#rainbow children

When You Remember Me (I Was the Sun and You Were the Sea)20 x 20 cmoil on wood panel*Today all our m

When You Remember Me (I Was the Sun and You Were the Sea)
20 x 20 cm
oil on wood panel

*Today all our memories come pouring back in, and we step as one into full sovereignty*

Post link

Interview written for Skinfaxi on the 1st of August 2002, conducted by Valdimar Kristófersson.

Original interview: https://timarit.is/page/4223106#page/n31/mode/2up

Content warning: In this interview Stefán Karl talks in detail about bullying and suicide as well as his own experience with those topics.

The actor Stefán Karl Stefánsson has been involved in many fields during his acting career that he has made a name for himself. He began acting at a young age and is now one of the nation’s leading actors, even though he’s only 27 years old, Stefán has a lot on his to-do list and he has set foot in many areas, in addition to acting, he has started regularly giving lectures on bullying in the country’s primary schools and even beyond. Over the past three years, Stefán has given around 360 lectures. He does all this voluntarily, has not received a single penny, and even pays all the costs himself, which is notable. The reason; he was bullied in his younger years and felt it was time to open the discussion on this serious, social problem. Valdimar Kristófersson met Stefán at a café near his workplace, the National Theater, and talked to him about bullying and his selfless volunteer work.

The most coveted lecture in the country

Stefán naturally gained his acting talent, he was just about to reach the right age when he was hired to be the party director at a large party. So he started performing at a young age, but should he have never been scared to step foot on stage? “Scared and not scared. Sometimes I’m dying of stress and sometimes I’m not. It doesn’t depend on the kind of the day, but on what I’m doing at any given time. This depends a lot on what projects I have and how confident I am with what I’m going to do. It’s a bit healthy to go on stage and not be completely safe. It puts more strain on a person and then the stress and the energy come out.

If we can turn to this selfless project that you are leading regarding bullying. How did it all start and who is involved in this with you?
"It simply came to my notice then. It started with the publication of a pamphlet on bullying, or social exclusion, in which I and a few other individuals were used as role models.

It was distributed to community centers and high schools in the country. in connection with that I got to meet kids in community centers and schools and talk to them. I discussed with approximately a 100 kids in Tónabær and after those discussions, about 40 kids came up to me afterwards.

They had a certain story to tell me and they felt bad. After these conversations with the kids, I found that this was something that needed to be paid attention to. So I started researching this issue, dissected it and read a lot of books. After that, I felt it was time for someone to stand up, say something and speak human language directly from their heart.

Something that people understand and not in some academic language that a few people can comprehend. Then I started and it has developed steadily in the 360 lectures I have given over the past three years. ”

Was also cruel to people

You were bullied yourself when you were younger. Did it have any effect on you that caused you to suffer from it? “Yes, without question. I was bullied myself, but what has been forgotten in the discussion is that I was also a perpetrator and a spectator. I wasn’t just some small weak victim, who is just now emerging. I was also mean to people and I can never apologize often and enough because I know what it’s like to be on both sides of the line.

Emotional maturity and emotional intelligence increase as you grow older. Then one realizes properly that bullying is not just a word but a disgusting cruel act. Bullying is a social stimulus. If bullying affects someone, then of course there is something else that affects them as well. It can be many things, like alcohol and drug abuse or smoking, something that wouldn’t have happened unless the person was bullied.

So the consequences of bullying are so insanely various. There is so much to do with it and it isn’t just about bullying but about everything around it.

What is the simplest explanation for the word bullying?
"There are many explanations and perhaps the simplest and best known is: ‘Bullying is when one or more individuals repeatedly attack one or more individuals over a short or longer period of time. Then with stimuli, whether it is physical, mental, material or oral. "As someone once said, the blow of the tongue can also break bones.”

Suicide rates are higher than people think

Who is most likely to get bullied? “Everyone, no one is excluded. Perhaps those who are sick and have low self-esteem are easier prey. They’re more likely to be victims and it’s easier to intimidate them in the long run. The strong individuals in society also suffer from this, but they’re tougher and therefore the bullying lasts for a shorter time with them. But it goes without saying that if an individual is called uglyand it gets repeated all winter, and the class joins in with saying it, the victim starts to believe it.

