#hero x villain prompt


“Oh, darling,” the villain sighed, voice laced with mocking pity. They crossed their arms lightly over their chest as they leaned back against the doorframe, each casual movement lined with grace and power.

The hero froze in place at the sight of them, suddenly unable to move, to breathe. Their legs that had been prepared to run and run and run, forever and ever until their lungs gave out, until the villain could never find them again, now trembled in place as their heartbeat spiraled out of control, thundering so loud in their chest that they couldn’t think beyond a panicked no, no, no—

The villain only smiled, cruelty gleaming sharp in their eyes as they strode slowly toward their prey.

“Did you really think I’d let you leave?”

Please,” the villain whispered.

They didn’t fight as they were thrown into the cell, only stared at the hero with pleading eyes so full of guilt and regret—and so at odds with the cruel, merciless eyes of the villain who had slaughtered innocents and leveled cities without a second thought.

“Please, just one more chance. I’m trying—I’m trying so hard to be better, for you,” they pleaded, kneeling on the floor of the cell. “Please, please don’t leave me here again—”

“You’re out of chances,” the hero said—cold, unflinching, apathetic. They should have felt some pride at the sight of the mighty villain kneeling, begging at their feet, but they were so tired of dealing with this, of putting up with the same act over and over again, that they felt nothing.

And whatever small part of the hero that had tried, over and over again, to hope, to forgive… it shattered as they slammed the cell door shut on the villain.

“I hate you,” the hero snarled, burning with the force of their rage. “You deserve to suffer, to die for the things you’ve done—”

“Oh, come on, darling,” the villain laughed, stalking closer and closer to the hero’s outstretched blade. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

The hero didn’t, couldn’t, pull away from the villain’s touch—not as strong, gentle fingers traced a line down their cheek and along their lips, not as their traitorous heart started beating faster, faster, faster.

“You’ve always been so terrible at lying.”

“Please,” the hero whispered, blade slipping through their fingers to clatter against the stone floor.

They had no strength left to fight this, to do anything but stare in terror as the villain’s power swirled around them, an angry mass of shadows stretching farther and farther out into the world. The villain only laughed, cold and cruel, as that monstrous power burst out of them.

Please, you don’t want to do this.”

“Oh, darling,” the villain sighed, the words laced with venom, a maniacal gleam in their eyes that was beyond saving, beyond stopping. “I most definitely do.”

“Please,” the villain whispered, “just stay. We can talk about this—”

“I have nothing to say to you,” the hero snarled, pushing past the villain.

Wait.” The villain grabbed the hero by the arm, a desperate pleading in their eyes as they met the hero’s stare. “Please, I can’t lose you.”

Shame flushed bright red across the villain’s cheeks—shame at their own weakness, at the vulnerability they couldn’t hide—but the hero only jerked their arm away, anger burning in their eyes.

“I am not yours to have or lose.”

“I can’t do it,” the hero whispered, hands shaking.

They had the villain pinned beneath them, tip of their blade balanced directly over the villain’s heart, yet they couldn’t bring theirself to land that killing blow. Victory was theirs, yet they couldn’t bring theirself to take it.

“Pathetic,”the villain snarled, spitting in the hero’s face. “You’ve always been such acoward.”

Maybe so, the hero thought as they shifted their weight, lowered their blade. Maybe they weren’t cut out for this, to fight and defeat a monster that they only felt sorry for.

The hero reached down to help the villain to their feet, but the villain only scowled at the outstretched hand, at the pity in the hero’s eyes.

“If you can’t do it, I will,” the villain snarled, and plunged their blade deep into the hero’s chest.

“No,” the villain gasped, falling to their knees beside the hero’s body. “No, no, no.”

They pressed their hands to the hero’s chest in a pitiful attempt to stop the bleeding. They were shaking from head to toe, trembling as panic built up in their chest. The hero couldn’t die. The hero couldn’t die. The hero couldn’t die.

“Hey, it’s okay,” the hero whispered, placing a hand over the villain’s, intertwining their fingers together, holding them close to their heart.

“You promised me you’d be okay. You promised me you would live,” the villain whimpered, a single tear falling down their cheek. “You promised.”

The hero only let their eyes fall shut with a final sigh, a soft smile twisting up the corners of their lips.

“Sometimes it’s easier to lie.”

It was the fear that froze the villain in their tracks. It was the fear that dug a knife into the villain’s heart, brought tears to their eyes, sent shards of glass shattering through their soul.

It was the pure, undiluted terror that shone in the hero’s eyes, the tremors that racked their entire body, and those broken whimpers that broke from their throat… God. The villain’s hand went limp at the sight of it, weapon falling forgotten to the floor.

The hero flinched at the sound. “Y-you… you’re not going to kill me?” they whispered, the words barely more than a shaky breath that broke the villain’s heart.

No,” the villain whispered, falling to their knees beside the trembling hero, taking the hero’s hands in their own and holding them tight.


