#redesigning heroines



Princess Tutu (and Princess Kraehe)

Seems a little random I’m sure… very different from the majority of these redesigns. But I started rewatching this anime gem and I couldn’t resist. I’ve drawn Princess Tutu (Duck) and Princess Kraehe (Rue) based on the…. let’s call it season 2 finale. I made minor adjustments to their costumes but not very many, mostly just making them more realistically functional or more ballet-costume inspired.

Have any of you seen this anime?

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Sansa, Queen of the North

Raise your hand if this is the redesign you’ve been waiting for (me too, reaching this outfit/theme was a great goal to keep focused on).

(Rant incoming about her tv show coronation gown. If you like it, power to you) Again, it’s one of those show stoppers that the show technically had a good idea for but the execution…missed the mark for me. I don’t know if the lighting killed the vibe or something but…. I was so hyped when they were putting on the sleeves.. but then they revealed the bodice and the crown…. (TT^TT). The pattern/texture is waaaay too busy and the crown is sadly underwhelming (p.s. I’m really not a fan of her dom/dark needle Lady Winterfell tv dress and this show coronation dress is just part 2 of that with cooler sleeves).

Anyway I did really love the sleeves so I started there. Added simple pale grey over gown, alluded to previous “Northern” fashion styles, letting the silhouette and the red of her hair do most of the talking. This is about how calm/simple/elegant she is in this moment.

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Queen Dany Targaryen of Seven Kingdoms

Of course since the books haven’t been completed yet Just how Dany get’s to the sticky note that D&D based season 8 on remains a mystery. But let’s have some fun and imagine for a moment that she does become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. If you haven’t picked up on it yet I decided really early on to base Targaryen fashion very loosely of that of Imperial Russia (Anastasia is always on my mind and if you look at the first Dany all the way back in… November? September? There’s some Anastasia sleeves & crown going on)

So after she leaves her conquest of Slaver’s Bay/The Great Grass Sea she starts to use Targaryen fashion to reassert her claim for the Iron Throne. She has been wearing Kokoshnik-inspired crowns/tiara’s from the beginning, and hopefully the pattern of trailing sleeves and high decorative collars creates a nice through line as she redefines her identity as the Targaryen Heir.

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Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell.

For this look I went all in on making things as Stark as possible. A part of this of course is pageantry, subtle messages that order is reestablished, that the Starks have returned, the True Wardens of the North will look after everyone, etc. Lots of subliminal messaging going on. Greys, silvers, wolf motifs, hair taping, winter fabrics, the whole nine. It’s also probably very reassuring to Sansa that she has the freedom to dress this way and honor the North at all.

Anyway, she takes to being Lady Stark like a duck to water and the people of Winterfell (and the North in general) adore her for it.

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Dany goes to the North

Let’s assume that one day Winter will arrive in the ASOIAF Westeros and Dany will have to go North to assist with The Long Night (before or after taking care of Cersei/the scramble for the Iron Throne idk).

I had a lot of fun designing a Winter outfit for Dany. Incorporating furs, recognizable jewelry, a combination of the blinding whites and deep Targaryen red/purples. Especially because I knew I could layer up sooooo much fabric and fur XD. She must be so cold in this new extreme-opposite climate.

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Queen Cersei

Alternatively War Ready Cersei? No longer pretending to be a Regent in any way. Instead the Lannister Queen is loud and proud about it. Her hair is growing longer as the years go by, but these days she prefers a more severe updo to her previous mane.

The reds get darker and richer, the golds get heavier and even more lion themed if you can believe it.

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Arya Returns to Winterfell

It has been a long time but finally the Wolves are able to return to Winterfell. Arya returns, along with Needle of course. She’s dressed in this kind of Tudor crossed with Northern/Medieval clothing. Openly wearing tunics and breeches, her brooches are silver direwolves.

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Sansa returns to Winterfell

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen fashion from The North. But as the Stark family returns they can use fashion to visually re-establish themselves in the North. There’s a little bit of a Riverrun reference in there but we’ll continue to see some things evolve.

