#pull apart


Method One- Pull Apart

First clearly think out your intention and write it down. In this case we will use a simple example, “My Spells Manifest” in all capital letters.

Now we remove all vowels. A, E, I, O, U, and Y if it counts as a vowel in this case. After this specific step is the time to swap from whatever alphabet you are using if you’d want to use a different one, such as Greek, Runes, etc. You’ll also want to remove doubles, which in this case is the second L, M, and two S’s.

Now we take them apart into lines. These lines will end up like this “ | / \ — ”. Once you get used to these you’ll eventually be able to make them curl and twist, making your Sigils flow a bit better if you like that calligraphy look. If not the straight lines are great anyways, it’s all up to your preferences.

Now you can put your pieces together, into different ways until you find one you think feels right. Here are a few examples with the straight lines. And a few with the less straight lines.
