#queen of the dead

theia-mania-comics:Queen of the Dead 114


Queen of the Dead 114

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theia-mania-comics:Queen of the Dead 113


Queen of the Dead 113

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Queen of the Dead 112

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Queen of the Dead 111

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Queen of the Dead 110

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theia-mania-comics:Queen of the Dead 109Yay, I managed to finish this page before my friend comes to


Queen of the Dead 109

Yay, I managed to finish this page before my friend comes to visit tomorrow! There will be no new page next week, though, since I’ll be working on the comics that we draw together while he is here. ^^

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theia-mania-comics:Queen of the Dead 108


Queen of the Dead 108

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Queen of the Dead 107

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Queen of the Dead 098I thought it would be fun to reintroduce Hekate in the story (since we haven’t

Queen of the Dead 098

I thought it would be fun to reintroduce Hekate in the story (since we haven’t seen her since page 8) by citing a curse tablet where she is mentioned. This spell is not from a curse tablet, though, but from a papyrus found in Egypt (I believe). However, I felt it wasn’t so very different from the texts on curse tablets and it gave such a nice presentation of Hekate as lady of the restless dead.

Source:Ancient Greek Love Magic by Christopher Faraone.

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Queen of the Dead 097

Queen of the Dead 097

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Queen of the Dead 096Athena already tried with Hera.

Queen of the Dead 096

Athena already tried with Hera.

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Queen of the Dead 095There maybe won’t be a new page next week, since my friend will visit me again

Queen of the Dead 095

There maybe won’t be a new page next week, since my friend will visit me again and during that time I’m supposed to work on the comics that we draw together. Unless I manage to draw one more page before he arrives, but I can’t promise anything. ^^

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Queen of the Dead 094

Queen of the Dead 094

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Queen of the Dead 093Bad timing for getting your period.I recently printed Destroyer of Light as a b

Queen of the Dead 093

Bad timing for getting your period.

I recently printed Destroyer of Light as a book in English! I have it for sale in my Ko-fi shop, so if you ever wanted a physical copy of my comics, this is your chance. :)

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Queen of the Dead 092

Queen of the Dead 092

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Queen of the Dead 091

Queen of the Dead 091

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Queen of the Dead 090

Queen of the Dead 090

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Queen of the Dead 089There actually were some kind of medicinal tablets in the Greco-Roman world, at

Queen of the Dead 089

There actually were some kind of medicinal tablets in the Greco-Roman world, at least in later antiquity. Six tablets in a tin box were discovered in a shipwreck dating to 140-130 BCE (way too late for this comic, so let’s say that Apollon started to make these tablets long before the humans).

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Queen of the Dead 088

Queen of the Dead 088

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Queen of the Dead 087

Queen of the Dead 087

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Queen of the Dead 086Hades: “We need more tea to deal with this shit.”(Well, it’s nectar, but still.

Queen of the Dead 086

Hades: “We need more tea to deal with this shit.”

(Well, it’s nectar, but still.)

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Queen of the Dead 085

Queen of the Dead 085

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Queen of the Dead 084This story was told in my earlier comic Destroyer of Light.

Queen of the Dead 084

This story was told in my earlier comic Destroyer of Light.

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Queen of the Dead 083And we’re back! The next pages will be… interesting.

Queen of the Dead 083

And we’re back! The next pages will be… interesting.

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Queen of the Dead 082The comic will now be taking a short break, since a friend will visit me next w

Queen of the Dead 082

The comic will now be taking a short break, since a friend will visit me next week and during that time I’m supposed to work on the comics that we draw together (not to mention I’m also doing some version of Inktober). Sorry to leave you hanging in such a tense moment, I hope I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. ^^

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Queen of the Dead 081

Queen of the Dead 081

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Queen of the Dead 080The more angry Athena is with her father, the more titles she uses when she spe

Queen of the Dead 080

The more angry Athena is with her father, the more titles she uses when she speaks to him. But no matter what she does, she always remains Zeus’ favorite.

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Queen of the Dead 079

Queen of the Dead 079

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