#tarot card deck


WithThe Next World Tarot, Cristy C. Road reimagines the ancient practice of tarot card reading as a vehicle for social justice. The illustrated cards tell stories about “smashing systematic oppression, owning our truth, and being accountable to the people and places that support us.” 

Over 500 backers helped bring the project to life in 2015. Recently, Road shared some of the final designs for The Next World Tarot in a project update. Read on to learn more about her process and see some of the final designs. 


Greetings from the secret offices of Cristy C. Road, where I live my life as a dinosaur and infrequently use social media. I’m here to share with you some card layouts and a contact sheet of 50 or so finished cards.  

Some of these cards have been re-drawn multiple times — over years or days — as some of the original themes have become irrelevant to the deck’s final voice. Despite that, the more I reach for the most complex stars, the longer it takes to create something I’m happy with.

It’s been a long haul and I’m so happy to be edging on the finish line.


Read the full project update here.
