#pro birth


God I am so painfully tired of pro-birther rhetoric.

Even when years of Catholic brainwashing made me “pro-life”, I knew when life began was not the argument. This was a legal discussion- when the rightto life began was the question. When does one become a legal person? Now, the only answer that actually makes sense is birth, not conception or anytime in between.

But the thing is, is that that doesn’t matter either. Because legal persons are still not entitled to the bodies of other people. You would never,ever be forced to hand me over your lung. Why do I have to hand someone my uterus?

I don’t care if you believe life begins at conception. I don’t care if you think legal personhood begins at conception. I don’t care if you think a fetus is an innocent baby and that abortion is murder.

I want you to explain to me, concisely, why I should be legally obligated to keep a fetus alive, but you are not legally obligated to walk around with one kidney and one lung. And then I want you to shut up, because no matter what your answer is, it boils down to “I have the right to bodily autonomy, and you don’t.”

I can literally hold identical views to what I did when I was religious- that life begins at conception, that fetuses are people, that the unborn should have rights, that abortion is the taking of a life, that how you got pregnant doesn’t matter- and stillarrive at a prochoice conclusion. Because it’s my body. And it’s my choice who I lend it out to.