In Iceland, between 60-70 suicides are committed each year. I think they’re close to a hundred. Suicide isn’t just when someone hangs by a rope. Suicide can start happening during a long period of time. I think it’s impossible to pinpoint how many people commit suicide due to social harassment in society. Then there are kids who have tried to commit suicide all the way down to the age of six, which is hosted by the child and adolescent psychiatric ward. These are kids we forget, as we refuse to believe that a six-year-old child can try to commit suicide, but they do it and don’t hesitate to do it. ”

And the reason for bullying? “Yes, it’s not alcohol or drugs at this age. There must be some social conditions that create this situation and they just don’t want to live through it. ”

You have given around 360 lectures and talked to lots of children, teenagers and adults. Does everyone get bullied at some point in their lives? “Yes, I would say that. Everyone knows the feeling. For me, bullying is the victim, perpetrator and spectator. It’s all under the same hat and I make almost no distinction between them. ”

But it must be that the hardest part is to be the victim?
“If we start dig a little deeper into bullying, it might not even be the hardest. Maybe it’s harder to be the perpetrator. We must realize that children are emotionally immature individuals compared to adults. Perpetrators and victims are individuals who need the help of society and the help from the rest of us. This discussion shouldn’t lead to what society has been doing lately about the bad child and the good child. These cases are as diverse as they are numerous and each of them must be taken as a separate case. ”

Is there any particular age that suffers more from this?
“It starts immediately with children in kindergarten, but it is most common in elementary school kids, they’re in the greatest danger.”

And do people then grow out of this? “Yes, but not always. For some it can go on endlessly, I have been receiving letters from fifty people. The oldest person who has sent me information about himself is over eighty and he sent me his 168 page biography, which has bullying all throughout it. He has experienced bullying all his life. ”

Where is bullying most common? “in the country’s primary schools, but bullying also takes place in other places, such as workplaces. Everyone knows the "workplace fool” that everyone makes fun of or uses as a shotgun. Bullying also takes place in the home, for example between spouses and between children and parents. Bullying takes place everywhere, it just depends on what form it takes.“

Teachers can’t hug every kid

How should parents react if they find out that their child is being bullied? "Parents only have to look into themselves. Parents have stopped taking responsibility as if they should. The line hasn’t been drawn clearly enough between home and school. Where is the upbringing line? Teachers can’t hug every kid who comes to school and tell them how much they love them. This is the role of parents and they need to take the time to do this. We have to go back to ancient times and look at our family history and realize that the family is the best psychologist. "People have to start thinking, 'What can I do to help my family?’

Has bullying increased in recent years in a modern society where materialism prevails and both parents have to work at the expense of their children? ”I don’t know. I avoid all opinion polls because they are a clear picture of the past and don’t tell us anything about the situation today or tomorrow. in fact, I’m mostly happy that the discussion has been opening up, but I’m not saying that bullying has been increasing and changing slightly. The kids have started using weapons more and the violence has increased, death threats, text messages, persecution, all of this has increased enormously, so bullying is very different today. The methods have become so sophisticated and technical that they are constantly changing from year to year. “

Parents need to know their child

Can parents of children who are being bullied realize when their child is being bullied? "Yes, yes, but parents must know their children emotionally. How does the child feel, for example, when they see love scenes in movies? do they always start to laugh, do they get cruel? Parents need to know the child’s instincts. Then you suddenly begin to notice the child who loved to watch love scenes in a movie will suddenly turn off the TV or leave when such scenes are shown.

The child stops eating normally, urinates at night, suddenly wants to stop driving to school, arrives late to school and comes home late. Why? Because they always go a long way to school or home from school. These things can all be the result of bullying, but most of all, parents need to know their child in order to understand this. The problem now is that parents have begun to make demands on schools. They are supposed to make sure that the children are safe from A to Z.

