
Time to reveal this chunky papercraft, produced for the February 2022 Fairyloot subscription box! ItTime to reveal this chunky papercraft, produced for the February 2022 Fairyloot subscription box! ItTime to reveal this chunky papercraft, produced for the February 2022 Fairyloot subscription box! It

Time to reveal this chunky papercraft, produced for the February 2022 Fairyloot subscription box! It features Xingyin, Liwei and Wenzhi, inspired from Daughter Of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan!

I had the extreme privilege of reading this early last year in order to prepare for this piece and was swept away in Xingyin’s journey through the Celestial Kingdom! I had only recently discovered my interest in the Chang'e lore (Over The Moon, anyone?) and was super excited to see a retelling arriving so soon after!

*** Minor Spoilers for DOTMG below! ***

I got the chance to capture two of my favorite scenes from the book for artwork in this box! Firstly, with this craft, I wanted to convey the grand scale of this world, large enough to fit one of the four dragons. I was inspired by the bold shapes of the misty mountains of traditional Chinese landscape paintings and bright colors of Chinese architecture to create this super vibrant piece! And as I said, this papercraft was CHUNKY in the amount of paper I used. The green/yellow pieces you see here I think are over 70 individual layers alone. And it was absolutely a puzzle to assemble, but such a fun papercraft! I was working on it the exact same week as the Mid Autumn Festival of 2021 and it felt very festive! (bought some mooncakes from my local Chinese bakery!)

The second piece I did for the box was an illustration of one of the most visually intense and heart wrenching scenes I read last year. It still gives me chills. I’ll reveal it soon!

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Daughter of the Moon Goddess (Xingyin)

I recently finished this book by Sue Lynn Tan. I had a lot of fun, if you like historical fantasy wuxia/xianxia/asian dramas this could be exactly what you’re looking for. The downside for me was the love triangle…. most stories these days have a Twilight “Love Triangle” where there is only one love interest but Second Person is obsessive… this book isn’t in that category. But other than that I did really enjoy myself, I really enjoyed how the story of Chang E was adapted, and Xingyin’s motivation to rescue her was refreshingly consistent and made it easy to root for her.

I based this redesign on the GORGEOUS cover art for the book….but may or may not have used Yang Mi’s hairstyle from Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms/Eternal Love as a reference. (She is so beautiful in this role, I was often mesmerized by her and really intrigued by her hairstyles)

I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram,Patreon
