

Você namoraria uma garota [ou ex-garota] que já fez programa com um ou mais homens que você conhece? Sonhei com isso duas vezes no espaço de uma semana e fiquei me perguntando…

Não romantizo a atividade e sei que várias meninas passam maus bocados nessa atividade. Também não consigo ter uma relação monetária com o sexo, embora não tivesse problema nenhum em ter uma relação afetiva séria com uma garota de programa. Mas fiquei me perguntando como seria se isso acontecesse de verdade.

Claro que os sonhos tiveram origem no prazer que tenho em saber quem são os homens que já transaram com a minha amada: gosto de conhecê-los até e, se possível, gosto que saibam que eu sei [e gosto] que transou com ela. Sei que no futuro terei no meu círculo de amizades muitos homens que já transaram com aquela que será minha amada e que, se Deus quiser, continuarão transando com ela mesmo depois de casada comigo; mas realmente fiquei pensando como seria me relacionar com homens que pagaram para ter sexo com a minha esposa. Provavelmente eu me sentisse um pouco desconfortável com a situação, mas certamente não deixaria de viver um grande amor por conta disso. Só vivendo para saber…

Desde ya muy jovencita de forma totalmente inconsciente, por motivo de mi actividad laboral he debid

Desde ya muy jovencita de forma totalmente inconsciente, por motivo de mi actividad laboral he debido aceptar que constantemente se me objetivizase tan solo como simple objeto sexual cuya única función no consistia en otra cosa que la servirles de entretenimiento visual para el público masculino sobre todo…

Claro que es ese entonces lo hacía de forma totalmente inconsciente como algo necesario para poder llegar a tener éxito en mi trabajo sin embargo si bien es cierto que tengo que confesar que me fascinaba desde luego ya en aquel momento lo de vestir con ropa atractiva y provocativa para excitar a los hombres ciertamente aun me esforzaba a ilusionarme con la tonta ilusión de no ser tan solo un par de tetas y un buen culo para los tipos y que ya llegaría a encontrar a hombres que me valorarian no por mi exterior sino por la mujer que era en el interior mío y finalmente lograría que se cumpla mi infantil sueño de que se hiciera realidad que mi vida sería igual a los de los cuentos de hadas en que yo era la princesa que encontraría mi príncipe azul que me vendría a rescatar con el que me casaría y viviríamos felices para el resto de la vida

Pero claro el hecho de comprobar lo extremadamente ingenua y inocente que yo podría llegar a ser no hizo más que la gran mayoría de los hombres tomarán de imbecil dándome a que me crea todas clases de promesas de querer llegar a algo realmente serio conmigo para aprovechar y convencerme de llevarme a la cama y claro una vez que lo conseguían simplemente de inmediato acabarme después por desecharme como si se trarase de la bolsa de basura que sacan a diario de sus casas sin ni siquiera porque tenía que darme más explicaciones del porqué lo hacían

Obviamente como la gran total estúpida cabeza bien hueca que he sido siempre me costó muchísimo tiempo para que me terminase en ser capaz de asumir que era una absoluta idiota para haber pretendido que podría llegar a pensar que a alguien se le pueda ocurrirsele involucrarse en una relación seria con una simple puta ordinaria y sin valor alguno como de la clase tan patética que soy yo

Me duele admitir que me avergüenza mucho el haber tardado tanto tiempo en asumir de una vez por todas las no fui soy y seré por el resto de mi vida simplemente una misera puta desechable estúpida y patética que solo es útil para servirles de divertimento para los demás y eso es más que suficiente para ser feliz

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Cash Injection

I’d been with the same sponsor for about eight years. His name was Ted, and he’d seen me through a lot of ups and downs, but even he hadn’t seen me this bad. He had suggested retreats to me before but they always sounded too much like rehab and I’ve resisted that too. Somehow I’ve always been able to turn things around. This time though everything was such a mess. I’d fucked up everything and was just in a black hole I couldn’t drag myself out of.

Ted was a unique presence in my life; a man I didn’t have to treat as a possible fuck. A man I knew I could trust completely. A safe guy.

He told me when we first met

“I’m here to be your friend, your safety net, your punch bag. I’m not interested in fucking you. That’s probably a shock to you”

It was. I confided everything to him. I trusted him more than anyone.

It’s not that I didn’t find him attractive. He wasn’t conventionally handsome whatever that means, but I’m a sucker for a kind word and a pair of blue eyes.

Anyway, after I told him about Traynor, the homeless guy I fucked, and Dylan walking in on me, even Ted looked shaken. I was pretty shocked that I told him. I broke down.

He was so understanding. He poured us both a drink. Mine must have been pretty strong because I began to feel my head drooping.

I laughed a little.

He sat next to me and stroked my hair.

I wake up and I can’t see. And I can’t move. And there’s something in my mouth. Its forcing my jaw apart and I can’t spit it out.

I start to panic.


Says a voice. It’s Ted.

“Don’t get all panicky. You’ll make it worse”

I try to scream

“I said calm down. This will pass”

I hear another voice. Deeper.

“You weren’t kidding. That is hot”


“So, how long do I get?”

“Take as long as you need, bro. She ain’t going nowhere. Go on, I’ll leave you to it”

I feel a hand on my shoulder. Then the blindfold comes off. I’m in my bedroom, tied to one of my kitchen chairs. In the full length wardrobe mirror I can see myself, gagged with a red rubber ball.

Ted has dressed me in a corset, stockings and high boots. My tits are bare.

The guy standing to one side, admiring my reflection is a neighbour from across the street.

He is just wearing boxers, tented out by his hanging semi erect cock.

“I’ve never been with a whore before. What do I do? If I untie you are you going to try and get away? Doesn’t make sense for a whore to do that, I guess”

He snickers.

He stands behind me and unbuckles the harness that holds the ballgag in place.

I mouth “thank you”. When I try to speak, I can’t.

“Your man there” he gestures towards the door with his head

“He says he gave you something t'knock you out. Says you might have a problem talking. That’s ok”

He comes around to the side. His red bulbous cock is on a level with my shoulder.

“Would you mind?”

I look up at him. He gestures towards his cock like he’s showing me a magic trick.

“If you just play along, I’ll be on my way before you know it”

He’s huge. Thick and distended, with a sore looking foreskin.

I take him in my mouth. He grabs my head and starts fucking my mouth.

“You’re better'n my wife”

The chair moves across the wooden floor. I dig in with my bootheels to stop from tipping over.

“I want to fuck you now”

He unties me and I stand up, unsteady on four inch heels. He mauls at my bare tits, sucking and biting.

Then I’m on the bed, ass in the air and he’s feeding himself into me.

“Jesus. Lucifer. Man says…..man says you fuck anyone. ..don’t even ask for….ask for money….” deep harsh breathing “fuck anyone…..fuck your own son….let a black tramp fuck you….just a damn whore…..dirty fucking whore” strokes getting faster “I seen you…walking round in your slut clothes….I wanted to fuck you for the longest time…..Ahhh…”

The door opens and Ted enters. I’m face down with cum across my ass. The neighbour, red faced and grinning is pulling his clothes back on.

“You really should start charging for this. I could help you. Make you a fortune”

He takes out his dick.

“But until you do…

How about one on the house”