It doesn’t work and school principals are also parents and they have to take care of their children. They shouldn’t feel like nervous patients at home at night with the worries of 15 homes behind them and the distress of some other children. The situation has become very serious. ”

Bullying can occur for many years. It isn’t just temporary while you’re in school and then you can move on? “No, not at all. Those who are bullied must decide for themselves whether they’ll be weak all their lives, and walk against walls all their lives, or rise up against adversity. Bullying is adversity, and we all face adversity along the way. At some point in our lives, we will have enough of the adversity and rise up against it. It’s nothing more complicated than that, but of course it can be difficult to get up against it, but we simply have to do it. ”

Was determined to commit suicide

Now you yourself were bullied in your younger years. How serious was it? “Bullying is always a serious matter. As for my bullying, I was completely down and didn’t want to live anymore. I was determined to commit suicide, it was just a matter of time. Fortunately, I decided to always live one more day and check the situation with myself.

I was ready with the rope, the exhaust pipe, the hose and I always had a whiskey bottle with me so I could get completely drunk before I did the job. Fortunately, I came over this. I didn’t have faith in society but I had faith in myself and realized that is all I needed.

I need no one but myself and that’s why I often say to myself that I’m the funniest person I know, without me I can’t live. This is self-esteem in a positive sense and has nothing to do with my work. I’m just the way I am. I’m not pretending to be anything else and that’s how I want to be, at peace with others.

I’m the way I want to be but not the way society expects me to be, so I can break through any obstacle and survive difficult times. I struggle with the hardships but don’t put them aside.

People must dare to take on challenges, bring them to light. I still get a lot of anonymous letters from people who are being bullied. But why are they anonymous? I can’t stand it. Are we going to be in some mudslinging game indefinitely? We must dare to address the problem. ”

When did you get bullied and in what form was it?
“My bullying was very complex. It started in elementary school and was mental but also became physical, I was beaten, I was put on the table in the library at school, with my clothes pulled off and they laughed at me.

I ended up undressing myself at the library without being forced to do so, and stood there with my penis out. I did this to get rid of the humiliation of being tortured, so I started making a fool of myself. Teachers talked to my parents and said that I had a tendency to strip. "You have to do something about it.” they said. That’s how I became the problem and I took on a lot of burdens that I didn’t have to bear. These are things I classify as bullying, the mental distress that society has created for me. “

You went into acting early. Was it because of a great interest in acting or did you find peace there and could be someone other than yourself? "I joined the Hafnarfjörður theatre company when I was young. There I enjoyed a little more respect, but soon I got the title Stebbi The Fool. I felt best at the theatre company, where I could be myself but also leave my role and be someone else and then I was laughing at someone other than me. So I was able to use acting as a way to escape and used it a lot. I still don’t recommend doing it that way. ”

When did you get out of this? “In fact, you never get out of it. This is something that always accompanies you, but you just have to use it in a positive way and learn from the mistakes of others and your loved ones. My emotional immaturity is still there in many ways and I am working on it. ”

What about the perpetrators. Do they always know what they are doing? “It simply came to our notice then. It depends on how emotional they are at home and how aware they are of what they are doing. ”

Parents mustn’t sit idly

Where can parents go and what can they do if their child is being bullied? “The Ministry of Education is launching a trial run in several schools based on the ideas of psychologist Dan Olweus and is in several stages. This is a very good start and an ideology that we need to adapt to our society. From time to time, parents can begin to rely on this system, so they should familiarize themselves with it.

One thing is clear, if children are exposed to these setbacks in life, then parents mustn’t sit idly, they mustn’t transfer all responsibility to the school authorities, they must shoulder the responsibility themselves. In the Yellow Pages in the phone book you can find endless psychologists and psychiatrists to do this. These people aren’t up to a pound in the phone book.

Parents need to talk to them, they also need to take responsibility and they should be constantly praising their children, respecting them, helping them with homework, encouraging them, taking care of them and kissing and hugging, making them feel that they are loved and that the parents are their supporter and helper.

