#project update


It’s gonna take my computer 20+ minutes to finish rendering it but the video is done. Not sure how long it’ll take to get up on Youtube but it’s finished!

Hello faithful readers! It’s time for another brief project update to keep you up to speed on how things are going behind the scenes in the world of DSMP Tarot!

Keep reading below the cut for updates and a new special sneak peek!

As we mentioned last update, the date for final submissions is currently June 7th. We are expecting preorders to be open around mid-to-late June or early July! Keep an eye out for an official date announcement.

Our second check-in went smoothly and all our contributors are creating absolutely breathtaking works we can’t wait to share with you! As we get closer to preorders and start final submissions, we’ll be able to start sharing our previews with you so you can get a look at part of most cards. We might even reveal a full card or two!

We wanted to take time in this update to explain briefly how previews will be working, for anyone who isn’t familiar with zines and other related projects, just to make sure people aren’t confused. Each contributor in the project will receive a special spotlight graphic, and in that graphic we will show a preview of the card (or one of the cards), merch, or writing they have done for us. You’ll be seeing about ¼ to 1/3 of the main focus of the full card, so you can get an idea of what the deck is going to look like in its full form (and start sleuthing out some of those card subjects, if you’re curious!). We function like any zine project, meaning we will not show the full art before project completion, though we might, as we said, reveal a full card or two during preorders for some fun. Why do we do this? Because customers are paying for an exclusive, limited edition product, and it would be unfair to them, especially those purchasing our PDF bundle, if the art was fully viewable before they receive their copies. It’s not an attempt to be sneaky, cheat people, or sell a subpar product; it’s how nearly all of these products work, rest assured. We encourage anyone who finds themself truly uncomfortable with purchasing during preorders to stick around until project leftovers, after all the preorders have been sent out and full pieces posted for them to look through and decide if they want a copy. Hopefully this explanation makes things clear for anyone who might have been confused!

And now, as a treat for your support and continued interest, we’d like to reveal to you our official card back and border! Each card will have the same back and a border on the front with the card name added by Mod Ly, our incredible graphics mod and designer of our lovely template here.

This is just a sample version of the front with placeholder text that our artists have been using during creation; for production, Mod Ly will be adding each card’s name individually. It’s a spin on the Rider-Waite card borders—and many other deck borders!—custom-made to match our project branding! Among other reasons, we’ve added this border to make the deck appear as cohesive a unit as possible, since we have such a wonderful range of artists contributing to the deck. The sized-down preview files are a little blurry thanks to tumblr crunching the quality, but the full version is extremely high-quality and print-ready, don’t worry ;)

That’s all for now! Be sure to keep an eye out for future project updates, as we’re getting closer and closer to time for previews and preorders! Thank you for your interest and support so far. We’re so happy to be bringing you this project, and here’s a little something for the road….

Hello all! As we’re fast approaching our second check-in and closing in towards final submissions, we thought now would be a good time to post an update and give followers a little peek into the inner workings of our project.

Keep reading below the cut for updates and a special sneak peek!

First, as some of you might have noticed, we have adjusted our schedule slightly and pushed all the check-ins and final submissions by a week. This was to help lighten the load on our contributors (and mods!), many of whom are students in some capacity and are currently working through finals this time of year. Our new final submissions date is June 7th, so preorders will be happening sometime after that. You can check out our full schedule here on Tumblr or here on our carrd!

We had a few contributors drop, so we’ve brought on two pinch hitters: the lovely cynosaurandconkopodwii! Thanks to their hard work, all cards are still on track to be finished on time.

We are currently coming up on our second check-in as we mentioned before, and everything from the writing to the merch to the cards is looking excellent so far. We’re beyond excited to share this project with you, and we hope you’re as excited as we are!

As a special treat, we have a preview of one of our merch items to show you—the rough draft of our sticker sheet, done by the incredible Shekmate! The theme is special items and pets from around the SMP!

Keep an eye out for future project updates, as we’re getting closer and closer to time for previews and preorders! Thank you for your interest and support so far. We’re so happy to be bringing you this project.

We’d like to update you all that due to holiday and personal delays in judging applications, we have elected to push emails back by a week until January 13th! We will be adjusting the rest of our schedule to reflect this, changes available shortly.

Thank you, and we’ll see you next week!

WithThe Next World Tarot, Cristy C. Road reimagines the ancient practice of tarot card reading as a vehicle for social justice. The illustrated cards tell stories about “smashing systematic oppression, owning our truth, and being accountable to the people and places that support us.” 

Over 500 backers helped bring the project to life in 2015. Recently, Road shared some of the final designs for The Next World Tarot in a project update. Read on to learn more about her process and see some of the final designs. 


Greetings from the secret offices of Cristy C. Road, where I live my life as a dinosaur and infrequently use social media. I’m here to share with you some card layouts and a contact sheet of 50 or so finished cards.  

Some of these cards have been re-drawn multiple times — over years or days — as some of the original themes have become irrelevant to the deck’s final voice. Despite that, the more I reach for the most complex stars, the longer it takes to create something I’m happy with.

It’s been a long haul and I’m so happy to be edging on the finish line.


Read the full project update here.
