#queer experience


Rewatching Teen Wolf as an old person…. why is it so relatable to the queer experience

Like they really said “sometimes what everyone expects or wants from you isn’t the person you are or should strive to be” and “the real you is enough” and I for one think that’s very sexy


my coming to identify as agender and aromantic has necessitated a deeper questioning, a deeper understanding, and ultimately a deeper appreciation of gender and attraction. In order to achieve rejection of gender and romance for myself, I’ve had to break the very concepts down to nothing, and build them back up from nothing.


like, cis and straight people can just go along their whole lives in a world that caters to their general experience. they can assume that the way they experience foundational institutions of gender and sexuality are Just The Way It Is. It’s not so much Truth as it is background noise. A stage setting. Wallpaper.


I don’t have the priveledge/luxury/hindrance of the external world never being at odds with my internal experience re: gender and sexuality.


It’s hard for people to grasp things they don’t have firsthand experience with. That’s probably why there’s folks who can’t seem to understand why aspec folks and nonbinary folks are Real and True: to them, sexuality/gender is a requirement. It’s a fundamental “Truth” that must always exist, in a “Correct” and “Logical” way. To them it’s an entirely different beast than the one we’ve had to destroy in the battlefields of our lives, the thing we’ve had to investigate and understand to the point of disintegration before we felt like we were able to say, “No. This isn’t true for me, and it doesn’t have to be true for everyone.”

shout out to queer people who haven’t “known the whole time”, or didn’t hear labels for the first time and have something “click”. you’re not faking it, your story is still worthy of being told.

bethanycantdraw: That awkward moment when you’re intentionally/unintentionally excluded from a bondibethanycantdraw: That awkward moment when you’re intentionally/unintentionally excluded from a bondibethanycantdraw: That awkward moment when you’re intentionally/unintentionally excluded from a bondi


That awkward moment when you’re intentionally/unintentionally excluded from a bonding experience with your friends because of how you express your gender. 

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