

Office romance where Ginny is in full support and Harry might never get there

Also I found a new brush set for hair so I’m trying it out and branching out from the 3 brushes I somehow use for everything

One of my favorite tropes (thanks to The Fallout) is order Draco and Hermione.

So I imagine this would happen during a battle where Hermione got hurt

The process of my latest dramione art…. that took waaaaaaaay too long

This was just supposed to be a quick sketch… and then I just kept going

Now that it’s finally warm out… I felt the need to draw Draco in a winter coat

some mobbu as a hero student!! got inspired after reading @bunnyscribe‘sfic

happy belated bday ️itsu!!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

ft rejected dad!reigen,,, least he tried

this is appropriate for april fools right?

(also tag this as se//bac//iel and i hope you step on a lego)

how many times did you lock her in here?

how many times did you make her cry?
