#quarantine with the family


Alright, I’ve been feeling pretty annoyed with everyone around me. 

  • My sister, for always coming into my room and literally just SITTING ON MY BED OR CHAIR and not saying anything. I think it irks me because it’s like “This is my room and my private space. If you need to ask me something, ask me and leave and let me enjoy my private time.” Like, I can’t even have privacy in my own damn room? Then, she gets mad that I’m “hiding something” but nope, I work from home, I sleep at home, I eat at home. I DO EVERYTHING AT HOME AND EVERYONE’S HOME AND I’M GETTING SICK OF EVERYONE BEING UP IN MY BIZZ. 
  • My friend, for always texting me now that he’s out of grad school for the academic year. Like dude, our dynamic has NEVER been to text every god damn day. Now that he’s out of school, he’s had a lot more free time. And texting me really unnecessary things/small talk. But hey, hello I still have work full-time, apply to scholarships, work on my website, try to get up to speed on grad school (registering for classes soon), etc. I have a lot of activities that keep me busy and I don’t need these daily text messages! Plus, he’s always asking when I can go out to hang out since he’s so bored & I’m like “dude, I’m literally quarantining and I don’t leave the house unless it’s essential” ???? which is what everyone should be doing ????
  • My mom, for being extremely temperamental. Before, I didn’t really know how to describe my mom adequately. I seriously thought she was going through menopause. But it’s been YEARS. Like 10 years. I thought possibly maybe bipolar disorder (I say this genuinely) but after looking into it more, I don’t think so. Now I think the best way to describe her is that she is very temperamental. Anything can tick her off and she’ll be in a bad mood for days. And you better believe, if SHE’S in a bad mood, she will make SURE everyone else is too.
  • My dad, for coming into my room. This is similar to my sister, but he literally just comes into my room when the door is open to “check up” on me and most of the times I’m watching Netflix. Can a girl JUST GET SOME SPACE HERE PLEASE

I want to say this is pent-up and accumulated from 3 months of COVID-19 quarantine, plus probably some PMSing. But seriously, why is it so difficult for people to respect boundaries? I know I can communicate things better in general, so this is a learning situation for me too. Ughhhhh.

Anyone else feel the same way???
