#reblogged to the wrong blog





Has anyone else ever gone to work and spent the whole day in a backwards hoodie and not noticed until they got home asking for a friend

No but one time I went on a field trip as a kid and didn’t realize until I went to the bathroom after I got home that I was still wearing my pajama shorts under my actual shorts the entire time

Sounds like my childhood (and adulthood XD) I feel better knowing it wasn’t just me



I just wanna say that I dohave The Story of 14: Part 3 in progress. I hit a long stagnation with it the past year (and beyond) but I’m hoping to start tackling it again in November (with ink!).

Things to look forward to though:

  • Who 14 was in her human life (pretty much the first thing that’ll be shown)
  • Who her creator is and why she was created the way she was (her creator is not wholly the Scientist, although he did help out)
  • Her relationships toward other stitchpunks

So yeah… look forward to that (hopefully sooner rather than later >w>)

I like to finish the part so I can have a semi-regular upload going, so hopefully I can start doing that early next year. I have a few pages done in pencil (and already shaded), so it’ll be like that for the first bit until we get to the ‘cleaner’ inking.

Just wanted to let you guys know! ^^

Update (again)

I am a liar for I have done NOTHING since this post. However, some things will remain true:

  • The story points that I expressed previously.
  • Ink and shading. Gonna make it look nice.
  • Things between 14 and 1 will get worse before they get better (but that’s how it is for everyone with him, really).

I am making a list of song lyrics/poetry I want to use (Gonna try to squeeze El Dorado by Edgar Allen Poe somehow because of personal nostalgia) since I’m too lazy/don’t have the skills to make music videos and I didn’t do any lyrics in the last part >w>

Executive dysfunction and other stuff kinda hit me pretty hard for the past few months, though I didn’t really notice it until time passed without anything substantial being done creatively. I’m trying my best. Sometimes, your best is just ‘getting through the day and getting that money’, and that’s okay.
