#psychedelic art

Messenger From The Other Side, oil on wood, 30″x40″Prints available at www.MichelleAnderstShop.com

Messenger From The Other Side, oil on wood, 30″x40″

Prints available at www.MichelleAnderstShop.com

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Elemental Rise, oil on wood, 40″x40″Prints available at www.MichelleAnderstShop.com

Elemental Rise, oil on wood, 40″x40″

Prints available at www.MichelleAnderstShop.com

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I have been painting my photos instead of doing any school work lately. Good thing the semester is pI have been painting my photos instead of doing any school work lately. Good thing the semester is pI have been painting my photos instead of doing any school work lately. Good thing the semester is p

I have been painting my photos instead of doing any school work lately. Good thing the semester is pretty much over. If anyone is interested, I might be selling prints of future work…

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