#redesigning myth


Daughter of the Moon Goddess (Xingyin)

I recently finished this book by Sue Lynn Tan. I had a lot of fun, if you like historical fantasy wuxia/xianxia/asian dramas this could be exactly what you’re looking for. The downside for me was the love triangle…. most stories these days have a Twilight “Love Triangle” where there is only one love interest but Second Person is obsessive… this book isn’t in that category. But other than that I did really enjoy myself, I really enjoyed how the story of Chang E was adapted, and Xingyin’s motivation to rescue her was refreshingly consistent and made it easy to root for her.

I based this redesign on the GORGEOUS cover art for the book….but may or may not have used Yang Mi’s hairstyle from Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms/Eternal Love as a reference. (She is so beautiful in this role, I was often mesmerized by her and really intrigued by her hairstyles)

I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram,Patreon