If this problem arises, that the child is being bullied, then the parents must also inform the school authorities, take action in a sensible way and then the school can help the parents to a certain extent and also the school can often help the parents to seek help. for the school, but all this is the responsibility of the parents. ”

Nowadays, people are often a bit scared to talk to these people and afraid that they’ll hear about it? “This is complete nonsense and there is no reason to be afraid. I’ve met psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses and that’s one of the most wonderful things I do. With them, I am respected as I am and I am able to express my views and concerns at will, without being distracted. ”

A non-bullying country

Anything for the end? Let’s just think of it as bullying, because when we start talking about bullying, we’re always talking about it being some group of people. instead, we should look at it as a social and societal stimulus that is a common task that we need to solve.

I’m not the bully, like Mummi in Mótorsmiðjunni or Bubbi with Essó, I’m just an ordinary person who came forward to open a certain discussion. I’m not going to be in this my whole life, I’m going to put an end to this, by doing my part and I want others to come and take over from me, because it has evolved and it continues.

Therefore, this discussion must not die out when I quit. I’m just saying certain things with these lectures that I feel have been missing from the discussion so that we can continue on an ecological basis and at some point a conclusion can be reached. I would like to make a suggestion to the government: Do as the Swedes do, make a 25-year plan, not a 4-year one, and after that time we want to see a land free of bullying. That’s realistic. “

It is worth mentioning that Stefán is currently in full swing at the National Theater performing in the play "Life x3” with his co-actors Sigurður Sigurjónsson, Ólafía Hrönn and Steinunn Ólína directed by Viðar Eggertsson. This is a philosophical comedy where Stefán and co-actors wrestle with everyday people in everyday situations.

Taken from an article written for Dagblaðið Vísir on the 18th of October 2002 about Rainbow Children.

Photographer is Þorvaldur Örn Kristmundsson


The rainbow rises

The actor Stefán Karl Stefánsson has worked hard in the field of social affairs in recent months and filled every hall all over the country where people have become acquainted with the experiences of the victims of bullying. A new organization against bullying, Rainbow Children, was introduced yesterday on the school grounds in the western towns, but they will be formally established on the 9th of November. Two small companies are contributing to the organization, Búnaðarbanki and Vífilfell, and their representatives, Árni Tómasson and Þorsteinn M. Jónsson, can be seen here, each on his own behalf, Stefán Karl. And of course the children are not far away.

Stefán Karl in Los Angeles

Original article written for Dagblaðið byt Kristjána Guðbrandsdóttir on the 8th of April 2011:

Content warning: mentions of suicide

Photo by Poppoli / Lárus Sigurðarson

  • “We have needed financial help”
  • It cost 90 thousand to take the child to the doctor
  • Can’t afford kindergarten
  • “The crisis here is like in Iceland”
  • Met children who want to die because of bullying
  • The career took off

“We did not have food”

I was really unrealistic and

Six years ago, Stefán Karl Stefánsson and Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir went to the United States with seven suitcases and two children. Now the children are four and the future seems bright. Stefán Karl plays the lead role in the film Kurteist fólk and enjoyed staying during filming in Búðardalur last summer. Stefán Karl talked to Kristjána Guðbrandsdóttir about life in California, corruption in Iceland, bullying and parenting, the couple’s loving relationship, coupons and the feeling of crisis while they were settling in a new country.

Iceland is like a protected workplace to a certain extent and often lacks humility.

Makes their dreams come true
Stefán Karl Stefánsson never loses sight of his lofty goals and works towards them every day.

Stefán Karl Stefánsson sometimes feels homesick. Especially when he thinks about Icelandic nature and what it would be good to go fishing. He stayed in Iceland last summer during the filming of the movie Polite People.

