#pope x kiara


Hazel Brown- John B Routledge

Summary: AU where your world is in black and white until you meet your soulmate, then everything turns into color.

Word count: 1,317

Warnings: none

Y/A: your age

Y/N: Your name

Soulmates. Everyone had one, couples pranced around you living in color while you were stuck in your own black and white world. You envied the people who would go out and watch the sunset or rise. You envied the people who went to art galleries and saw true color. You were hurt that you had spent Y/A years on this earth and have not found your soulmate yet.

John B Routledge was just like you; he was resentful of his peers who had found their love. He nearly lost his mind when JJ and Kiara saw colors once they had met. He just wanted to find the one to take to a flower garden, or take a trip outside of the Outer Banks. But he too was stuck in his own world of jet black colors and bland greys. 


Another day, another shift of working at the ice cream parlor at The Cut. Working in a shop full of colors you couldn’t see was a pain in the ass, but you forced yourself to memorize the location of each of the ice cream tubs.

“Can I help you?” You called out to the boy who was eyeing the tubs, squinting. The boy jumped at your voice, taking him out of his trance. “Yeah. Yeah sorry I’m just… frustrated.” He exhaled, raking his hand through his hair.

“You can’t see color either can you?” You asked, propping yourself against the cooler. He shook his head in response, “welcome to the club, the name’s Y/N.” You offered you a soft smile as you told him your name. “JJ Maybank.”

 "If it makes it easier for you I can let you try a sample of something. I also know where everything is by memory if you know the flavors you want.“ JJ was very thankful that you were so understanding, many places haven’t been so kind.

"I’m ordering for all my friends. But uh I need a small cookie dough, medium brownie cake batter, small mint chocolate chip, and a large sherbert please.” JJ looked up and counted on his fingers as he recalled the orders his friends wanted.

He paid as you scooped the ice cream into bowls, softly singing along to the music that played off the store’s speakers. After you finished the bowls you put them in a paper bag for him to carry. You two stood aside chatting about how you moved here a few months ago, his life, and just life in general. A trio of teens walked into the parlor, one of them jumping onto JJ’s back, nearly knocking him to the ground.

You covered your smile with your hand, chuckling at JJ’s groans. “What’s taking you so long, Maybank?” The girl asked.

“I got distracted talking to Y/N okay? You know I get distracted by pretty girls.” You jokingly rolled your eyes, only imagining how many times he has used that on a girl.

“Y/N this is Kiara, Pope, and John B.” He pointed out to his friends as he introduced them. As soon as you made eye contact with John B, both of you dropped to the ground, a sharp pain in your heads. It only lasted about 20 seconds, JJ ran to the other side of the counter to help you up, Pope and Kiara helping John B.

Your shut eyes slowly opened, looking at John B who was already looking at you. Your eyes met his brown ones; brown! You started to see color, you slowly took in every little thing near you. You dropped your ice cream scooper in shock as your eyes began watering, you stepped closer to John B as he  stared at you in awe, taking in everything about you. He could see in color; he took in the color of your hair, your eyes, your skin, even your clothes. 

You two were in complete shock, mouths gaped. His friends smiled to themselves as they grabbed their bag of ice cream before sneaking out of the store, leaving you two by yourselves.

“You… you’re… you… I can see colors.” He whispered. Your heart was racing a mile a minute as he walked towards you. You reached your hand out in hopes he’d take it to follow you into the back room.

You led him back there, both your heads turning in different directions taking in all the colors you could. He placed his hand delicately on your cheek as he stroked his thumb against it. “You’re real.” You muttered, smiling brightly. He pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms tightly around your body. You melted into his touch as he rested his cheek on the top of your head. 

“God I never thought this day would come.” He thought out loud. You two pulled away, his hand still holding your arm. “I get off at 5, would you want to go maybe look at the sunset? We could get food and go up to the roof.” His face blushed at your offer. He softly nodded his head as your heart was pounding. “Yeah I would love that." 


Your shift ended, making your nerves spike at an all time high. Hanging up your apron in the back room, you walked out to see John B sitting in a booth, anxiously tapping his leg. You approached him with your hand extended out towards him. "You ready?” You asked. He answered your question by intertwining his fingers with yours. He slid out of the booth, holding a picnic basket in his hand.

Your heart skipped a beat at just how sweet he was. He led you two out of the parlor and into his beautifully decorated van. “This, this is a piece of art.” You smiled, looking at the stickers everywhere.

“Finally! Someone appreciates my art. Also I’m sorry for the weed smell, JJ usually hot boxes the whole van in the back.” JB explained, one hand on the steering wheel, the other still holding your hand.

“It’s all good, I get it.” You smiled as he pulled up to the beach. Finding a spot, John B laid a large towel on the sand, sitting down with his legs crossed. You happily joined him, biting your bottom lip as he pulled out a small bouquet of roses. “You’re a true cliché, aren’t you John B?” You asked after inhaling the relaxing scent of the flowers.

“Only for my soulmate.” He winked.

You two spent the entire time talking. Every minute you two spent together was filled with conversations and laughter. It came to a pause when you finally looked at the setting sun. The sky was a beautiful mix of pinks and oranges, white fluffy clouds slowly disappearing. The way the color of the blue waves clashed against the bright ones of the sky.

“It’s beautiful.” You whispered, squeezing his hand in yours. John B looked down at your intertwined hands before looking at you again. “It certainly is.”

John B used his index finger to hold the bottom of your chin, making you look at him. His eyes looked in yours, practically asking for permission to kiss you. You gladly leaned forward and pressed your lips against his, feeling like you were on a high.

You’ve kissed other guys before, but knowing that you were kissing your soulmate truly felt like a blessing. You’ve never experienced this kind of passion in your life, igniting the flames in your stomach.

Before things got too intense in the make out session, he pulled away. Gently biting your bottom lip, a chill was sent down her spine. “You know what my favorite color is?” You asked, your thumb swiping across his bottom lip.


“Hazel brown.” You said, noticing the details of his eyes. How when the sunlight hit it at the right angle, it looked like honey.

“Oh right, and I’m the cliché.”
