#remus fanart


Remus Rules

It has certainly been a while since my last art post. I apologize for that but school has been quite stressing and my mental health was suffering a little but now I’m pretty good, at least for now.

I lost inspiration halfway through it and I actually thought I would never finish it, but I managed to make it look good, I think. I’m quite proud of it, I think the colors are great and the small details of the Cosplay are great!

I also think this pose fits home so well, he would definitely lick the bat just out of curiosity and then he would continue to do it whenever Janus looks at him since he thinks it is gross to do that stuff (although he should have gotten used to this kind of stuff).

Of course, I hope you like it!! I hope to be able to post something new soon, but, in case I can’t, I apologize beforehand.

Hello once again, fantasy AU

A scene in a personal fantasy AU of mine and @hamiltonian-operator ’s, where Remus and Roman were pushing each other around near a portal they just discovered, until Remus accidentally pushed Roman in and tried to grab after him - dragging them both into a mysterious world.