Stefán is the subject of the project. "I think the director Ólafur de Fleur walks untrodden paths when it comes to this film. He is openly reflecting the corrupt society that Icelanders know in an open way. ”

He hopes that the film will be well received and feels it is the duty of Icelanders to support all artistic creation that takes place in the country. “Let us be absolutely clear that no one who came to this film will ride a fat horse regardless of attendance, and this applies to most Icelandic films. It is only necessary for Icelandic films to be watched at home so that we can justify holding a film in Iceland. Icelanders talk a lot about safeguarding Icelandic culture, and then it’s weird to just want to see American imports. I feel it is our duty as Icelanders to support all artistic creation that takes place in the country. ”

The police assisted in the making of the film

The film takes place in Búðardalur in the summer, where the mayor, played by Eggert Þorleifsson, hires the engineer Lárus, played by Stefán. While under control, the younger generation in Búðardalur chased to get autographs from Robbie Rotten. Stefán took it easy and fell for the spirit on the spot. “It was wonderful to stay in Búðardalur. The spirit there is unique and so is nature. There is also nothing like making movies in Iceland. At night, the police in Búðardalur were arresting people for drunk driving. During the day, they played supporting roles in the film and did not hesitate to help in the kitchen if necessary. It was fundamental to shoot the film in Búðardalur. We went into the community there, which welcomed us with open arms, and I think it pays off in the big screen. ”

Stefán’s role in the film is different from the one he is best known for. He is usually rattling and joking a lot, but in Polite People Stefán is calm in a rather dramatic role. “It was a lot of fun for me to play this guy and great to work with Eggert as always.

Polite people
Stefán plays Lárus who lies to the community in Búðardalur with unpredictable consequences. He took great care of Búðardalur.

Obtain Citizenship in the United States

In just over a year, Stefán Karl and his wife Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir will be granted citizenship in the United States, and it will be six years since they moved to Los Angeles. "The idea came to us after we went on a trip to Los Angeles in January 2005. When we got home we sold the house, donated the furniture and went on a flight to the United States with seven suitcases, one painting and two children.

Expensive and costing courage

He says it has been an extensive task to get a foothold in a new country. It was expensive and costly. "We had to obtain a residency permit. I got a license because of my acting career, Steina had a journalist’s passport and immediately got a five-year license. It helped a lot that I continued to work in Lazytown and had an income from that while I was settling down. ”

Stefán was so lucky to meet the director Jack O'Brien, a famous director on Broadway (Hairspray, The Full Monty), and landed a role, The Grinch, or Trölli as we Icelanders know him from the stories of Dr. Seuss. But the cabbage was not soaked even though it had been added to the spoon. He was not in the actors ‘association and did not have a green card and in order to get into the actors’ association he needed a green card.

The fight for the green card

The couple therefore went to great lengths to fight for the card, Stefán hired a lawyer and after a long and hard struggle, they finally managed to obtain the coveted and necessary green card. After the green card was brought into the house, Stefán managed to get into the actors 'association and other actors’ unions and is therefore eligible for any acting work in the United States. “It cost a lot of work and money, but it means that now I can apply for any role.”

The Grinch is a good gig and his career has taken off

Stefán Karl has received great reviews for his performance in the role of The Grinch. He has traveled to countless cities in the role of Grinch and spoiled the youngest theater guests with good company. These days he is deciding whether he will wander alone one year in the guise of Grinch. “It would be the fourth year in a row, but it’s a good gig and it pays well.

"In the near future, decisions will be made about other big and great opportunities.

There are various projects I am looking at. It is a good invitation to continue playing Grinch, the children’s first theater experience is one of the best introductions an actor can get because it is so impressive and memorable, "he says. "My career has taken a big leap and in the near future, decisions will be made about other big and great opportunities.” Asked if it was Hollywood, television or Broadway, he said: “Well, really it’s all of the above,” and bursts out laughing. “Steinunn and I are working on many fun things in collaboration with other artists and producers. Steinunn is mostly into conceptual work and scriptwriting.

Pampered Icelandic actor

Stefán Karl says that the wheels did not start to turn until he had got rid of the Icelandic arrogance at home. "There is nothing wrong with having big dreams. I had overconfidence about myself at the beginning of my stay here. I was going to jump straight into a Hollywood movie and break through, "he says, bursting out laughing. "I was unrealistic and a little arrogant. I came to the United States and bathed in almost everything: I am Stefán Karl and everyone should know who I am. I’m Robbie Rotten! However, the reaction was different than I had expected. Nobody knew who I was and little about Robbie Rotten and Lazytown. This is home-grown arrogance. To the pampered, Icelandic actor, it was like a wet rag on the face. Iceland is like a sheltered workplace to a certain extent and often lacks humility. I had to start all over again and adopt a new attitude.

