
New altar cloths for this Sunday’s update at 8pm ET! Over the last few years I’ve saved all of the a

New altar cloths for this Sunday’s update at 8pm ET! Over the last few years I’ve saved all of the antique linens I’ve found that had floral embroidery in hopes of one day creating a spring collection in honor of Floralia and Beltane. This is the year! As with all of my one-of-a-kind altar cloths, each is an antique linen that has been dyed by hand here in the studio and screen printed with the Printshop’s original artwork. This handmade transformation ensures each cloth is totally unique and one-of-a-kind, never to be duplicated! Because of this, there are a limited number available and they usually sell out fast, so be sure to set an alarm if you want to get one. Also, keep an eye on my stories for more previews as the update nears! #poisonappleprintshop #antiquemeetshandmade #altarcloth #witchaltar

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After months of being sold-out, these beloved favorites are back! The hunt for printmaking paper rem

After months of being sold-out, these beloved favorites are back! The hunt for printmaking paper remains a challenge as the paper shortage is ongoing, so I printed as many screen prints I could with the small batch of paper that I was able to find. Because of that, there are limited quantities available of each print. Grab ‘em while you can! #poisonappleprintshop #hecate #hekate #screenprints

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 Shop Announcements! Big things are coming to the shop this month, starting with a small round of re

Shop Announcements! Big things are coming to the shop this month, starting with a small round of restocks at the end of this week and some antiques that will be up for grabs from the studio clean out. Keep an eye on my stories for previews and to know when things become available. Next, with Witches’ Night (April 30th) and Beltane (May 1st) just around the corner, the next shop update is scheduled for Sunday, APRIL 24th at 8pm ET. This update will be based on the upcoming holidays and feature new artwork and one-of-a-kind altar cloths pertaining to both days of celebration! The Maypole drawing shown here is a detail of something special I drew for the upcoming Beltane wedding of my dear friend @ladybeastdeb and her partner, Adam. Deb has been gracious enough to give me her blessing in turning this artwork into a screen print, so it will be available during the update on the 24th. Check out my stories for extra sneak peeks and stay tuned for more previews of what’s to come! #poisonappleprintshop #beltane #mayday #maypole #handfasting #sketchbook #supporthandmade

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A new drawing based on my spiritual plant journeys with Monkshood and it’s aqueous associations. Nea

A new drawing based on my spiritual plant journeys with Monkshood and it’s aqueous associations. Nearly every time I connect with this plant spirit it brings with it the element of water. This water is always moving, and most often rushing past me in cool, refreshing currents. I grew up in a rural area where, as a youth, I spent many hot days playing in the nearby “crick.” When Monkshood brings its rushing water to me, the rippling embrace of the swift current feels nostalgic and cleansing all at once. I marvel at the idea that this plant ally helps me shed, feel lighter, and feel inspired to move towards the future by taking me back to those intimate moments with nature in the past. The wheel shows itself in the cyclic nature of this experience and I’ve interpreted it here in this new drawn offering. All is one. #poisonappleprintshop #monkshood #aconite #poisonpath #sketchbook

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There are only 5 patch grab bags remaining in the shop and only a handful of print grab bags availab

There are only 5 patch grab bags remaining in the shop and only a handful of print grab bags available! Each patch grab bag contains two mystery patches and two mystery post cards. Each print grab bag includes three mystery prints, mystery stationery, and mystery post cards. If you need gifts, if you’re on a budget, or if you simply like surprises, these grab bags are the perfect choice. They won’t be restocked so grab ‘em before they’re gone! #poisonappleprintshop #grabbag #witchgift

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Detail of something new that energed from a deep well in my mind. Will now try to manifest medieval

Detail of something new that energed from a deep well in my mind. Will now try to manifest medieval lingerie in real life. ⛓⛓ #poisonappleprintshop #sketchbook

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A new addition to celebrate the recent completion of my studio shelf revamp. It is an antique Victor

A new addition to celebrate the recent completion of my studio shelf revamp. It is an antique Victorian photo album but in this space it will take on the life of a spell book. It’s still finding its place on the shelves and I don’t know where it will end up but figuring that out is the fun part! #poisonappleprintshop #victoriana #spellbook #artiststudio

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Today is the last day to take advantage of 20% off in the shop. ✨Prints - Patches - T-shirts - Banda