Having Sansa return and transition fashion-wise from soft blues to soft greys and creating a fantastic contrast to Cersei and Daenerys race to dark reds and purples.

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Dany War Queen

Since we’ve finished the canon-book stuff we might as well have some fun with the “hypotheticals”/show material! This outfit is happening at a much later date, it will most likely take time for Dany to finally arrive on Dragonstone to begin the battle for the Iron Throne. But eventually, hopefully, maybe she’ll one day reach this point in the story and as such her costuming will adapt to be much more severe, Targaryen, and Dragon-forward. She’s not here to play around but to fight.

It’s a bit of a sudden and drastic change to Dany’s wardrobe. Much more like her show outfits in some ways, but hopefully the references to historical clothing, dragons, and Dany’s fashion evolution with these redesigns are visible in some way.

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Jenny of Oldstones

A slight break from the current ASOIAF characters. We’ve made it to the end of book canon! (And since the show went off the rails/ended horribly we’ll explore some of the main plot points that COULD work with good writing… but the show gave up on that a long time ago so we won’t go into much detail.)

Why yes I have listened to versions of her song on repeat, however could you tell?

I decided that the “past” went through a sideless surcoat phase that I’ll reference again later. It’s a very recognizable/unique medieval fashion trend that makes this redesign feel both still relevant to the previous GoT redesigns while also highlighting it as being very different.

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Queen Cersei

A lot have things have changed for Cersei in not much time. She’s had to shave her head for starters, and in return is now either Queen Regent… or just Queen. (this is where the book vs show starts getting a little wonky and we’re speed run some of the ideas that could be the end of Game of Thrones but pretend the path to them made sense/was well crafted.

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Margaery in the time of the Sparrows

As I’ve said this is around the times when the books and show end/make stuff up. So I won’t spend too much time in this section. But I am fairly confident in the guess that the appearance of the new social/militant/religious group with the power and influence the Sparrows have is going to quickly change the general fashion trends of King’s Landing. And I would assume that the fashion would lean towards conservative in both cut and price. Displays of wealth in forms such as jewelry, material, intricacy, tailoring would all be diminished in some way or another.

For Margaery I interpreted this as minimal jewelry (a crown and a small gold flower pin), a more matronly hairstyle, a similar silhouette to her previous HighGarden gowns but the sleeves have lost the slashing details, the neckline is high, and arguably the most extravagant element to this look is the lace. All in all, a Very subtle fashion statement from the Queen/Dowager Queen. (Bonus points for being as Opposite Cersei as physically possible).

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Time for a Wedding!

Dany’s Empire keeps expanding, but maintaining control of these new cities proves more difficult than perhaps expected. Dany decides that the best compromise to stabilize her reign is to marry Hzdahr zo Loraq.

Whites, purples, burgundies, fringe, it’s all here. (And Dany’s hair is growing back out slowly but surely. I struggled with this one y'all this is my 2nd attempt with this redesign.)

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The Girl is No One

Arya has made it all the way to the House of Black and White in Braavos. She is an acolyte and thus wears the non-cowled robes with the inverse colors of the full members/Faceless Men. Her hair has grown out a little and is braided up around her head.

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Ellaria and the four younger Sand Snakes.

Ellaria and her four daughters with Oberyn. The younger four Sand Snakes don’t get a lot of description so far, but I really wanted to try drawing them all together anyway.

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Sarella Sand

Oberyn Martell’s fourth daughter. Her mother is the Captain of the trading ship: the Feathered Kiss. Sarella is insatiably curious and loves Oldtown.

Which coincidentally is where she is for the majority of the books so far. Chasing down knowledge and studying furiously. It is also for this reason her clothing is much more subtle, even medieval as Oldtown exists in it’s scholarly detachment what is “new” in fashion affects it less, instead people dress for functionality and temperature.

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Tyene Sand

The third oldest Sand Snake is Tyene Sand. She is Prince Oberyn’s daughter with a septa and was raised with her cousin Arianne Martell in the Water Gardens. Tyene may occasionally lark as a Septa, but don’t let her fool you. Tyene is a master of poisons, and just as deadly as her sisters.

