#queer platonic relationship



10yrsyart: i’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they10yrsyart: i’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they10yrsyart: i’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they10yrsyart: i’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they


i’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they really are just Like That. and i love them :’) so here’s a hug for anyone who’s having one of those days <3

designs from my winnie the pooh comic universe 


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i’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they really arei’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they really arei’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they really arei’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they really are

i’ve been rewatching all the WtP movies with my nephew, and i can once again confirm they really are just Like That. and i love them :’) so here’s a hug for anyone who’s having one of those days <3

designs from my winnie the pooh comic universe 


Robert: That’s not how it works Trevor!

Trevor: Not with that attitude!

Oscar: Aunt Matilda, yes. Quite the competitive fly fisher-

Samuel: …


Edward: -sigh-

William: Edward?

Edward: Hello William. What is it?

William: It’s just.. um… W-well, you seem-

William: …

(they hug)

Edward: Thankyou William.. I haven’t felt much like myself today…

William: It’s ok. Everyone has those days sometimes. You just need a sweet and a smile.

Edward: That does sound nice..

William: That’s what b-best friends are for, right?

Edward: I believe you are quite right.

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10yrsyart: part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.”  Gaara has been an10yrsyart: part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.”  Gaara has been an10yrsyart: part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.”  Gaara has been an


part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.” 

Gaara has been an OG of mine since i was a preteen, and frankly i’m insulted it’s taken me, an Ace Aro, this long to pick up on the obvious signs. it’s hardly even a step outside of canon, give this man his well deserved QPR


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part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.” Gaara has been an OG of mine part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.” Gaara has been an OG of mine part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.” Gaara has been an OG of mine

part 1 of “the anime Ace Aro finds their person and commits for life.” 

Gaara has been an OG of mine since i was a preteen, and frankly i’m insulted it’s taken me, an Ace Aro, this long to pick up on the obvious signs. it’s hardly even a step outside of canon, give this man his well deserved QPR


(doodle one)

Gaara: I’ve only known this boy for a few hours. But if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone in this village and then maybe myself.

Naruto: Gaara, that’s not what I meant!!

(doodle three)

Gaara: Naruto, I would give my life for you.

Naruto: Can we /not/ talk about you dying right now? Once was bad enough. But uhm, yeah.. me too.

Gaara: -smiles-

Gaara: Unacceptable, I will not allow this.

Naruto: Wha- oi!


Temari: Are you in love with him?

Gaara: No… I don’t think.. I am capable of that. He is my most precious person, but I know I am not what he longs for. I cannot give him anything more. I would not change him, though. If he is happy, I will be satisfied.

Temari: ..But will /you/ be happy?

Gaara: -pauses-

Naruto: HEEEY! GAARA!! It’s been a while! How’ve you been?

Gaara: I am well. And yourself?

Naruto: Eh, can’t complain. Not when I just got here!

Temari: -sighs-

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Hey gays and gals what’s up we got ourselves a platonic girlfriend and she is the best thing that ever happened to us, she makes us brownies and gives excellent cuddles Now I’m dating two ravenclaws.

Happy late pride month!

Flags from left to right are: Agender, GreyAroAce, Trans, Aromantic, and Asexual :) (I meant to give Tommy an Aro pin as well, but I forgot :’) )

These are just my personal headcanons for these characters. Queerplatonic bentrio has my whole heart