The hero’s strength was lagging. They could feel exhaustion pulling at their bones, in every clash of swords that sent them staggering back a few steps.

They were on the verge of losing, but they had been outmatched from the very beginning. Every move they made, every breath they took, was just a delay of the inevitable, a hopeless battle against fate itself.

And the hero was so, so tired of fighting.

They barely registered the feeling of the sword slipping through their fingers. Barely registered the shock that shot down every nerve as their knees crashed into the cold stone floor.

You don’t get to quit,” the villain snarled, but the hero barely heard the words, the world around them fading to a dull buzzing in their ears. “Pick up your sword and fight back!”

But the hero had no fight left in them.

“I trusted you,” the hero whispered, blinking fast against the flow of tears.

The wounded beats of the hero’s heart were the only sound to break the silence stretched thin across the room. The hero lifted their head to meet the villain’s eyes, searching for something there—some guilt or regret or pain to match the hero’s own—but there was nothing. The villain was nothing more than a statue, cold and unmoving, eyes dark and empty when they finally opened their mouth to speak.

“Your mistake.”

“Leave me alone.”

The words were cracked and broken, muffled with the hero’s head buried in their arms. They didn’t bother to look up as the villain entered the cell. They didn’t bother to hide their pain, their fear.

“I’m sorry,” the villain whispered, watching the hero’s shoulders shake with silent tears.

“I really thought somebody would come to save you.”

“Look… if.. if I’m being honest…” the villain said quietly, “I don’t really know what love is… or what it’s supposed to feel like…”

They looked up, meeting the hero’s eyes, “but… it feels like the only word that can properly describe what happens every time I look at you,”

“You do know harassment is illegal, right?” The hero asked, smiling teasingly as they twirled their handcuffs on a single finger. They stepped in front of the villain, putting themselves between their lover and their unwelcome guest.

The civilian in front of them paled, watching as the hero’s eyes raked over them. Their face and tone may have been cheery, but their eyes were hard with warning.

“Being a villain is also illegal,” the civilian argued.

“What’s on your mind?” The villain asked their right hand.

“Huh-?” The other flinched.

“I can always tell when you’ve got something on your mind,” the villain answered the unspoken question, before reclining back on the couch, “so, out with it then. What’s on your mind?”

Their right hand took a deep breath, “I want out,”

The hero turned the corner, eyes scanning the scene before they huffed in annoyance and defeat. Damn it! They’d lost the villain again!

They turned to kick the wall in annoyance.

Suddenly, something pushed them forward, chest against the cold brick in front of them.

“Looking for someone?” A voice purred in their ear.

I hope you enjoy!

[Super Villain] sighed as they let the door click shut. Today went off perfectly, but as far as [Super Villain] was concerned, it was an utter disaster.

They had dreamed of the day they would marry [Hero], they had told [Other Super Villain] many times of their plans to win their love.

They had never planned on [Other Super Villain] blackmailing [Hero] into marrying [Super Villain].

Now, they were left in the shards of their broken dreams in a loveless marriage. Maybe they could think of some way to win [Hero]’s love still..? No, the dirty looks and contempt radiating off of [Hero] the entire time shattered their hope even further. They stared silently at the door as they wallowed in their self-pity, only for their depressive thoughts to be broken by a giggle.

[Super Villain] blinked in confusion before pressing an ear to the door. For a moment, they thought their mind was playing tricks on them until it happened again, more giggling.

“I can’t believe I’m actually married to [Super Villain].” [Hero]’s gleeful voice, “I knew going to [Other Super Villain] was a great idea!”

I hope you enjoy some fluff!

Their plan was working perfectly. A few doey-eyed pleas and some sad story about their nightmare and [Hero] and [Villain] were in the palm of their hand.

[Child] very gently pried themself out of [Hero]’s hold as the two capes snoozed. [Hero], fast asleep, seemed to notice the sudden lack of [Child] and blindly groped for them, only for their arms to wrap themselves around [Villain]. [Heor] pulled [Villain] in close, a happy hum vibrating in [Villain]’s unconscious chest.

Yes, the plan was working absolutely perfectly.

I don’t think I’ve written any in the past, but I can now! I hope you enjoy!

“Well, this is awkward,” [Villain] huffed as they sat down, their soul mark’s glow illuminating the darkened warehouse.

[Hero] frowned at their own soul mark as well, its traitorous flame burning oh so brightly after its brush with its other half.

“So, what do we do?” [Hero] sighed. They didn’t want their other half to be [Villain], and they didn’t know what it said about them that it was. But their soul marks glow burned away any attempt at rebuttal.

“Go on a date, I guess?” [Villain] replied.

“What kind of food do you like?” [Hero] asked as they sat next to [Villain].

“I’m not picky, so it’s your choice.”

[Hero] really didn’t want their soulmate to be [Villain]. But they would eventually.

I hope you enjoy!

“I just…” [Villain] trailed off as they averted their gaze from [Hero], the wind swooping from above the bridge they were hiding under.

“I don’t want to ruin your life over this. Over me.”

