


What the fuck is going on…

“Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.” – H.G. Wells

Sorry Romney. I call bullshit. You do NOT get to get doey eyed talking about the accomplishments of the Federal Government Apollo missions (and by extension, Mercury and Gemini space programs) supported by the tax payers while at the same time calling for smaller government, reducing spending on space exploration, and calling for lower taxes. 

Bullshit. Don’t shove an American flag up science’s a

ss, shit all over government spending, dance around like you did something worth while, and then turn around and call for vast huge spending cuts. 

We, as a nation, through taxes and government coordination did that. WE ALL built that. And we didn’t do it for capitalism, we didn’t do it to make money. We didn’t do it for share holders, or for a return on investment. We did it for national pride (and to scare the Russians) and we did it to learn. 

And waiving Neil Armstrong around like a fucking political puppet? I’m seething. I’m SEETHING. 

If the likes of Romney were in office in 1960 - not a Democrat - we would not have gone to the Moon. There wouldn’t have been money for it. Neil Armstrong would not have walked on the moon. 

I want to smash my fist into someone’s groin. 


So fucking sick of these holy rollers wanting to boycott 50 Shades of Grey. Sure, it is not even close to what a real BDSM relationship is for real, but it does bring the community into light. Mom’s saying they are trying to raise well-mannered boys and strong girls. These people would not know freedom if it knocked them out on their flat assess.

Tumblr/Yahoo out here like “we need the app to be safe for children” but when in reality it was “we’re being held hostage by Apple and credit card companies for allowing porn, the gays, and smut on this app” even though it was a 17+ app.

So then they purged, banned, and exiled entire blogs and a metric ton of content just to be allowed back into the app store. Female Nipples are the worst.

Now we have to see this shit every five posts as we scroll our dashes:

These ads aren’t curated at all. I have bought underwear for my partner once. I’ve never searched manscaping. Wtf @staff ? What the hell is going on? Why is this site like this?!

Sure. Makes total sense.

Had to do it.Had to do it.

Had to do it.

Post link

Mistakes were made and changing jobs was not the forward momentum I was hoping it would be.

Going into the new job, there was a clear outline of where I would be in a year. That clear outline is completely gone and I have no idea what is going on. The chef who hired me is on medical/stress leave. The Sous Chef who I was working with quit. The person in charge of the day team that I am a part of is a giant bitch and I fucking hate working with her. The restaurant is a fucking dumpster fire and every attempt I have made in the four months I have been there to improve things has been met with resistance or outright refusal.

Some anecdotes from this place:

- Arguing with the “trainer” about freezing sashimi (DO NOT DO THIS)
- Arguing with the same trainer about labour laws and break regulations
- Arguing with another cook about food safety rules when I have my Food Handling Certification and she does not
- Arguing with a different cook about following the restaurant’s specific recipes
- Submitting daily lists of duties not performed by the closing team to the Night Sous Chef.
- My ongoing list of things that need to be replaced or repaired for safety and productivity reasons
- Being demoted? to “portion prep” from sushi chef because… reasons…? And promptly pointing out that if they want to pay me (insert high wage here) to put shit in bags, I’ll do it but it’s an extreme waste of my skillset. (This only lasted one shift thankfully)
- Having the temporary chef who is helping our store out tell the Bitch to show me how to manage a certain task so that I can manage it on the weekends when she isn’t there only to have her ignore my follow up attempts three days in a row.
- Having the Night sous expect me to do the work of his night cooks when I’m literally not done my own work and working overtime hours.

I’m so beyond done. I come home exhausted most days. I don’t eat properly. I hate how early I have to be up. The money is nice but it’s just not worth this amount of uncertainty, stress and constant disrespect. Time to start looking for something better.


A few questions this morning for the Republican Party:

  • If banning assault weapons will “never work,” and therefore we shouldn’t ban them at all, why are you banning abortions?
  • Why is it that the government cannot require you to wear a mask and get a vaccine, both brief and minimally invasive medical procedures, during a global pandemic? Especially when it now CAN force you to continue an unwanted pregnancy against your will?
  • Related: why is it “my body my choice” when men are protesting, but not when it’s women doing the exact same thing?
  • If “censorship” and “cancel culture” are bad things and free speech is vital, why are you banning books, threatening teachers and social media, passing Don’t Say Gay laws, punishing Disney for offering even a milquetoast rebuttal, and otherwise censoring as much free speech as you possibly can?
  • If “sharia law,” that thing you’ve been howling about for decades (herein understood to be a religiously based legal framework that places women under patriarchal control and makes decisions by unaccountable religious fiat) is so bad, why do you want to impose that exact thing in America?
  • Was it just because Brown Muslims Are Bad And Scary!!! But White Christian Ethnofascist Nationalism Is Good?
  • If any country’s top priority is the securing of its borders against foreign interference and the sovereignty of its internationally-recognised territory, why do you so rabidly support Putin’s invasion of Ukraine?
  • If your principles are for freedom, limited government, and low taxes, why do you want to cripplingly increase taxes on working-class and low-income people in order to preserve handouts for billionaires and big corporations?
  • If filling a Supreme Court seat in an election year is bad and can’t be done, how do you explain Amy Coney Barrett?
  • Ohhh, is it just that Democrats can’t do anything but Republicans can?
  • No really. Do you have ANY principles that aren’t nakedly extremist and wildly hypocritical, and designed only to function in the interests of power, money, and racism?
  • Asking for a friend.

Y'all have a nice day.



I think I’m actually having some sort of breakdown

My friend is stressing that with world war 3 imminent, everyone in this country (not Ukraine) is going to die.

And I don’t care. I mean, I don’t think it’ll happen. But also I don’t care because why should I when most people in this country don’t seem to care if I die?

Everyone is such a fucking hypocrite, suddenly caring about human life and suffering. No doubt if Ukraine’s entire population were disabled/vulnerable they wouldn’t give half as much of a shit.

A part of me even feels relieved at the thought of being wiped out by a bomb. At least then my future would be out of my hands and I wouldn’t have to spend every minute of every day assessing and adjusting my behavior just to stay alive.

I’m just so callous and dead inside after these two years. It’s infuriating to see people suddenly having the capacity to give a fuck about life and help others, when they never bothered to help people like me.
