#pluto retrograde


It’s almost 5 AM but I was alerted to the fact Pluto has been in retrograde since April 27th? And so I had to research what that meant and how it affected things.

Destroyer of lies. Out with the bad, in with the good. Turn towards the darkest parts and shine a light. Uproot the bad and plant the beautiful. Discover what lies beneath and expose it.

Here’s the part that I felt the need to share because there’s no way it’s not connected:

Pluto went retrograde on April 27th, 2021.

After six years of nearly consistent chronic pain, I finally found answers and was diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome on April 29th, 2021.

Upcoming Pluto Retrograde

✹ Retrograde

   To say a planet is in Retrograde, an astrological term, means that in that specific time frame the planet in question seems to be moving backwards in the sky from our perspective on Earth.  

   Though the Planet isn’t astronomically moving backwards, its energy does affect us — as it changes direction or shifts in speed, what it rules will face changes, normally through challenges or confusion in our lives during the Retrograde. 

   *Fun fact: if you see a small R beside a planet name in your Natal Chart, that means that planet was in Retrograde when you were born).

✹ Pluto

   Pluto’s influences over rebirth, transformation and power - it is connected with past lives as well as inherited and internal powers that the person has in regards to drestruction, and as such, transformation. Pluto rules a line that is between the fear of destruction of our own selves and the pursuit of our true longings — all in order to become something new through the destruction of the old.

   Regency: Pluto is ruled by Hades, rules over Scorpio and Power. Due to that, it has power over matters of death and rebirth.

   Associated with chaos and movement, related with happenings that shakes foundations to provoke change. It governs personal power, the one needed to break free of ties and find control and freedom in one’s self.

✹ Energy of Pluto Retrograde

   In Retrograde, Pluto comes to show us our shadow sides — in this period we’ll have chances (subtle or not) to face aspects of ourselves and of our lives that, if faced correctly, examined and embraced,can have long-lasting positive effects.

   The Retrograde here brings these facets forth, though times might be a little tough, remember that it will give us opportunity to reveal what needs to be corrected and revive positive aspects we might be looking for. 


here are all the retrogrades and retrograde shadows of 2020!!

i put all of the times in eastern time (EST/EDT) and rounded them to the nearest hour, so check your favorite software/site for exact times.
