#queer terms

Screenshot of a Tweet by user Death By Badger that reads, "The idea that queer taxonomy must be 100% consistent and words like Gay/Lesbian/Trans mean exactly the same thing from person to person with no exceptions baffles me — call yourself what feels right, change your mind, detransition, retransition, it's a journey, not a shackle."

Words evolve just like we do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You can try out labels and change them up until you find what feels right (and then change ‘em again if you need).

PS: You can always check out our terms glossary!

By @ deathbybadger on Twitter.

Since I’m having #wordnerd thoughts today, I was thinking about the etymology of the word transgender.  The prefix trans- means “across from” or “on the opposite side of”, like in transferandtransmit, and we all know the meaning of (and problems that come with the meaning of) gender.  So a lot of people use transgender to mean “the opposite gender”.  But one of the alternate meanings of trans- is “beyond”, like in transnationalortranscend.  Though it isn’t used like this in modern English any more, one of the meanings of the root word of genderis “category, kind, or character” which still exists in the words genreandgenus.  So, as an agender person, I’m not transgender in the sense that I’m “the opposite gender” from what I was assigned, but I am transgender in the sense that I am beyond categorization when it comes to gender.
