
I wanted to try my hand at this style of coloring. It looks very cute on Yukiko! I might try it agai

I wanted to try my hand at this style of coloring. It looks very cute on Yukiko! I might try it again in the future~!

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(Lil bit of a gore warning on this one i think)So yeah…Dolly (Or Baby which ever you want to (Lil bit of a gore warning on this one i think)So yeah…Dolly (Or Baby which ever you want to (Lil bit of a gore warning on this one i think)So yeah…Dolly (Or Baby which ever you want to

(Lil bit of a gore warning on this one i think)

So yeah…Dolly (Or Baby which ever you want to call her) Is sorta a weird one. She’s a OC of mines, yes but…I wont doubt that shes a tad….warped? For lack of a better term? I dunno, you’ll have to see in the future where she goes. Its a doozy lol

(doing another little test as well, lets see how this works)

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I guess im in a little bit of a spammy moody  (imsorrybouthtat)Here goes the tragic prom queen herse

I guess im in a little bit of a spammy moody  (imsorrybouthtat)

Here goes the tragic prom queen herself! Joko~! It’s lonely ruling the world..But someones gotta do it.

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As this is a spooky SPOOKY MONTH, BOOM Have a redraw of a SPOOKIER OC! Cassius is a famous chef who As this is a spooky SPOOKY MONTH, BOOM Have a redraw of a SPOOKIER OC! Cassius is a famous chef who

As this is a spooky SPOOKY MONTH, BOOM Have a redraw of a SPOOKIER OC! Cassius is a famous chef who gathers his ingredients from a… special source. But hey, he’s helping with over population so what the harm??

Cassius takes inspiration off of classic slasher movie villains, like jason or leather face or chucky or characters like that, yknow what i mean 

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This pic is a bit older but i still think it looks ok! It features two OCS of mine drawn in a vintag

This pic is a bit older but i still think it looks ok! It features two OCS of mine drawn in a vintage style :3

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Day 5: Draw OC in animal formIm not the best at drawing puppers… BUT I TRIED ANYHOW! Happines

Day 5: Draw OC in animal form

Im not the best at drawing puppers… BUT I TRIED ANYHOW! Happiness would either be a Labrador or a a Chihuahua  i think

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Day 3: Oc that is the mosty likely to accidnetally spill secrets.I figure that fear would be the wor

Day 3: Oc that is the mosty likely to accidnetally spill secrets.

I figure that fear would be the worst at keeping secrets. His lips would be looser and flappier than a mudflap. …weird analogy but im keeping it. (don’t ask about his piercing library, he’s very embarrassed u-u) 

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Describe the first chapter of your WIP using only images.

I’ll start us off.

I’m tagging: @adelinemwriting@elysianyou@i-am-all-bi-myself-7@varietyfreak@fournotes@writerlypursuits@thescribbledpagesgirlie

My WIP’s first CHAPTER as described with pictures (that first post was basically the entire books description pictures )

I tag: @musicalkeys@writingismydrugs@amarantine-amirite@pretend-im-normal@anamikaa@varietyfreak@elysianyouand@spidey-reids-2003

Chapter 1, in pictures:

I tag:


What do you mean I’m supposed to remember what happened in my first chapter?

I don’t know who is still active around here… @teacupwriter@pen-for-sword@cogesque@bookishdiplodocus@brynwrites@eternalwritingstudent

Oh wow… question is, can I find pictures for it. Ok, two questions, which WIP???
I guess we’ll do the ever faithful Thief Without Faith.

Let’s see, I’ll tag @pheita​ @aelenko​ @ellatholmes​ Feel free to ignore if you want.

Oh sweet! Lemme get in on this!

Coherent? …Probably not lol

I tag @unclenocturnal​ @kardaludus​  (yall dont have to ust thought id link you to it cuz it seems fun :3

The newest episode is now up on webtoons! Go give it a read if youd like!Link: https://www.webtoon

The newest episode is now up on webtoons! Go give it a read if youd like!

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Howdy~ As promised this is my step by step animations process!

I got the idea/ prompt from my friend @unclenocturnal

The animation is figured is very similar to the cover art used for the first volume of rampid:

So i figured id base it around that.

Next, i got the story board:

After the story board was drawn up, i sat down and made a more ref worth model sheet of yukiko:

After the prep i was ready to animate~

I animate with toon boom (which i still need to get the hang of, but its a awesome program!

First, i got down how the movements would go and the composition of the animation.

next after that, a bit more detail sketch of animation and movement with more frames

next came the lineart~

then came color, walk movment and logo

and finally, the smoke effect and the second logo an the confetti! All in all this took me a long time lol, but i look forward to doing more animations in the future!

Question advice or critiqes are always welcome :3

The other day, i stayed up all night drawing this up. And im really happy i finally got the designs

The other day, i stayed up all night drawing this up. And im really happy i finally got the designs down~! Cant wait to implement them into the story. Excited for you to see how and when they come in~! :D

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