

Hi, followers. I wanted to check in and let you guys know that I made it to California, and am in the process of setting up my new tank (a 55gal acrylic! should be a beauty) so pictures will resume soon! This will be a longer text post, so be warned… 

It’s with a very heavy heart that I also must let you know on the trip from Colorado - where my fish were staying with my good friend Emily (philly_goldies) - to LA, I lost both Marshmallow and Mr. B. I was (and still am) pretty crushed by both losses. Thankfully, the friend I drove cross-country with is also a member of the goldfish community, so she was there to comfort me as I cried watching Mr. B take his last breaths. I lost Marshmallow first - she didn’t look right when I left Colorado, and I’m not sure when she passed as I discovered that she’d died only after we arrived at our stopping point that night in Utah. Mr. B was still doing ok, though a little stressed, so I pushed through and rebagged both him and Chai in clean water for the next leg of the trip (Salina –> Vegas). If anything, I expected that Chai might not make it since she was barely breathing and side-sitting. 

Marshmallow was given a “burial at sea” - suggested by Dana - and we pushed on through Utah with little issue. We never left the car in the sun for too long, because my two cats were also in the car. We got to Vegas in good time, unloaded everything, and I go to check on the fish. Chai looks awful, like she’s not going to make it, so I immediately get her into clean water. I paid attention to her first since she’d been doing so badly the previous day. Mr. B looks ok from what I can see, but I quickly notice after I change his water that he’s not moving one side of his body (for reference - I packed the fish as if I were shipping them in Kordon bags, separated by layers of filter floss in a small cooler that sat on top of the center console in my car, bungeed to the seat backs so it wouldn’t move; at night I would put the fish in tupperware containers with new water, so they could have more space and air circulation). I try to add more prime, cool him down, nothing works. All I can really do is sit there and watch him die. Thankfully, he was almost gone, so I don’t think he suffered much. Of course I just sat there and kinda lost it, I started crying holding his little tupperware. I’ve had this fish for 5 years - he was older than my cats! More than anything I wanted him to make it and it seemed like he was going to…until he didn’t. I kept thinking I should have left him in Colorado - this was all my fault, the stress was too much, etc. - Dana was there to offer hugs (then we had to go to dinner…I felt bad because I made us a little late for the reservation) and make me feel better as best she could. She helped me realize that if two fish had died on the trip with me, where they weren’t being bounced around or anything, they would definitely have died in the mail. I chose the kindest option I could, to give them the best chance. 

I found a portable air pump in my car that I hadn’t used for years, and got batteries so I could hook it up in Chai’s tupperware. There wasn’t much else I could do, but I felt like I had to fight for this one last fish to make it. I bagged up Mr. B and put him in the hotel freezer - he’s in my freezer now, at my new place, until I figure out what I’m doing with him. He was really special to me, so I was thinking maybe I would have him cremated. Oddly, the thing that most put me at ease after his death - made me feel less guilty, and better overall - was my friend back in Boston who said a prayer for him and Marshmallow to St. Francis - patron saint of animals - for safe guidance into the hereafter. I’m not religious (though I do have a theology master’s! lol) but for some reason that made me feel 100% better. Whatever works, right? 

Anyway, there is a happy ending to all of this: Chai made it to Los Angeles with me! She was not doing great when I unloaded her here and to be honest, I didn’t have high hopes she was going to make it. But she rallied, and is doing just fine now. This fish has been through some shit lol…she arrived at Emily’s almost dead because the seam broke in her Kordon bag, and she had no water left to breathe in. SOMEHOW she lived through that, and a trip from Colorado to California where two of her tankmates died. Her pompoms are pretty big and I’ll need to trim them soon (they interfere with her eating), but I’m waiting to let her recover from moving stress first. One thing at a time. 

Of course, the fucking snail made it from Boston to LA with ZERO ISSUES and no water changes. I feel like it survived out of spite but whatever, it’s going into the new tank, too. 

And for a last little note…I went to a local fish store to buy some supplies the other day, and picked up my acrylic tank - the owner gave me a great deal on LED lights since I was buying a tank, too. I couldn’t help but take a look at the goldfish tanks…and my heart may have been stolen by two little babies who have yet to be named :) Pics to come soon! As always, thanks for your love and support, guys! 

Hey fish peeps!  My turn to apologize…again…for not having provided any recent updates haha.  BUT this time it’s because the fish are actually not currently living with me.  The big news on my end is I’m moving from Boston to Los Angeles at the end of May (!!!!) - and I’m driving there.  Obviously, taking fish on a 5-7 day road trip is asking for one or all of them to die.  It took a lot of thought and worry and stress, but I ended up making the decision to take the fish with me…sorta.  I shipped them to my good friend from home, philly_goldies (on insta) out in Colorado, about two weeks ago now.  

Happy to report that everyone made it (although Chai’s bag broke in transit and she was barely breathing by the time she got there…she’s fine now) and I’ll be seeing them again in a little less than a month :)  The original plan was to have Emily ship them to me in LA after I got there, so I’d have a tank setup going…but I think instead I’m going to take them with me after we stop over in CO since it’s only about a 2 day drive from there to LA.

So, that’s that! Hoping to be more active here once I’m settled into my new place in early June.  I’m super excited about the move, and I’m really thankful I’m able to take my fishy friends with me, too!  

Zoomies! Chai on the move! (sorry for the lack of activity, work has been kicking my butt lately, an

Zoomies! Chai on the move! 

(sorry for the lack of activity, work has been kicking my butt lately, and I’m also preparing for a cross-country move!) 

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I have so many cool things to work on! If I had to use one picture to express my my I think this would sum it up pretty well

I’m making a tiny fairy painting as a gift and it’s so cute

Look at the little fairy pet !!!


I have so many cool things to work on! If I had to use one picture to express my my I think this would sum it up pretty well

I’m making a tiny fairy painting as a gift and it’s so cute

I have so many cool things to work on! If I had to use one picture to express my my I think this would sum it up pretty well