Good things take time

At home, both Stefán Karl and Steinunn were in a position to say yes or no to the projects that were offered to them and they never lacked projects. "Here I had to accept that I had to build my own opportunities from scratch. It takes 3-5 years to move here, get to know the "right people” and embrace the culture here. It is not until after these years that it is possible to advance in this arena, and if it succeeds, it will be what the Americans call “overnight success”. Many people find it difficult to accept that good things can take a long time to come. “

Throw the coupons in the trash

When Stefán Karl and Steinunn started living in a new place, the króna was strong and the dollar cost 60 krónur. They soon noticed that all sorts of coupons and brochures that could be used for shopping were piled up in the closet. At first, they threw the coupons in the trash. "On the other hand, we benefited from the boom, thanks to Iceland’s reckless people,” says Stefán Karl and laughs. “In those days we threw the coupons in the trash and shopped at Wholefoods and it felt like any other convenience store. Today life is completely different. Now we collect them and keep them in the pasture, so we are far from shopping at Wholefoods today, except to buy Icelandic skyr and butter. ”

Iceland is a half-priceland

Stefán and his family are doing well today and are feeling well in California. In terms of income and results, there has been a definite turnaround, as Stefán’s main income is now in dollars. “Now Iceland is a half-priceland,” he says. “It offers many good opportunities. The Icelandic government needs to increase reimbursements for film projects from outside to 20% to 40%. The economy would soon pick up and everyone would make a profit. As things stand today, filmmakers fly over our little cuts.

We did not have food

Stefán and Steinunn live in rented - housing in Los Angeles. "We move often. Both for work and otherwise. It’s a common arrangement here and people are used to moving. We are in a good position, everything is going well, "he says. "It’s the main thing because to get out of here is a matter of endurance and not giving up. As I have often said to kids when I give lectures: Have faith in yourself and keep your distance. One must not listen to the demolition of others and there are obstacles to overcome them. It is a worthy task to provide for one’s private life in a certain way and then to have the endurance to pursue one’s own goals. As long as you keep your distance, you will succeed. It is also difficult to pursue lofty goals - and it should be difficult. We have experienced a time here where we did not have food.

This could discourage many people - and I’m not saying it was fun, but it’s still important to have a view of life that difficulties are temporary and worth going through. At a time like this - we need financial help from our families and benefactors - we need performers. It is priceless to have good ones. It is necessary to have the trust of those close to you when things go wrong, and for that we are grateful.

Feel for motivation

When the couple moved to a farm, they were often told that at home in Iceland, many people wondered what they were actually doing out there. It does not matter much to these views today. On the contrary, they are motivated. "After the crisis, people’s attitudes are very different. Steinunn and I have managed to bring our years here and we have worked for that for a long time. It is also a lot of work to take care of a large family, but we try to do everything together as one team. Steina and I actually do everything together.

Overpriced health and day care

Stefán Karl says living in the United States and Iceland is very different. Especially when it comes to raising children. "Raising children in the United States can be very complicated, and for example, they do not have access to as good and subsidized health care systems or day care systems as here at home.”

Stefán Karl mentions an example: “I took my girl to the doctor two years ago. We waited for three hours in the waiting room for the doctor. Then he looked at her and she got some medicine. A few days later, the bill arrived. It was ISK 90,000! “He mentions another example:” Our two older children go to school. One in primary school and the other in private - run secondary school. Younger children - two of them are at home. We could never put them in kindergarten, it’s just too expensive. Each week costs ISK 120,000 for the two youngest, which is about ISK 480,000 per month.

