#queue cutie



Osiria rose, is a hybrid tea rose, with a strong fragrance, and a exquisite colour combination. The petals are blood-red on the inside, and pure silvery-white on the outside. The rose’s name, “Osiria”, is in reference to the legendary land drowned under thousands feet of saltwater (like Atlantis).


The southern sky was aswirl with glowing, shifting colors, the reflections of the great fires that burned below. Baleful green tides moved against the bellies of the clouds, and pools of orange light spread out across the heavens. The reds and yellows of common flame warred against the emeralds and jades of wildfire, each color flaring and then fading, birthing armies of short-lived shadows to die again an instant later. Green dawns gave way to orange dusks in half a heartbeat. The air itself smelled burnt, the way a soup kettle sometimes smelled if it was left on the fire too long and all the soup boiled away. Embers drifted through the night air like swarms of fireflies.

Sansa backed away from the window, retreating toward the safety of her bed. I’ll go to sleep, she told herself, and when I wake it will be a new day, and the sky will be blue again. The fighting will be done and someone will tell me whether I’m to live or die. “Lady,” she whimpered softly, wondering if she would meet her wolf again when she was dead.

Sansa Month 2022 Day 7. Sky

dionysosandbacchus:Kylix with Dionysos and a satyr Greek; Late Archaic Period, ca. 490–480 BC Makron


  • Kylix with Dionysos and a satyr
  • Greek; Late Archaic Period, ca. 490–480 BC
  • Makron Painter
  • Greece, Attica, Athens (Place of Manufacture)
  • Ceramic, Red Figure
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

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She sat and sangalway 

By the green margin of a stream,

Watching the fishes leap and play

Beneath the glad sunbeam. 

I sat and weptalway 

Beneath the moon’s most shadowy beam,

Watching the blossoms of the May

Weep leaves into the stream. 

I wept for memory;

She sang for hope that is so fair:

My tears were swallowed by the sea;

Her songs died in the air.

~  Christina Rossetti, (1830 - 1894) 

“She Sat and Sang” is reprinted from Goblin Market, The Prince’s Progress and Other Poems. Christina Rosetti. London: Macmillan 1879.


Luke Silva (British, 1999) - Pursuit (2022)

inthedarknight:Em Allen - “Death’s Favorite Ghost” 2018


Em Allen - “Death’s Favorite Ghost” 2018

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legendary-scholar:Bouzies. France, English castle built during the Hundred Years War.


Bouzies. France, English castle built during the Hundred Years War.

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i got a shacket.


the handmaiden by rudebeetle


I wonder what he’s looking for..?

lookforthehunter: I made a bunch of geometric knights and that was fun to play with them ✨ I haven’tlookforthehunter: I made a bunch of geometric knights and that was fun to play with them ✨ I haven’tlookforthehunter: I made a bunch of geometric knights and that was fun to play with them ✨ I haven’tlookforthehunter: I made a bunch of geometric knights and that was fun to play with them ✨ I haven’tlookforthehunter: I made a bunch of geometric knights and that was fun to play with them ✨ I haven’t


I made a bunch of geometric knights and that was fun to play with them ✨

I haven’t realise before that I was a lazy girl who only draw tired people with closed eyes hehehe

Maybe I’ll make more of them someday, I haven’t make a  octogonal one yet! 

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an unfired ceramic sculpture of a little monklike creature with a pensive expression clutching its face. behind it are another two unfired sculptures of chicken-legged winged houses.

u ever sculpt something and think well now I have to make five more of these immediately

described in alt text

same sculpture. its face is now one carved wide-open eye.
same sculpture. its face has been removed, showing the hole behind it; the sculpture is hollow.

this one is also an exercise in how tonally contrasting I can make the two sides of its face, in turn confusing the idea that it has a true face at all

also I didn’t want to make a mold to copy the nose shape

still described

ALSO! this is a riff on a guy from the first ever batch of fellows. going back to my roots and those roots are pointy mask. except for the big one here I broke both points (separate occasions)

three small simple ceramic sculptures, glazed in purple with unglazed faces. one has one eye and a little hat, and the other two have horns rising from their blank faces/masks.

described as well

the baby got GLAZED! and the glaze dripped and I had to grind off the drips! but it’s all good now and I’m excited to make more weird monks :)

monkish sculpture glazed in blues and grays. the glaze has dripped and fused it to the disk of clay it stands on.
A person holding a small sculpture to the business end of a drill press.
The small monklike sculpture, glazed in blues and greys, removed from the disc.
Three ceramic sculptures of little robed creatures standing on two feet clutching their faces. One has a pointy hat and a round, sleepy face. Their robe is blue and purple and black. One has a horned face, orange eyebrows, and a pointed nose. They are glazed in copper and cream. The last sculpture is the blue guy from the rest of the post.
All three sculptures with their faces flipped; the purple one has a question mark on the other sides, the brown one has a campfire, and the blue one still has one wide eye.

This post is going around today and I thought I should add that I am successfully accumulating weird monks

Alt text again

sticking a few more weird monks on this post just for posterity

Monk with a horned face and a beaky nose
Face reversed to show three vertical eyes
Wizard-like clay creature with a tinier creature in its hat
Same wizard, face reversed to show the text Home Sweet Home
Monk with a tulip or fork shaped face, serene expression
Face reversed to show a toothy mouth on the other side
A monk holding a mug and wearing socks

still described


Portrait of Loie Fuller wearing an early version of her “Serpentine” dress. The photograph features a full length portrait of the dancer kneeling amidst a pile of cushions, with her arms upraised, and a small carved snake clasped in her right hand. Her skirt, which is decorated with repeated images of snakes, is raised up and spread out in a wide circle behind her, date unknown, late 1890s. | src V&A Museum

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More “Tower of Fools” art. Here’s our girl Dzierzka de Wirsing.

thecrenellations:“I have been living with your grief and your rage and your pain ever since … I don’thecrenellations:“I have been living with your grief and your rage and your pain ever since … I don’


“I have been living with your grief and your rage and your pain ever since … I don’t think I had felt anything for a long time before that.”

Queen’s Thief Appreciation Week, Day Three: Favorite Ship

I put this together for @mander-draws during the 2017 Hamiathes’ Gift Exchange, and it was a fun chance to explore the empathetic (as well as painful) foundation of Eugenides and Irene’s relationship and their shared interest in solitary late-night angst. The frame quote is from the first story about Eugenides the god, in The Thief

I made a playlist about this pair, here! They’re … the best, I’ve loved their love for more than a decade.

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young bride of attolia

young bride of attolia

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october túrin/nienor

october túrin/nienor

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