#prince leopold


tried to take a photo of leo while the power was out but the fire was going. power kicked back on RIGHT as i took the photo and it looked like his god powers were activating.

throwback of the og princes hanging out with the queen herself—while she wasn’t awake enough to drive them out of her castle

leo believing in his power to bite through a screen

leo and daffodil performing a most sacred duty…

bird watching.

another most excellent leo pose. it looks like he is preparing a swan dive.

an animal’s greatest defense mechanism against humans is looking impossibly cute. leo has this on lock.

only leo uses this particular cat bed, and he knows how to achieve peak comfort with it.

new kittens vs old kittens (aka this tower is universally loved by all the kitties)

head empty, only box

fun #cat fact! in a cat-filled household, violence is ALWAYS the answer

Lone Hess & CubLone Hess & CubLone Hess & CubLone Hess & CubLone Hess & Cub

Lone Hess & Cub

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