#rhea markab


“Mom, I know the annual gala dinner is very important for you, but I don’t think I want to be a part of it this year…”

“Why?! You’re going to be a part of it, girl! No matter what!”

“Well… may I request to remove my boyfriend Tapaho from the invitation list then? Because I don’t want to see him ever again.”

“If that’s what you want, sure!”

“Don’t worry, everything will be alright! I’ll be here with you!”

“So far, we have… Neptune, Poseidon, Persephone, Selene, Melboula and Matar, who should we also invite?”

“How about Feyrora? I think you missed Feyrora…”

“Ehh, no? Because she will obviously NOT come?!”

*doorbell rings*

“Oh right, that must be the caterers we’ve ordered! Let me greet them real quick! In the meanwhile, don’t do any other invitations!”

“Greetings! Glad you could make it on time. Here’s the lobster you’ll need for the Lobster Thermidor and for dessert, we’d like you to serve Baked Alaska. Any questions? Good? Good!”

“Phew, the door is still open! I’m sorry babe! I.. uhm.. really didn’t want to be late!”

“May I have your name, sir?”

“Taphao Thong Fenhong.”

“Your name is not on the invitation list, I’m afraid. We’re sorry, but we kindly ask you to leave now!”

“What? NOO!! This can’t be true! I’m Cassiopeia’s boyfriend… Cassie, can you ask them to let me in? Cassie? CASSIE?!”

“I’ll be over at my dad’s house tonight, so I can’t join you guys, I’m sorry! But I hope you guys still have fun! See you!”

“Well, I guess it’ll just be the two of us now! May I ask my beautiful sister for a dance?”

“Now you really sound like Mom, stop being so polite, lol!”