Family life is flourishing

“We must not forget that in the United States, one in six people suffer from food shortages. These are facts that have come to light. The crisis here is like in Iceland. At my daughter’s middle school, for example, 90% of students have food stamps. ”He says there are more benefits. After they moved out, family life flourished. They spend more quality time together, the culture of California encourages that and the safety and well-being of children is closely monitored. "There is a lot of monitoring of children in schools and no less parents and home conditions. If you are late with your child to school, you will receive a call at a quarter past eight asking you to explain the reasons for this. This is the right attitude. Children should not suffer from parental neglect. ”

“I just know nothing more fun than to be with Steina and I can not live without her.

Not the easiest to live with

Stefán Karl and Steinunn Ólína are celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary this year. According to friends and relatives, they are very close and united. Both are considered to be energetic creators. When they met, they were quick to bond and start a family. "There was just no doubt about it,” says Stefán Karl. “And there is no reason to. We are very united and very good friends. We are team members and we work well together. We go through sour and sweet like everyone else. You always hear from people who understand when they are in trouble and I always feel sorry for them. People need to realize that marriage is made for good times as well as bad. There is nothing better than having a good partner like Steina. I’m not the easiest to live with either, there is every reason to thank her on her fifth wedding anniversary! ”

Can’t live without Steina

Asked to describe how impossible it is for him to live together, he says that he prefers to write it down on how much unbridled energy he has. He can actually get on the nerves of those closest to him. “I am both energetic and imaginative, but so is Steina. We are best described as going on a flight many times a day and going to conquer the whole world but lying on the beach tomorrow, "he explains. "I just know there is nothing more fun than being with Steina and I can not live without her. I would just be "dysfunctional” without her. “

Not going to the Angelina and Brad package

There is no point in increasing the number of people in the home and Stefán Karl says that he does not think that Steinunn Ólína and she are on their way to the Angelina and Brad package. "This is what one of our friends pointed out to us: If you have one more child, you can apply for certification as a kindergarten.”

It is good for the couple to have many children and the parenting role is their concern. Stefán Karl has worked for the welfare of children for many years and many people think of him when he launched a campaign against bullying in Iceland. Rainbow Children is still active and in an active fight against bullying, the organization was founded by Stefán Karl for his own money and on his own initiative. “We will be 10 years old next year and Valgeir Skagfjörð will be the chairman.

He is constantly on the move everywhere and we are embarking on various fun and useful projects this year and the anniversary year on 2012. The education must never stop, it must be lively, regular and purposeful because the children’s community can be ruthless and children are vulnerable.

Can not be without Steina - thank her for enduring
Stefán Karl and Steinunn, or Steina as Stefán Karl calls her, feel good in California. He says he can not do without her and thanks her for enduring him on their fifth wedding anniversary.

Auddi and Sveppi are not necessarily bad

He monitors the discussion and says that he has noticed DV’s coverage of bullying in recent weeks and the issues of children in the country’s primary schools. He also noticed when Sveppi and Auddi went far beyond all limits in their entertainment when they attacked Einar Bárðarson. "It simply came to our notice then. It’s that simple. I actually like the fact that this came up. Auddi and Sveppi are not necessarily bad and tasteless fools, they are simply paid to be funny but do not always succeed, that is normal. It is very important how society reacts when this happens. Whether it is written about bullying, lectures and incidents like this at Sveppi and Auddi are criticized. ”

Met children with a death wish

Stefán Karl himself gave hundreds of lectures on bullying and social issues for children and adolescents in the country’s schools and attended his own experience. He says that during this time he has often witnessed the effects of bullying and has often been called upon and asked to help children and adolescents in need. “What I found most horrible to experience was meeting children who were wishing for death. Children who could not cope with the problem because of discomfort and just wanted to die. It was even more horrible to watch the adults around these children stand by and do nothing. Whether it was the parents of the perpetrators or the children themselves or adults in positions of responsibility for the welfare of children. I have often been called in because of children who want to die as a result of bullying and the situation is horrible in my opinion. ”

“What I found most horrible to experience was meeting children who were wished for death.

