#princess connect

I was looking through my old Magic cards when I saw the funny formatting for Crystal Shard’s activatI was looking through my old Magic cards when I saw the funny formatting for Crystal Shard’s activat

I was looking through my old Magic cards when I saw the funny formatting for Crystal Shard’s activation cost. And I started thinking… isn’t this just “numbered hybrid mana” that uses a 3 for the colorless cost instead of a 2? Can someone please confirm for me if I’m understanding this correctly. These are both exactly the same card, right?

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I was looking through my old Magic cards when I saw the funny formatting for Crystal Shard’s activatI was looking through my old Magic cards when I saw the funny formatting for Crystal Shard’s activat

I was looking through my old Magic cards when I saw the funny formatting for Crystal Shard’s activation cost. And I started thinking… isn’t this just “numbered hybrid mana” that uses a 3 for the colorless cost instead of a 2? Can someone please confirm for me if I’m understanding this correctly. These are both exactly the same card, right?

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