#poly problems



“So, wait - you only date one person at a time, on purpose? Okay. But - FOREVER?! On purpose? You both talk about it and agree to that? You both WANT that? Is this - I think I saw this on TV one time. Is this, like, part of a religious sect?”

“Rhonda, I just realized - I don’t think I’ve seen your husband out with another woman for, gosh, it must be years now. Is everything ok with him?”

“Aren’t you worried you’ll become totally codependent and wrapped up in each other and not be able to put energy into other important relationships in your life, like close friends and family?”

“Monogamy, huh? Kinky.”

“Want me to set you two up? … oh, my bad. I don’t know a lot of monogamous people. How does that work, anyway?”

“So you never date anyone else? Ever? Do you at least have sex with other people? … wow. I could never do that.”


So I’m going to a poly happy hour tonight and a really awesome okcupid guy is going to come as well, at my invitation. Yay!

Then a few minutes ago, another okcupid guy texted and asked what I was doing. I said, “Going to a poly happy hour at [name of bar]. You?” And he responded, “ "Going to a poly happy hour at [name of bar].”

So now two okcupid people are both coming and I have so many mixed feelings about it! Good, because hell yes, I’m stupid awesome! But also stressed because meeting two new people is more intimidating and because I’m concerned about managing interacting with both of them, and I’m worried about Reaction Junkie’s feelings/how I would feel if he had the same situation.

But I think instead of jerkbraining all over the place, I’m going to try to be excited for a fun social event and be happy that I’m getting to meet some awesome people. I hope I can do it, because tonight could be super fun!

Poly stuff: actively seeing two people, interested in a third, and still don’t have a date for this week.
