
Beach morning! Shelley tries to convince Paco to sit while Queenie gets into all sorts of trouble.Beach morning! Shelley tries to convince Paco to sit while Queenie gets into all sorts of trouble.

Beach morning! Shelley tries to convince Paco to sit while Queenie gets into all sorts of trouble.

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After over a month away, I’m back and ready to scroll through tumblr again (I guess I just can’t quite you). After adventures in Israel, Denmark, and Sweden I’m back home for a little while… this trip was so insightful, and I feel so lucky that I got to spend all that time with myself. It was a real privilege to travel and spend that time the way I wanted too, not being beholden to anyone else. I spent a lot of time reading (I devoured 8 books while I was away!), checking out these cities, walking on average 10 miles a day, and eating copious amounts of yummy food. It was a good holiday. Figured it might be fun to make a small list of my favorite books I read while away and a few favorite memories/food eaten. 

  • Spinning Silver and Uprooted both by Naomi Novik- What deliciously written books with thoughtful symbolism for those interested in reading into the stories more.
  • Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams- It has been described as a black British modern Bridget Jones, which is a bit apt but with perhaps more substance. Also heard a wonderful interview with the author on The High Low podcast which is worth checking out. 
  • Normal People by Sally Rooney- Okay, so I didn’t technically read this while on holiday, I read it on the 4th of July, but I’m including it in my favorite summer reads. The hype for this book is real and justified, as it’s absolutely a gut punch of a book.
  • Educated by Tara Westover- Woah, what a gusty memoir and an insightful look into a singular life. 
  • Experiences in Sweden: Going to Sweden for the day to eat cardamom buns and spend the afternoon at an outdoor sauna, which was was magical and a highlight of my time in Europe. 
  • Experiences in Denmark: Walking around Copenhagen for hours, seeing the V&A clothing exhibit Fashioned from Nature, the Louisiana Museum of Modern art, eating licorice ice cream, and the incredible beauty and kindness of the city.
  • Experiences in Israel: Eating Malabi whenever I wanted too, getting to experience Machne yehuda shuk on a weekday (not a Thursday or a Friday) when its so much quieter and nicer, reading by the beach and people watching numerous afternoons, exploring the unique history and beauty of Jewish historical embroidery, and visiting old friends. It’s always a delight to return to a place that I know so well and yet am always learning more about.  

• Harlem, early 30’s… « Queenie »

• The wifey & i in this incredible cinematic photography by Blaise Arnold.

• More on my Instagram @gui_bo