“My love,” [Hero] cupped their face, pulling [Villain]’s gaze to their shining hero once more.

“Before I met you, my life was just an endless series of challenges and fights for other people. You showed me how to live for myself. If you’re worried about ruining my life, know that you are the person who gave me a life worth ruining.”

[Hero] pulled [Villain] into their arms, and they melted into each other as the world turned around them.


Hero groaned as they slowly came to consciousness. Wincing a couple of times as the bright light stung their eyes. They blinked a couple of times, recoiling as dirt particles seeped into their eyes. Hero went to rub the sleep away- stopped by a burning pain, shooting up Hero’s wrist as they wriggled against their binds. They tried a few more times in hopes to loosen the rope. It was no use.

Fuck, these are tight, Hero thought. No need to panic though, they still had time to come up with a plan.

“Oh look, you areawake”

Hero’s entire body froze.

“I was starting to think that I hit you a little toohard.”

Hero followed the voice. To their left was Villain, sitting at the end of the table, cutting into their steak. Laid out in front of them was what looked like a full course meal. Silverware and all. A servant walked over to the table with a bottle of wine in hand, offering to refill Villains glass. Villain nodded, never taking their eyes off of Hero.

This must be Villains house, Hero thought. They took in their surroundings. From all the hallways and entree-ways, there was no clear exit. They tried to look where the servants were coming and going, but whatever door that was, was just outside of Hero’s line of sight.

“I know you have questions.” Said Villain, taking a bite of their meal. “But right now, you will listen, carefully, and only listen to what I have to say, yeah?”

Hero just stared at them. It’s not like I have much of a choice, Hero wanted to say, so badly. But bit their tongue. They thought it was wiser that way.

“Absolutely not one word from you until i’m finished okay?”

Hero nodded.

Villain smirked, taking a sip of their wine. They leaned back in their seat. Never taking their eyes off of Hero. Servants quickly came to clear the table.

I wonder if i’m dessert, Hero lightly chuckled to themselves. But they weren’t keen on finding out.

Villain seemed to have read their mind.

“You know, I’ve always wondered what keeps you going.”

Hero shifts uncomfortably in their seat.

“I thought it was the money- but i’ve been in your apartment, so it’s not that.”

Fuck you Villain.

“Then I thought, maybe it was your childhood.”

Hero stilled.

“But I went through all your school records. Average grades, above average at sports, seemingly popular. Decent home life. Mommy and Daddy always did their best… We’re you always this cute?”

Villain pulled out a small wallet sized photo, admiring it for a second before sliding it across the table towards Hero. Hero recognized it. It was one of their school portraits from middle school. Taken straight from their parents fridge.

Hero swallowed the bile that threatened to crawl of their throat. They took a deep breath, hoping the nausea would pass.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

On the other hand, Villain was enjoying this. All of it. It’s the most fun they’ve had in weeks. They chuckle to themselves.

“I looked into your dating life. Few partners. Many one night stands though. You have a type for dark hair and eyes with wonderful smiles. The last one was named, Sam? Good taste I have to say.”

Alarms went off in Hero’s head. They felt dizzy and they erupted into a coughing fit. Nothing seemed to work properly anymore. Their breathing stopped, their heartbeat quickened. The world seemed to slowdown but speed up at the same time. They let out a strangled whimper through the gag around their mouth.

How, the fuck do they know that?!

“Oh dear, let me…” Villain waved their hand and a servant went to grab a glass, filling it with water. It took all of Hero’s strength to not flinch away as Villain reached forward, curling their hands under the cloth gag and undoing the knot.

Villain gently grabbed Hero’s chin, tilting it back. “Drink up.”

Hero obeyed.

“There…” Villain said satisfied as they ran their thumb across Hero’s lip, wiping away the spilled water on Hero’s chin. Who tried their best to not shiver under Villains touch.

They gently pat Hero’s cheek before placing the glass back onto the table and gave Hero a small smile before sitting back down.

“No need to panic. I didn’t hurt them. It’s not them I am interested in, it’s you.”

You sick fuck.

Hero tried at the restraints again. The rope digging tighter into their skin. I need to leave, I need to leave, I need to leave.

Ignoring Hero’s distress, Villain continued. “The only conclusion I’ve been able to come up with is that… Well, you like the excitement just as much as I do.”

Then, Villain launched out of their seat and grabbed Hero’s chair, pulling it out from the table, spinning it to face them. A wicked smile grew on Villains face.


Hero felt small as Villain towered over them. Placing their hands on the headrest, caging Hero in. It took everything in Hero not to lash out. To scream at them. Hit them. Bite them. To tell them to fuck off and go straight to hell.

“You see I live for understanding my enemies. And you, I don’t understand.”

Villain leaned in closer, their noses practically touching. Goosebumps erupted all over Hero’s body. Villains hot breath invading Hero’s personal space.

Hero didn’t dare to break eye contact.

“But I don’t think it’s that simple. You aren’t that simple, and I am going to find out why.”
