

A List of my Danish Resources

Forvo, for pronunciation https://forvo.com/

Babadada for vocab https://babadada.com/topic/school/en-US/dan

Lingohut for general lessons https://www.lingohut.com/en/l101/learn-danish

Speakdanish for grammar https://www.speakdanish.dk/en/grammar/00-index.php

Duolingo for practice

Books (Danish Tutor & Teach Yourself) for reference

Danish School Vocab






penalhus pencil bag


blyantspidser pencil sharpener


billedordbog visual dictionary







at addere to add

at subtrahere to subtract

at multiplicere to multiply

at dividere to divide

at læse to read









at tegne to draw



at lære to learn

at skrive to write


learning a scandinavian language is just *watches skam* *“this is a weird norwegian dialect oh it’s danish”* *dreams about northern lights* *watches movie in swedish instead of norwegian because you’ll take what you can get* *goes to ikea with friends and tells them what all the names of things mean even though they don’t care* *drinks voss* *pretends that cheese in a tube actually doesn’t taste that bad* *tries to make friends with natives but they speak your own language better than you do*

The ULTIMATE beginners Danish guide


hej hello

tak thank you

mange tak thank you very much

selv tak you’re welcome

farvel goodbye

god morgen good morning

god eftermiddag good afternoon

god aften good evening

god nat goodnight

velkommen! welcome!

hav en god dag have a good day

vi ses senere! see you later!

Subject Pronouns

jeg I

du you

han he

hun she

den/det it

vi we

I you (pl)

de they

Object Pronouns

mig my

dig you

ham him

hende her

den/det it

os us

jer you (pl)

dem them

Possessive Adjectives

min my

din/dit your

hans his

hendes her

vores our

jeres your (pl)

deres their

Possessive Pronouns

min mine

din/dit yours

hans his

hendes hers

vores ours

jeres yours (pl)

deres theres


en 1

to 2

tre 3

fire 4

fem 5

seks 6

syv 7

otte 8

ni 9

ti 10

elleve 11

tolv 12

tretten 13

fjorten 14

femten 15

seksten 16

sytten 17

atten 18

nitten 19

tyve 20


big big

lille small

lang long

kort short

høj tall

tyk thick

tynd thin

bred wide

dårlig bad

god good

let easy

svær difficult

dyr expensive

billig cheap

hurtig fast

langsom slow

gammel old

ung young

ny new

tung heavy

lys light

tom empty

fuld full

korrekt right; as in “correct”

forkert wrong

stærk strong

svag weak


sort black

blå blue

brun brown

grå gray

grøn green

orange orange

rød red

hvid white

gul yellow


nu now

senere later

i aften tonight

i går aftes last night

her til morgen this morning

i går yesterday

i dag today

i morgen tomorrow

næste uge

allerede already

nylig recently/lately

snart soon

straks immediately

stadig still

endnu yet


hvordan? how?

hvad? what?

hvem? who?

hvorfor? why?

hvor? where?

hvornår? when?


at være to be

at se to see

at skrive to write

at elske to love

at give to give

at lege to play

at læse to read

at forstå to understand

at have to have

at vide to know

at lære to learn

at tænke to think

at arbejde to work

at tale to speak

at køre to drive

at smile to smile

at finde to find


ovenpå on top of

under under

inde, inden i inside

udenfor outside

bag behind

foran in front of

nær near

mellem between

efter after

før before

med with

uden without

siden since

indtil until

af of

fra from

til to

i stedet for instead of

i in

mod against

som as

om about

for for


og and

eller or

men but

så so


nej no

intet nothing

ikke endnu not yet

ingen no one

ikke længere no longer

aldrig never

kan ikke cannot

burde ikke should not


In this post, you will learn how to study/learn a new language whether it be Korean or another language. I have gathered a list of effective actions I do that help me and my studies tremendously.

Start With The 100 Most Common Words

You could start out at 5 and go up 5 each time or do it however you’d like. It’s really up to you and your personal preference. I find that learning the top 100 most common words help you understand daily conversations better and help you memorize sentence structure more efficiently. It also kicks off your ability to memorize words and the alphabet faster.

Speak Out Loud

Speaking out loud helps you hear your voice and understand if you are able to pronounce what you are reading or hearing. It also gets you used to hearing the language often. Which brings me into my next tip.

Record Yourself

Using a voice recorder app or voice memos, you can record yourself speaking the language you’re learning and listen to it and see if you are messing up any pronunciations or have any grammar mistakes.

Read Books in That Language

Practicing reading that language will help you learn the alphabet faster and also help with pronouncing the language if you read it aloud. Maybe while you’re at it, you could learn something about that country’s culture depending on what type of book you decide to purchase.

Watch TV Shows or Dramas in That Language

I watch shows like Hello Counselor without subtitles to see what I can or can’t understand. When I watch it once without subtitles I rewatch it with subtitles and try to see if what I heard was correct or incorrect. I also use subtitles in Korean to read Hangeul often and to practice my reading skills.

Talk With Others in That Language

When you talk to natives or others learning the same language, you are practicing your grammar skills along with your pronunciation skills. You will hear the language more and you will eventually be able to have a full on conversation with a native!

Find A Study Buddy

Not only do you get someone to study with but, you may also make a few friends in the process! In time, you guys can have meaningful conversations in Korean!

Study at Least 5 Minutes to 5 Hours 2 Times Each Week

The more time and work you put into something, the more you will retain the information you are given.

Practice Writing

When you practice writing, you are not only working on your reading but, your handwriting too! Also, just writing down the information you learned helps you retain it better.

Find A Way to Make it Fun!

Last but not least, make it fun! Now, this is up to you and your personal preference. You could use different colors when taking notes to make them pop more or use flashcards. Whatever really works for you.

I hope this helps you! Until next time,
rof. Min


Honestly, it’s so annoying when you speak 2 or more languages that use different keyboards and when you type fast you accidentally hit that globe button that switches keyboards and Прости

Some of you may have seen the video I did on my study planner but I thought I would do a post on it Some of you may have seen the video I did on my study planner but I thought I would do a post on it Some of you may have seen the video I did on my study planner but I thought I would do a post on it Some of you may have seen the video I did on my study planner but I thought I would do a post on it Some of you may have seen the video I did on my study planner but I thought I would do a post on it

Some of you may have seen the video I did on my study planner but I thought I would do a post on it too ^^ I’ve been working on a downloadable/printable study planner designed specifically with language learners in mind! It includes over 30 different pages that you can print as many times as you need. It’s meant to be flexible to each learner so you can pick and choose the pages you need and the order in which you need them. 

Pages include:

100 days of productivity
Books to read/films to watch in your target language
Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly planner pages
Goals and grade trackers
Key phrases, grammar, vocabulary and verbs pages
Language study tracker
Lesson summary and reflective learning journal
Reading, writing, speaking and listening focus pages
Resources and wishlist

You can download it here!

Post link