Today is the last day to take advantage of 20% off in the shop. ✨Prints - Patches - T-shirts - Bandanas - Stationery/Spell Sheets - Stickers & more! ✨ Ends at midnight ET. Link in bio ✨ #poisonappleprintshop #stationery #spellsheets

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I realized I never posted a still photo of the completed studio shelves after their revamp so here t

I realized I never posted a still photo of the completed studio shelves after their revamp so here they are, in all their glory! Check out my reels to see the makeover process. #poisonappleprintshop #artiststudio #shelfie #witchden

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There should be a word for the kind of joy only stickers can bring. Just got these five new sticker

There should be a word for the kind of joy only stickers can bring. Just got these five new sticker designs made and I’ll be choosing one at random to include in every order placed this week. Right now they are just extras but if you’re into them, I may make them available as a sticker pack in the future. Which is your favorite? #poisonappleprintshop #stickers

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Current MoodAs many artists know, creativity comes in waves. It is not something that can be force

Current Mood
As many artists know, creativity comes in waves. It is not something that can be forced, and even when you set aside time specifically to create, there’s no guarantee on creativity. Sometimes you end up staring at a blank page, at a loss for ideas. These times of artist’s block are disheartening and difficult to work through. I’ve felt this block recently, and although I still managed to create a few things during it, the creation process felt like trudging through mud and the end results felt murky and heavy. But as all things on the wheel, I am beginning to feel the swell of the next wave of creativity and with it comes a flood of new ideas. This moment feels like ecstasy for the artist, a moment when blocks clear away and your mind presents images crystal clear. It is the high that makes the lows worth it, the first sign of light after fumbling through the dark, the gift of sunlight after surviving the storm. This time I’m breaking old routines that became unwritten rules over time. Like a lot of artists, I put pressure on myself, but now I’m doing the work to reverse my own bindings and, through it, finding that the joy and passion I feel for drawing is returning. As I emerge from the cauldron of transformation, I find myself pulling from a more fantastical realm where fantasy, witchcraft, and magic meet. I feel reinvigorated as I embody a dragon-like energy and begin to breathe fire from my pen. This drawing marks the beginning of a new journey and I look forward to inviting you further into this realm of arcane wonder and ancient magic! #poisonappleprintshop

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Stationery or Spell Sheets? You decide! ✨ I designed these pages to be enchanting and versatile. The

Stationery or Spell Sheets? You decide! ✨ I designed these pages to be enchanting and versatile. They can be used traditionally for writing letters and notes, or they can be used for spellwork. Simply write/draw your intention, sigil, or spirit letter, place it in the matching envelope along with your chosen herbs, and seal it with focus. Now you have a portable spell bundle that can be carried to your preferred sacred location to be burned or buried to set your spell in motion. The creative possibilities are endless with these special pages. Available in separate packs or a multi-pack with all three designs! Which design speaks to you? ✍ #poisonappleprintshop #spellsheets #stationery #witchgift #witchcraft

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Fly wild and have a wicked Witches Night, my friends! #poisonappleprintshop #sketchbookhttps://www

Fly wild and have a wicked Witches Night, my friends! #poisonappleprintshop #sketchbook

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With Beltane on the horizon I want to share some works from throughout the years that were made to h

With Beltane on the horizon I want to share some works from throughout the years that were made to honor the holiday. Circa 2014 to present.

Beltane is the ancient Gaelic fire festival that celebrates the renewal of nature & ushers in the “light” half of the year, when the Sun retakes rulership in the sky. It is a time to honor the growing season thru rituals of fertility, luck, & protection. Presently, festivities begin at sunset on May-eve (April 30th) and continue until the following sunset (May 1st).
Coupling is encouraged on Beltane to celebrate the union of the Sun’s potent life-force of growth with the Earth (nature itself). Embodying this union is the Maypole which has come to be one of the day’s most recognized traditions. It symbolizes Spring’s rebirth thru the phallic pole topped with the feminine wreath. With merry dancing, its ribbons are woven together in signification of the marriage of the earth’s fertility & the generative rays of the Sun.

