#possessive villain



Hero groaned as they slowly came to consciousness. Wincing a couple of times as the bright light stung their eyes. They blinked a couple of times, recoiling as dirt particles seeped into their eyes. Hero went to rub the sleep away- stopped by a burning pain, shooting up Hero’s wrist as they wriggled against their binds. They tried a few more times in hopes to loosen the rope. It was no use.

Fuck, these are tight, Hero thought. No need to panic though, they still had time to come up with a plan.

“Oh look, you areawake”

Hero’s entire body froze.

“I was starting to think that I hit you a little toohard.”

Hero followed the voice. To their left was Villain, sitting at the end of the table, cutting into their steak. Laid out in front of them was what looked like a full course meal. Silverware and all. A servant walked over to the table with a bottle of wine in hand, offering to refill Villains glass. Villain nodded, never taking their eyes off of Hero.

This must be Villains house, Hero thought. They took in their surroundings. From all the hallways and entree-ways, there was no clear exit. They tried to look where the servants were coming and going, but whatever door that was, was just outside of Hero’s line of sight.

“I know you have questions.” Said Villain, taking a bite of their meal. “But right now, you will listen, carefully, and only listen to what I have to say, yeah?”

Hero just stared at them. It’s not like I have much of a choice, Hero wanted to say, so badly. But bit their tongue. They thought it was wiser that way.

“Absolutely not one word from you until i’m finished okay?”

Hero nodded.

Villain smirked, taking a sip of their wine. They leaned back in their seat. Never taking their eyes off of Hero. Servants quickly came to clear the table.

I wonder if i’m dessert, Hero lightly chuckled to themselves. But they weren’t keen on finding out.

Villain seemed to have read their mind.

“You know, I’ve always wondered what keeps you going.”

Hero shifts uncomfortably in their seat.

“I thought it was the money- but i’ve been in your apartment, so it’s not that.”

Fuck you Villain.

“Then I thought, maybe it was your childhood.”

Hero stilled.

“But I went through all your school records. Average grades, above average at sports, seemingly popular. Decent home life. Mommy and Daddy always did their best… We’re you always this cute?”

Villain pulled out a small wallet sized photo, admiring it for a second before sliding it across the table towards Hero. Hero recognized it. It was one of their school portraits from middle school. Taken straight from their parents fridge.

Hero swallowed the bile that threatened to crawl of their throat. They took a deep breath, hoping the nausea would pass.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

On the other hand, Villain was enjoying this. All of it. It’s the most fun they’ve had in weeks. They chuckle to themselves.

“I looked into your dating life. Few partners. Many one night stands though. You have a type for dark hair and eyes with wonderful smiles. The last one was named, Sam? Good taste I have to say.”

Alarms went off in Hero’s head. They felt dizzy and they erupted into a coughing fit. Nothing seemed to work properly anymore. Their breathing stopped, their heartbeat quickened. The world seemed to slowdown but speed up at the same time. They let out a strangled whimper through the gag around their mouth.

How, the fuck do they know that?!

“Oh dear, let me…” Villain waved their hand and a servant went to grab a glass, filling it with water. It took all of Hero’s strength to not flinch away as Villain reached forward, curling their hands under the cloth gag and undoing the knot.

Villain gently grabbed Hero’s chin, tilting it back. “Drink up.”

Hero obeyed.

“There…” Villain said satisfied as they ran their thumb across Hero’s lip, wiping away the spilled water on Hero’s chin. Who tried their best to not shiver under Villains touch.

They gently pat Hero’s cheek before placing the glass back onto the table and gave Hero a small smile before sitting back down.

“No need to panic. I didn’t hurt them. It’s not them I am interested in, it’s you.”

You sick fuck.

Hero tried at the restraints again. The rope digging tighter into their skin. I need to leave, I need to leave, I need to leave.

Ignoring Hero’s distress, Villain continued. “The only conclusion I’ve been able to come up with is that… Well, you like the excitement just as much as I do.”

Then, Villain launched out of their seat and grabbed Hero’s chair, pulling it out from the table, spinning it to face them. A wicked smile grew on Villains face.


Hero felt small as Villain towered over them. Placing their hands on the headrest, caging Hero in. It took everything in Hero not to lash out. To scream at them. Hit them. Bite them. To tell them to fuck off and go straight to hell.

“You see I live for understanding my enemies. And you, I don’t understand.”

Villain leaned in closer, their noses practically touching. Goosebumps erupted all over Hero’s body. Villains hot breath invading Hero’s personal space.

Hero didn’t dare to break eye contact.

“But I don’t think it’s that simple. You aren’t that simple, and I am going to find out why.”
