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“Kill your darlings.” “Sweat the details.” And: “If playing [the game] feels like you’re taking a math exam, it’s probably too complicated.” These are the unwritten creative mantras of Sensible Object, the studio behind the hybrid digital-tabletop game Beasts of Balance. (You can back the new expansion right here.) Below, they share a few projects they love,  and some indie games you should be playing.

Four projects on Sensible Object’s radar

We love these weird little egg dudes — especially the fact that they have belly buttons.

Four-player Pong on a slick DIY console. What’s not to like?

Spire RPG
Grant Howitt’s games are always great. (Check out Honey Heist, a one-page RPG in which you play a criminal bear.)

CodeSpeak Books
This project is designed to teach kids the fundamentals of coding without having them sit in front of a glowing rectangle. Ingenious!

Beasts of Balance

Five predictions for the future of tabletop games

1. Games that change with time.
Legacy opened this particular Pandora’s box. Let’s see what else is inside.

2. Small-batch physical games using interesting materials.
We have enough boxes full of plastic zombies and orcs. Give us something different to hold in our hands.

3. Narrative maturity.
More games with the potential to make us feel. Give us a tabletop game that makes us cry and we’ll be happy (once we stop crying).

4. Games that explore and exploit the huge potential that integrated technologies bring.
And no, we don’t mean more companion apps. Think bigger!

5. Games designed to be enjoyed by multiple ages, and by casual players and hobbyists alike.
Tabletop gaming has the eye of the world right now; let’s make sure everyone feels included.

Kentucky Route Zero

Five indie games you should be playing

Triple Agent! from Tasty Rook
AWerewolf-like game that you play by passing around a mobile phone. Beautiful aesthetics, intuitive UI, and concise ruleset.

Spirit Islandfrom Greater Than Games
We love the way the narrative runs through every single element of this game. Every action taken and every movement made reinforces the feeling that you’re an ancient god doing battle against pesky human invaders.

Diet & Friends from Adventure Planning Service
A cute little social deduction card game we picked up at the Essen Game Fair last year. If you can find it, you should buy it.

Kentucky Route Zero from Cardboard Computer
This episodic point-and-click adventure is a great example of the ability of games to create a truly exceptional narrative.

A Fake Artist Goes to New York from Oink Games
Japan-based Oink Games consistently puts out the most charming, stylish, well-considered games with great narratives.

“Give Up” by Parra x Case Studyo

Six things to read, watch, play with, and listen to

Experimental fiction by Jon Bois

Case Studyo’s vinyl toys for grown-ups

FLEB’s puzzle-themed YouTube channel

Magic: The Gathering’s Mark Rosewater on game design

Odditorium, a fortnightly podcast exploring the fringes of culture

The late Satoru Iwata in conversation with the team behind the original Nintendo Game & Watch

WithThe Next World Tarot, Cristy C. Road reimagines the ancient practice of tarot card reading as a vehicle for social justice. The illustrated cards tell stories about “smashing systematic oppression, owning our truth, and being accountable to the people and places that support us.” 

Over 500 backers helped bring the project to life in 2015. Recently, Road shared some of the final designs for The Next World Tarot in a project update. Read on to learn more about her process and see some of the final designs. 


Greetings from the secret offices of Cristy C. Road, where I live my life as a dinosaur and infrequently use social media. I’m here to share with you some card layouts and a contact sheet of 50 or so finished cards.  

Some of these cards have been re-drawn multiple times — over years or days — as some of the original themes have become irrelevant to the deck’s final voice. Despite that, the more I reach for the most complex stars, the longer it takes to create something I’m happy with.

It’s been a long haul and I’m so happy to be edging on the finish line.


Read the full project update here.
