#point of pride


Where to get preloved binders - for free

Canadians: GenderGear https://www.gendergear.ca/products/preloved-binders-1?variant=12230980501584 unfortunately, as of Oct 8 2018 they are out of stock and requiring donations. Gender Gear is a great company that I have interacted with in the past

USA: FTM Essentials https://www.ftmessentials.com/pages/ftme-free-youth-binder-program they are taking applications now for persons under the age 24, not sure about their response time, but I have bought items from their parent company Early2Bed, and they are great

International: Point of Pride https://pointofpride.org/chest-binder-donations/ I only recently heard about the organization, but they seem Awesome. They are taking requests now, once again, I don’t know about their response rate 
