#red dwarf



The moment that broke us all

Feel free to use as a wallpaper ☺️


Red Dwarf MBTI opinions

Thought this was fun and interesting.

Firstly Dave,


Definitely an ENFP. He’s definitely very extroverted, constantly being around people and his friends and before going into stasis. He thrives off of interacting with other people. Definitely intuitive, constantly thinking outside the box, his N function makes him very streetsmart. Feeler without a doubt, he values his feelings and instincts more than his logicical side. And P, he’s very spontaneous and acts on a whim pretty much all the time. ENFPs are usually free spirits, who are usually outgoing, open minded and open hearted. Which sums up Dave a lot.

Next Arnold,


Although he wanted friends, he still would rather spend time by himself studying or doing his own hobbies, and got more of his energy from being alone than being with other people. He’s definitely a senser, very literal and methodical, and by the book. He always valued his logic and facts over his emotions, making him more of a thinker than a feeler. And J, again very by the book and valuing being organised, and always criticised Lister for being his spontaneous self. ISTJs are as a whole by the book, dutiful and like to enforce order, whilst also can be stubborn and insensitive at times. And I think that sums up Arnold Rimmer very well. I also like how he’s the complete opposite personality type to Dave, which works very well.



I think he’s a bit of an ambivert, but definitely more introverted. He’s completely fine with being alone for hundreds of years, and doesn’t really get lonely. He’s definitely sensing, due to his robot side most likely. Always attentive to facts and details and completing things methodically. Lister’s influence has definitely made him a feeler, he does value logic, but he values his empathy and emotions a lot more later in the series. He’s more of a Judging than Percieving definitely, again always being organised and methodical, and works systematically.


Alright now hear me out-

Firstly, it’s actually very hard to decide if he’s an introvert or extrovert. He was completely fine being alone for years, he seemed quite unbothered by the other cats abandoning him. And he doesn’t seem to miss them. But also, he’s very loud and outspoken, and thrives off of attention, which isn’t an introverted thing exactly. He’s constantly trying to attract women towards him, but arguably he is a cat and that’s just what cats do. I think people are too quick to label cat as an extrovert just because he’s loud, when actually he goes off on his own and does his own thing a lot, and randomly comes back whenever just like a cat does. He has both introverted and extroverted traits, and I think it’s very hard to decide which one he actually is if you think about it. In season 1 it took a lot of time for him to warm up to people.

I think sensing, as he is a cat and not really human it’s very hard to place him. But I think he’s more of an S than N, as sensors are normally very in the present, and normally rely on their 5 senses and what they already know. Which is more what cat is. Now, I think cat is more of a T than F. People seem to place cat as an F because “cat is so dumb! He’s definitely not a thinker” when that’s not really what it means. I just can’t really see cat as a feeler when he doesn’t value feelings and doesn’t feel a wide range of emotions often. He’s quite self centered, especially at the beginning, doesn’t care about anyone except himself. Feelers are normally sympathetic and regard feelings, but cat isn’t like that at all. In fact, it’s very hard to see cat as either a thinker or a feeler quite honestly. But, it’s worth saying thinkers aren’t always very smart completely logical robot people. You’d be surprised by how much cat does use his brain and logic instead of his emotions. Lister’s lying on the floor? Well he’s in no state to give cat food so cat doesn’t care. That’s definitely more of a thinker thing. I think P is definitely the easiest one to place him in. He’s constantly spontaneous and just does whatever he wants whenever he feels like it. Not much explanation needed there. This was a long one but I think this definitely needed explaining the most as people are very quick to type cat as an ESFP.

Thought I’d do ace too because he seems to be misplaced a lot in my opinion.


So many people type this man as an ESTP and I can’t see it at all. “But he does so many extreme things!” It’s, his job. And it’s not only ESTPs who can like doing extreme things. Extroverted is obvious, he gets his energy from being around others, and he’s around others constantly. I think he’s more intuitive than sensing definitely, he’s very creative and uses intuition a lot, and is very imaginative. He comes up with all sorts of creative ideas to get out of bad situations. I seriously don’t get how people can put him as a T over an F. He’s such a feeler, very warm and empathetic and genuinely really loves his friends and fans. He values his feelings a lot, very much like Dave. I’d say he’s a J, and I like the thought that this is the only trait he shares with the other Arnold. He definitely values deadlines and scheduling, he literally schedules all his plans in the first episode he’s in. I can see why people think he’s a P, but I think people don’t realise he seems spontaneous due to his job, but actually he’s just following orders. He’s such an ENFJ, they’re usually good natural leaders, charismatic and very empathetic, normally helping the people around them a lot. That’s EXACTLY how Ace is. I like to think he’s very similar to Dave but shares one trait with Arnold, I think that fits him well.

Anyway, these are my thoughts. Interested to know anyone else’s.


daily reminder that Lister’s dream in “Blue” created a whole new universe (in whick Rimmer and Lister are happy together)

“Every decision that’s made creates a new universe, as do all dreams and hallucinations.”

- Kryten (Back to Earth, 2009)


Trying to explain Red Dwarf to people is fun because these:

Are not the same character, and these:

Are all different characters too!


Are all one character!

Plus, THESE:

Are all pictures of one character too!

It all makes sense fellas, I swear.


Got bored on my train home and this was the outcome


The Red dwarf fandom is weird. Our favorite character dies, gets brought back to life and we complain because we want him dead again. 


Can you tell I’m bored?

Some more quote edits/phone wallpapers!

Feel free to use if you wish ☺️


Today, I give you brunette assholes from 80’s Britcoms. Tomorrow? Who knows.


I made this in 15 minutes and it shows.




I used the faceapp filter on the boys from the dwarf, and quite honestly, they make very attractive ladies ^^

…wasn’t this a episode?

In the episode Parallel Universe (s2e6) they travel to a parallel universe where there’s a female Lister and a female Rimmer (Deb and Arlene). However, instead of a female Cat, there’s a Dog. Kryten also wasn’t around yet for this ep (he’d been introduced earlier on in series 2 but not with Robert Llewellyn playing him).

So… Yeah, sort of. Although, in Parallel Universe they had different actors playing the genderbent Lister and Rimmer (Angela Bruce and Suzanne Bertish) so they of course look different to the above pictures.


I used the faceapp filter on the boys from the dwarf, and quite honestly, they make very attractive ladies ^^

yourfaveisgoingtosuperhell: Arnold Rimmer and Dave Lister from Red Dwarf are going to super hell tog


Arnold Rimmer and Dave Lister fromRed Dwarf are going to super hell together for gay crimes!!!

requested by: Anonymous

Post link


The writer moods

When you drank too much coffee and stayed up late at night for it and the story is still falling apart:

When your friend needs emotional support, but you’re in the middle of a very important scene:

The chaotic happiness when you finish a short chapter after two months:

When your non writer friends say that writing is easy because they wrote a 100 word Harry Potter fanfic when they were ten:





Yo buds!!

Pretty darn pleased with how this turned out .


i feel like this must’ve been done but i thought of it so here we are

the inquisitor had bde right? it’s not just me?