Do not give the children a payment deadline

"If bullying is a disease, then it could be said that there is no cure. Bullying will always be there, but what we can change is our attitudes, reactions and societal vision. How we empower the individual. We also work too hard and do not spend enough time with our children. So when there is a crisis, we first cut back on working with children. We owe the young people a great deal of attention. We have accumulated debts towards our children. You do not get the same payment deadline from them and the banks. ”

There is hope

But Stefán Karl did not only see the dark side of society when he dealt with this issue. He also got to know the work of school administrators and parents, which gave him hope. “I find it most memorable to get to know the good work that was done at Ártúnsskóli when Ellert Borgar was the principal there. When I got there, I thought for the first time: This is possible. There is hope. And that’s right, there’s always hope and that’s why there is a purpose to working for organizations like Rainbow Children.

Got bullied and bullied

Stefán Karl was bullied and bullied himself. "I was annoyed that I had big ears, as much as it went for me and it got on the nerves of a certain group. I avoided the group that had it for me. I then responded to the bullying by taking it out on others and made the most of my inferiority complex. Bullying is so devastating that children and adolescents have to understand that bad deeds have bad consequences, consequences that can follow a person until death if nothing is done. Someone says: Sigga, you have such small breasts. It is frightening to hear when a person is 12–13 years old and they have a great impact on the psyche, physical and mental repercussions, when we are taking out an important development. Then it becomes a joke that more and more people participate in. In the end, she does not want to go to school, becomes isolated and then we find her outside in the garage in a noose. ”

Made too many demands on children

Stefán says he is aware of his own experience of bullying in raising his children. When he lectured on bullying, he had no children. He says he now sees that various things he demanded in the behavior of children have been unrealistic. “Now I have four children and see what I said wrong and what I said right. There are things that children can not fulfill that I demanded. I am no different from other parents and always want to do better. I’m much more understanding today because I’m a parent. Parents need to know that there are no problems, there are only solutions. ”


Asked if or when he foresees the family returning home, he says he does not foresee it in the near future. “We are naturally semi-gypsies, but we feel good here when things are going well. We never have to shrug our shoulders and scrape the windshield in cold and snowstorms. We can go out in the pajamas to the car to drive the children to school and we even need to put on the cold. It takes us two hours to travel to ski and 30 minutes to go down to the beach. That’s absolutely wonderful. We spend a lot of time together, the family. It’s invaluable and one of the things that changed with moving and we all appreciate it. But we certainly miss many people at home and especially friends and family who are much more diligent in visiting us than in them. ”

[email protected]

Photo of Stefán Karl posted by Sveinn Þórarinsson on 1st of March 2014 on their Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10202695179013111&set=a.3812661767554

Original caption:

Vá hvađ Stèfán Stefan Karl Stefansson er mikil Snilingur. Algjör heiđur ađ hlusta á hann


Wow, Stefan Stefan Karl Stefansson is a great genius. It’s an honor to listen to him

More about this event

We achieved what we set out to do

Original article written for Morgunblaðið on the 31st of December 2003:

Stefán Karl Stefánsson, chairman of Rainbow Children, photo by Jim Smart

What I remember most from the work of the Rainbow Children is countless, and I don’t think it’s because of the fact that the association’s activities started this year, “says Stefán Karl Stefánsson, chairman of the Rainbow Children. "We hired the managing director, Freyja Friðbjarnardóttir, and our consultant, Jón Páll Hallgrímsson, started working at the consulting service. I had already said that I was going to set it up for our clients and they can go there free of charge.

We also managed to put the building in order and then we received an additional two million ISK from Alþingi as we had set ourselves. In fact, everything we did is memorable for the sole reason that this is the first time it has been done. Rainbow Children’s work is so much entrepreneurial work. What surprises me the most is really what we have achieved so much in such a short time. ”

Stefán Karl says that the position and conditions of Icelandic children today are very different. “But as far as Rainbow Children is concerned, I can only say that the government has responded well in a short time. They could do so at all stages of the process. Instead of cutting back, spending on health care should be increased. Another is a scandal. ”

What mattered most to Stefán Karl personally during the year was that he started a family. “First and foremost, I started a wonderful family and everything that comes with it, and it stands out this year,” he says.