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Nymeria Sand

The second oldest Sand Snake is Nymeria Sand. Daughter of Prince Oberyn and a noblewoman from Volantis. She is described as “elegant and vengeful”. She frequently conceals a dozen blades on her person and at least on of her book-described outfits is a yellow silk gown sheer enough to see the spun gold and jewels beneath.

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Obara Sand

The eldest of the infamous Sand Snakes, daughter of Oberyn Martell and a woman from Oldtown. She prefers martial pursuits to just about anything else and considers herself a warrior. She wears breeches and calf-length tunics for the most part.

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Myrcella in Dorne

Myrcella adapts well to Dorne. Finally being able to relax and grow away from her mother and brother does wonders for her, who would have thought. Myrcella is described as being the Lan the Clever inheritor for her generation (the way Tyrion is for his) and the Martells help her cultivate her intellect and consider her to be the best inheritor to the Baratheon Throne.

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“Alayne Stone” at the Eyrie.

Miss Stone arrives at the Eyrie with her “Father” Lord Baelish. What a coincidence. (Kidding it’s Sansa in disguise). Wearing clothing with similarities to her Aunt’s but with some clear differences as well.

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Lady Stoneheart

A new mysterious player has entered the game! This potentially undead character is leading a new faction in the Riverlands, stirring up chaos and cutting a path of bloody revenge.

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Princess Arianne Nymeros Martell

Better known simply as Arianne Martell, is the eldest daughter of Doran Martell, the ruling Prince of Dorne, and his consort, Lady Mellario of Norvos. She is the heiress of Sunspear, and the future ruling Princess of Dorne.

She is described with large dark eyes, long thick back hair (ringlets specifically), short statured, and dresses in layers of flowing silks and jewels. She’s fierce-tempered, adventurous, and calculating with multiple schemes of her own in the books.

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Show and book Missandei are very different… particularly in the age category. The show aged up Missandei quite a bit for their purposes- totally understandable, but if we’re sticking with the book-inspired theme we’re going to use a younger Missandei. I’ve also decided to keep the golden Naath eyes, her outfit is designed to reflect some aspects of Daenerys latest outfit and location-fashion.

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Queen Daenerys.

This time in more red-purple. This time we’re adding the tassels and a fabric that has to be held in place.

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More Free Folk ladies! Val is described with long honey-blonde hair, with at least one outfit described in layers of white furs and fabric. Also the weir-wood face decorative brooch.

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Walda Daughter of Merrit (aka “Fat Walda” = Frey’s are mean and way too many of them are named “Walda” and “Walder”)

This sweetheart. Soft pinks, lace…. let’s just say people are worried about her post-married life. Her outfit has similarities to her cousin Roslin’s previous redesign, but in Pink.

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Cersei in Mourning

You knew it had to be extra. Cersei would never arrive in any other way. This time the style leans much more Lannister (than her last mourning fashion), but this time with the longer bodice. Reds, golds, thick heavy dark colours.

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Margaery in Mourning

Quelle surprise (inside joke don’t worry about it) someone died in GoT. So a few characters go into mourning. For this particular character the mourning garments are most appropriate in deep-dark fabrics with heavy oppressive layers. But also hints of gold. Margaery post-wedding also has a stag head at her brow.

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I’m not going to go too much into this character for spoiler reasons…. but this character Not being mentioned/appearing in the show really undermines some key character motivations from this point of the story so I’m drawing her!

After coloring her in I realized she gave off semi-strong Snow White vibes… but we’re rolling with it bc it kind of suits her. Here we have some peasant vibes-versions of past Westerland fashions, the diagonal fabric panels on the bodice being something that Cersei is actively trying to revive in current King’s Landing fashion.

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Daenarys in Qaarth!

(whoops I meant to post this earlier I got ahead of myself…)

Yes, yes I know what a Qartheen gown is supposed to look like, BUT if you really wanted to you could imagine this dress worn That way. But I like not being censored sooooo… tada!

