @varnished_truth: Most people have simply been enjoying the colorful skies of late, but the scholars most knowledgeable have determined that it’s a sign of the planes of chaos starting to bleed into the mortal realm. Someone definitely needs to fix this! #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/OAXC8EObta


RT @varnished_truth: When the wizard Arithan set out to make the world safe for his daughter, he didn’t consider all the consequences. Now there’s no flora or fauna that will harm her–and an enraged circle of druids out for their heads! #DnD #RPG #RPGhook ‍ https://t.co/ASleNEOSzG


RT @varnished_truth: The Hall of the Dragon Princes is tiled in dragon scales. Some wizards believe that possession of a scale and the name of the dragon it came from will let them control the dragon. The thefts required to test that theory have outraged the Dragon Princes. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/21beWqzM10


RT @varnished_truth: You asked for a magical guardian. You got a peacock that can cast hypnotic pattern with its tail. Stop complaining–and definitely stop staring! #DnD #RPG #RPGhook ✨ https://t.co/Pkbyj3VrKI


RT @varnished_truth: In the Mythic Times, the gods granted the first human king dominion over the land, all that is above the land, and all that is below. Through marriage, alliance, & warfare, the kingdom has now extended deep into the Underdark. The new neighbors aren’t happy. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/onaHCtx94s


RT @varnished_truth: There are no innocents in Hell. Not even the visiting diplomats. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/ESzUdTCFX2


RT @varnished_truth: The minor gods who rule the brooks and streams have grown jealous of each other over the centuries, and have decided to display their full powers to try and prove who is best. This is a big problem for the farmers and millers who live and work on their shores. #DnD #RPG #RPGhook https://t.co/bXNGMjUs8l

