

“Netflix turned Dracula into a sympathetic villain” WRONG ! Dracula was this way ever since Lisa and Elisabetha were created. The serie just played with it more !

I mean the whole reason why he turned into a vampire was because of grief for his dead wife, that eventually turned into hate for God after a year of being bedridden.

And the moment he founds himself another wife (who could totally be a reincarnation of the first), she’s killed by humans for unfair reasons. Making him grow hate for humanity as well, and plotting to get revenge on them all. He didn’t hate humanity before that, only God.

The only way you wouldn’t think he’s sympathetic would be if you completely ignored the games lore. Dracula was always a moody, depressed, drama queen bitch. Sorry for those of y'all who only like one dimensional evil characters.

Thank you to all of our nation’s service members who fought, sacrificed and died for our count

Thank you to all of our nation’s service members who fought, sacrificed and died for our country.
#California #Chico #Redding #RedBluff #NorCal #Monday #MemorialDay #remember #alwaysremember (at Chico, California)

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“It’s easy to feel like you’re failing at life when the only snap shots you get of other people are positive ones. But it’s so important to remember that you’re only seeing a small piece of the entire picture of a person’s life - pieces that are often filtered or embellished, or sometimes completely falsified, to paint the appearance that everything is okay. But these people you’re comparing yourself to who seem to have their life together, who are living enviable lives and have smiling photos and celebratory status updates and blog posts showcasing their adventures - their lives are not as easy or perfect as they might seem. Yes, there may be moments of happiness and laughter and accomplishment, but there are also moments of heartbreak and loss and loneliness. There are days when they feel painfully inadequate or invisible or defeated. Days when they’re drowning in shame or self-doubt or fear. They aren’t the paragons of success and happiness that you’ve built them up to be. Because the truth is that NO ONE has everything figured out. No one’s life is easy and without struggle. It’s human and it’s normal. And it’s OKAY. It’s okay to struggle. It’s okay to feel lost and unsure and overwhelmed. It’s okay to not have it together every minute of every day. It’s okay to be exactly where you are and feel all the things you feel. You don’t have to have all the answers or do things perfectly. You just have to show up and try. You have to trust that you can struggle and lose your way and still end up where you need and want to be. That you can not have it together and still live a meaningful and accomplished life.”

Daniell Koepke 
