#prev tags so true




every character design can be improved if you give them brown eyes

think about it - what’s more impactful than the absolute love and warmth when you gaze into brown eyes? or the darkness that encompasses them when the person is angry? nothing is.


the main ways I rectify my issues with pjo/hoo are:

  1. Only the events of pjo are canon. Everything thereafter does not exist.
  2. Only the events of pjo are canon. Everything thereafter I consider a canon divergence. I pick and choose what characters and events I like, rewrite hoo in my head, and continue on the hopeful note and themes that pjo left us with.
  3. If hoo must be considered canon, it is Percy’s slow arc into realizing the gods haven’t changed and that he must take them down. 


gerard way revenge era2022x


real talk? debut (taylor’s version) is going to absolutely destroy this fandom. obliterate everyone’s rankings. the girlies will listen to tied together with a smile for the first time and never be the same


out of curiosity, does everyone have a certain type of character they get attached to or are urs random


having a blorbo be like “Omg have you seen that one scene where he closes the door ????? Oh and that other scene where he’s eating food ???!!!!!!! omg I love him so much ✨✨✨”


what’s the funniest show that could be pitched to someone tumblr style like “omg watch this there is a gay character and autistic representation!”


for #lydiamartinappreciationweek @softranswolves

just keep following the heartlines on your hand.




shut up about timothee chalamet shut up about tom holland they will never be anything

shut up and let me love my lipless white boys

no. have you heard of daniel day lewis.


good music should beat the shit out of you


The Suzanne Rant for today from 2.02 “Ted and Tammy,” in which she compares Mary Jo’s ex-husband’s too-nice new girlfriend to an old nemesis is another one that that is in permanent rotation in my brain. So much so that my phone knows to auto fill Valdosta after I type “Miss.”

Suzanne: Oh feel bad my foot. Don’t you believe it for a second. Isized her up the minute she walked in here. You wanna know who she is? I’ll tell you who she is. She’s Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that you just cannot be nice to the Miss Valdosta Feed and Grains of the world.

Julia: Suzanne, I know you pride yourself on having a pageant story for every occasion, but why not give Mary Jo a break on this one?

Suzanne: I’m just trying to be helpful, Julia. Now you know, there’s a reason women like that wanna be close to you. You have to be close to someone to knife ‘em. Happened to me at the local pageant level.

Julia: Well now you’ve raised the hair on the back of our necks. I mean a local-pageant-level story. These are the ones I love to hear again andagain.

Suzanne: Ok, you can go ahead and make fun. But when I and Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain and a bunch of other girls were up for Miss Atlanta, it was Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain who pretended to be my best friend. It was Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain who insisted on being my roommate.

Julia: If you have to say it, abbreviate it. Just call her Miss Feed or Miss Grain. You’re giving me a headache.

Suzanne: Well now you’ve ruined the story.

Mary Jo: It doesn’t matter! I get the point. This woman pretended to be your friend and wasn’t. I don’t understand what motive Tammy would have for that or why she would be interested in getting my kids.

Suzanne:Because she’s interested in anything that’ll make her the queen bee. That’s the way those Miss Valdosta Feed and Grains are! They constantly compete with other women.

Julia: Suzanne, I hate to say it, but this is beginning to sound a lot like you.

Suzanne:Just what are you saying, Julia? Are you calling me a Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain?

Julia:I had always hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but…


blonde men have done nothing for our society





I like how like… with every new piece of Star Wars media that paints Tatooine as more and more of a shithole where everyone is a murderous crimelord the funnier it gets that Luke Skywalker just grew up on this planet completely normal.

Like I’m envisioning a normal day at Tosche Station where a cyborg biker and a  Twi'lek prostitute are stabbing each other over a bag of spice and then it just pans over to this fresh-faced nancy boy sitting at a table sipping on his blue milk going “oh golly, I sure do love power converters!”

Ok listen. Listen to me. Sometimes rural towns are just like that. I know someone who shot his cousin because they were playing with live ammo in their backyard and he never went to court. One time a guy who was driving my friend to school said “watch this” and snorted cocaine off of the steering wheel as he was turning a corner. And at the same time you will graduate alongside people who are completely innocent and have no idea shit went down. You will meet 17-year-olds who still don’t know how pregnancy works. This is one of the most realistic decisions in Star Wars

Luke thought his father was a navigator on a spice freighter, brought a rifle out to the desert with him in case he ran into the Sand People, and immediately got to wiping 3p0 and R2 of any identifying features because he knew the Jawas stole them. Luke knew damn well what kind of planet he lived on, but since he wasn’t personally involved in it crime was just another boring chore.

Luke: I want to join the Rebellion. 

Uncle Owen: What do you want to leave the planet for, huh? Treason here not good enough for you all of a sudden? We’ve got plenty of laws to violate right here.

Luke: I want to make a difference!

Uncle Owen: You can commit crime at home when your chores are done. No need to go anywhere else.