This is inspired by a peplos type dress with tassel-pins. We see her going back to wearing some of her jewelry, and she is back in the purples.

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Margaery’s Wedding Dress!

Margaery’s wedding dress is a perfect opportunity to create an absolute show stopper. (And…. to give you the cliff-notes version of my thoughts on the GoT show’s wedding gown… I don’t like it. The base is fine, and the concept of metal thorns and fabric flowers is good. It’s just the execution…. rolled ham. TT ^ TT )

This design was not an easy one to decide on… it went through a lot of options and a lot of revision. I knew I wanted to incorporate roses, thorns (like i said the show’s concept of “distracting roses/subtle thorns” is good), and a maiden cloak. And as I was thinking of a suitable maiden cloak for a Tyrell I kept thinking about Loras Tyrell’s introduction with a living cloak of flowers. Because this wedding ensemble needs to be extra. The two most powerful families in Westeros (at this moment) sealing their alliance. So red roses and pale gold for the bride with a waistband of metal thorns. (and before you ask, yes… those roses were a pain to draw/shadow/edge in gold but it was worth it!)

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It’s time to pull out all the stops for Joffrey’s Wedding!!

Cersei (of course) made it her mission to appear as the Head/Lady of House Lannister (maybe even trying to upstage the Bride). We’re still working with the base of the Burgundian and the (very extra) Stormlander sleeves with so much red and gold and gold thread as possible - BUT now that a certain dragon-hater is dead and it’s been a few years King’s Landing fashions are starting to change, re-introducing some of the Targaryen details (the longer bodice + detailing) that would have been popular when Cersei was younger AND as a double-kill creates even more visual difference between Cersei and Margaery.

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Lady Sansa Lannister

Little bird trapped in the Red Keep. Her outfits are better now that she is married to (X) and under some protection from her tormentors. Her hair net has curious blueish stones. Still very Lannister in fashion cut/design.

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Ellaria Sand

The wedding of King Joffrey is a big event and people from all over Westeros travel to attend. Including a contingent from Dorne, namely Prince Oberyon and his partner Elarria.

I was really interested in the description of Dornish clothing painting the House sigils on silk instead of embroidery for weather reasons. So I thought about Dornish fashions as layered silks. I think it would be gorgeous to see in real life. And yes, I have seen desi fan casts/mood boards of characters from Dorne and I do love all of that, I just didn’t feel confident enough to use said fashion directly in these redesigns since Dorne is a region directly attached to the rest of Westeros while India has a very different surrounding influences and fashion history. (But I also love it so I certainly was inspired, hopefully the nod is “subtle” but recognizable?) What are your thoughts/sort of fashion would you choose for Dorne? (i don’t know anymore, I waffled a lot on Dornish fashion XD)

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Taena Merryweather

Taena Merryweather is sort of like a Lady’s Maid to Cersei? Closer to Cersei than just a “courtier” anyway. Taena married into House Merryweather. Her House Colors are yellow and white, and their symbol is that of a cornucopia (which I hid on the hip decoration ;D). I really wanted her fashion to emulate Cersei’s so that the Lords and Ladies in King’s Landing would be able to show allegiance based on who’s fashion they took inspiration from, and Taena is decidedly on Cersei’s team.

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Rosilin Frey

The Would-Have-Been Queen of the North.

Her gown mostly references Tully fashions (Sleeves, bodice detailing), but her bodice is elongated in reference/for Frey “old fashioned” style choices. She’s dressed in pale greys and whites (what she would have worn to marry Rob/the gown that was made for her wedding to Rob) but with a very red rose bouquet ;).

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As a member of the Free Folk Ygritte wears a lot of wool, fur, and hide layered together for maximum heat efficiency. (She should also probably be wearing mittens…but don’t overthink it too much. ;D

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North of the Wall secluded in Crastor’s Keep waits Gilly. For clothing at Crastor’s Keep I opted for a strange middle-ground of “Southern” fashions and Free-folk fashions. So we have elements of full skirts and kirtle references, but things are lined with furs and her shawl is a very sad/dirty pelt.

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