#raise your voice


I do not know why i am feeling like writing so much today, maybe i had a productive weekend or is it hormonal fluctuations overpowering my emotions and mood…OKAY! What so ever! I got a pet last Saturday. My Dad was driving past an area in Punjab called BANUR and this little fellow was running along our car. All of a sudden my Dad who love dogs but from a distance, said do you want to pet him? I was a bit surprised and elated at the same time. I said,”YES”. We gave him a boiled egg to eat and put him in the car. Its just third day and i am so empathetic for him. I do not mind waking up at 6:30 in the morning to take him for a walk, cleaning his pee and poop. I am at my office right now and i am thinking what he might be doing, he might be crying and sad and missing me. This is unconditional love where we give our 100% to a creature without expecting anything in return. If there are expectations and greed, then it was always out of motive. I do not know why humans cannot love other humans with this selfless motive and why it is always with an animal. Why our thought process changes from person to person. My words may sound conflicting and they will be because everyone have their own opinions , maybe after sometime my own opinions change and we cannot stick to just one opinion because they change based on circumstances , situations and surroundings.
