


A few questions this morning for the Republican Party:

  • If banning assault weapons will “never work,” and therefore we shouldn’t ban them at all, why are you banning abortions?
  • Why is it that the government cannot require you to wear a mask and get a vaccine, both brief and minimally invasive medical procedures, during a global pandemic? Especially when it now CAN force you to continue an unwanted pregnancy against your will?
  • Related: why is it “my body my choice” when men are protesting, but not when it’s women doing the exact same thing?
  • If “censorship” and “cancel culture” are bad things and free speech is vital, why are you banning books, threatening teachers and social media, passing Don’t Say Gay laws, punishing Disney for offering even a milquetoast rebuttal, and otherwise censoring as much free speech as you possibly can?
  • If “sharia law,” that thing you’ve been howling about for decades (herein understood to be a religiously based legal framework that places women under patriarchal control and makes decisions by unaccountable religious fiat) is so bad, why do you want to impose that exact thing in America?
  • Was it just because Brown Muslims Are Bad And Scary!!! But White Christian Ethnofascist Nationalism Is Good?
  • If any country’s top priority is the securing of its borders against foreign interference and the sovereignty of its internationally-recognised territory, why do you so rabidly support Putin’s invasion of Ukraine?
  • If your principles are for freedom, limited government, and low taxes, why do you want to cripplingly increase taxes on working-class and low-income people in order to preserve handouts for billionaires and big corporations?
  • If filling a Supreme Court seat in an election year is bad and can’t be done, how do you explain Amy Coney Barrett?
  • Ohhh, is it just that Democrats can’t do anything but Republicans can?
  • No really. Do you have ANY principles that aren’t nakedly extremist and wildly hypocritical, and designed only to function in the interests of power, money, and racism?
  • Asking for a friend.

Y'all have a nice day.
