#rick pratt



Today, I give you brunette assholes from 80’s Britcoms. Tomorrow? Who knows.

Two pieces I did for the TYO Discord, which I highly recommend you join if you like the show (or anyTwo pieces I did for the TYO Discord, which I highly recommend you join if you like the show (or any

Two pieces I did for the TYO Discord, which I highly recommend you join if you like the show (or any of Rik and Ade’s work in general). The first is Prick in his dress because he deserves to feel pretty, and the second is Alan B’stard (The New Statesman) doing Risky Business, because we discussed it and I felt compelled to make a visual. 

No joke, the art channel in that Discord is AMAZING and seeing everyone else’s incredible pieces inspires me to keep working on my own stuff! 

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No brain, only the singular though of skanking with Rick to The Police’s 1978 hit So Lonely

What Rik show you stan says about you:

The young ones: how’s your search in looking for three other people with three different aesthetics going? Also you either are exactly like one of the house mates so you kin them hardcore, or your not exactly like any of them so every week you say you kin a different housemate.

Bottom: you want a best friend to write comedy with don’t you? Sit down, cook yourself a meal, then make sure you get back to work. You probably have a hard time getting yourself motivated but just take time in little increments.

Bad News: Bohemian Rhapsody or The Dirt? Also you what’s your opinion on This is Spinal Tap. I’ve never met any of you before so I don’t know what y’all are like sorry ) : Also I’m a bassist so team Colin stand up

Drop Dead Fred: how does it feel to be insanely and ridiculously hot Also do you like beetlejuice? Alright now let’s talk about your emotional fear of growing up. You were either extremely close to one of your parents or wanted to get away from both of them as fast as possible. If it was the first one: you have a fear of growing up because you reminisce so much about your time as a kid with your favorite parent that you never want to leave such a peaceful fun time with them. If it’s the second: I’m sorry, I wish there was a way to give you back your childhood. Please don’t take out your parents mistake of mistreating you out on yourself. You’re loved, you’re wanted, you’re here on purpose.

The New Statesman: you can’t fix Alan, he is un-fixable. He was shit from satan’s bowels. Stop being blinded by his perfect hair and come to the realization this man would probably kick a puppy. Also, all of y’all that are horny for him, do you keep forgetting that he lasts, at the most, 3 minutes? You are nuts, let’s hold hands

The dangerous brothers: Hello Ade Edmonson stan someone really needs to put y’all in horny jail. Do you like clowns? I feel like you do. If not you probably at least like the carnival.

Believe nothing: you are the biggest sucker for charm. Adonis most likely makes you giggle like a little school girl. Me too pal, me too. Also your into dilfs. Do you like Depeche Mode, because I feel like you do


so, i hear tyo fandom doesn’t mind self ships? well, then; thank you for making me feel comfortable enough to post this!

This is such an awesome mood board I love it

I can’t for the life of me draw Rick

Wow this tumblr is dead. Anyway I’ve been at uni for 2 months now and I hate it. I’ve been brightening up my days by watching shows with Rik Mayall in them, also creating a wall in my room full of different Rik Mayalls from shows/movies he’s been in.

The Young Ones has always been one of my favourites since I first watched it when I was 7 :)

the lads and Little Ben Elton (from how the young ones changed comedy)

about the boys, from NME in the mid 80’s

apparently, ade wrote as himself instead of vyv and chris wasn’t even invited to write about mike.

Hand painted 35mm metal miniatures of Rick,Vyvyan,NeilandMike from The Young Ones. For each base, I added a colour I associate with the person, a symbol to represent them and made them extra gross looking. Watermark - My instagram

dancingdancingqueen:very SEXY and very CUTE 


very SEXY and very CUTE 

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