A central tradition practiced at Beltane is the burning of a communal bonfire, representing the vigor of the Sun. This blaze is the focus of many rituals that bring luck & protection to a community and its resources. Cattle & livestock are walked between two bonfires to purify, protect, and bless the animals. The ashes are sprinkled over the fields to further aid in protection and bring a fortunate growing season. On May eve, the celebrators distinguish their individual hearth fires and relight them from the main communal bonfire in an act of protection that recognizes the Sun’s fiery energy as renewer and life-giver.

To embrace the re-emergence of nature, May-time flowers are gathered as decorations to symbolize the budding of the season. The ancient Roman festival of Floralia, honoring the goddess Flora, was celebrated during this time and is the origin of many flower-related customs of Beltane. Celtic communities recognized it was time for Beltane when the Hawthorn trees began to bloom and the constellation of Taurus appeared at 15° in the sky. Bounties of flowers were gathered to create decorative garlands & wreaths, as well as bouquets for the May Queen.

#poisonappleprintshop #beltane

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What would you bring to a Witches Night gathering? I’d bring an apple, datura seeds, and a mischievo

What would you bring to a Witches Night gathering? I’d bring an apple, datura seeds, and a mischievous attitude! With Witches Night on Saturday I thought I’d share some of my work from throughout the years that pertains to this special celebration.

Hexennacht, meaning “Witches Night,” is a celebration originally observed in Central & Northern European countries with roots in Germany. It begins at moonrise on April 30th and ends when the sun rises on May 1st. On this most ominous night, it is said that witches and other cunning folk gather on the Brocken, highest peak in the Harz mountains of Germany, to revel in dark worship and merriment. Tales of maleficent witches conjuring dark magic have defined this night for centuries, with reports of some witches arriving in their astral form and all manner of otherworldly beings joining from beyond the veil. The modern day Witches Night has come to be more widely celebrated by witches around the globe and is no longer solely a night for dark worship, but honored as a pivotal point in the cycle of the seasons and a time to freely rejoice in all aspects of the archetypal witch, both pernicious and benevolent at her mercy.

Much like Autumn-tide festivals (opposite on the wheel of the year), the few nights spanning springtime festivals mark a period when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, meaning all magical workings performed during this time are more powerful. With this channel open, spirit communication is more accessible and practitioners are able to better harness this connection to aid in their magical work.

Flight of the Witches was made not only to honor Witches’ Night, but also to depict the witches’ ride to the Sabbat. This ride finds roots in many different lores including Artemis’ wild hunt and, her Roman counterpart, Diana’s procession to gather souls, as well as the ride that brings Witches to the infamous Witches’ Supper.

These artworks were made to evoke the mischievous, fun, celebratory atmosphere of Witches’ Night and to honor the idea of witches letting loose and flying wild in all aspects of their power. ✨

#poisonappleprintshop #witchesnight #hexennacht #walpurgisnacht

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TODAY! All new artwork and OOAK altar cloths will make their debut at 8pm ET. {Link in bio} Flight o

TODAY! All new artwork and OOAK altar cloths will make their debut at 8pm ET. {Link in bio} Flight of the Witches is a new screen print just in time for Witches’ Night! In addition to my normal kraft-toned paper, it will also be available printed with silver ink on black paper. A few of the black versions were made even more special with metallic leaf applied to the full moon, making it shimmer and catch the light. Limited quantities available of each version so be sure to set an alarm to get the best selection. Everything takes flight tonight, see you there! #poisonappleprintshop #witchesnight #hexennacht #spiritflight

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poisonappleprintshop: You guys blew me away with your response to the Studio Sorcery journals, so I


You guys blew me away with your response to the Studio Sorcery journals, so I thought I’d share a few of the larger versions available in the shop. Saturnus and Hecate’s Garden journals are both screen printed and hand-bound with organic raw paper covers, giving them an old-world look and feel. All of my journals can be used as sketchbooks and grimoires, too! They are perfect for shadow work, herbal explorations, Poison Path jottings, Garden records, underworld musings, spellwork, and anything else that calls to you. Find them at PoisonApplePrintshop.com {Link in bio} #poisonappleprintshop #hecate #saturn #handmadejournal #grimoire #spellbook #bookofshadows #witchcraft #shadowwork #poisonpath #poisonoisplants #hedgewitch #herbwitch #underworld #herbalism #spellwork #screenprinted #supporthandmade #magicbook #poisongarden #datura

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