#sims 2 pictures

Tuesday Thursday’s night on the townTuesday Thursday’s night on the townTuesday Thursday’s night on the townTuesday Thursday’s night on the townTuesday Thursday’s night on the townTuesday Thursday’s night on the town

Tuesday Thursday’s night on the town

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 Tuesday went to the Nature hobby lot and she really liked the hobby instructor  Tuesday went to the Nature hobby lot and she really liked the hobby instructor  Tuesday went to the Nature hobby lot and she really liked the hobby instructor  Tuesday went to the Nature hobby lot and she really liked the hobby instructor

Tuesday went to the Nature hobby lot and she really liked the hobby instructor

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 Tuesday Thursday’s trailer Tuesday Thursday’s trailer Tuesday Thursday’s trailer

Tuesday Thursday’s trailer

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I have some random pics from when I was playing Bigcity (I’ve given up on naming things lol) that I

I have some random pics from when I was playing Bigcity (I’ve given up on naming things lol) that I didn’t post before soooo yeah

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Bloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the HoltBloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the HoltBloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the HoltBloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the HoltBloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the HoltBloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the HoltBloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the Holt

Bloom - Holt Family Kitchen (final)

In the first scene of Episode 2, you’ll learn more about the Holt family and their morning routine. This kitchen was a work in progress for some time as I was never happy with the colors, furniture, etc. to get the look and feel I wanted. The Holts live in an old house that’s in need of repair and don’t have much money, so their house is mainly furnished with thrifted and repurposed items. Use the Bloom tag on my blog for more set pictures :-)

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Malmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in tMalmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in tMalmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in tMalmgren Family - The Twins Grow UpBy a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in t

Malmgren Family - The Twins Grow Up

By a stroke of good luck, things have changed for the better in the Malmgren house. Despite having a difficult toddlerhood, the boys grew up successfully into children with Platinum aspirations. Deragh also got two promotions at work with a better schedule, so she’s decided to keep her music job for now. Sam is very close to a promotion on the soccer team now that he’s done some networking.

A big snowstorm hit Pleasantview so the boys haven’t had their first day of school yet. Deragh made pancakes and hot chocolate for the snow day, and the kids made snowmen and snow angels. They got to play some Nintendo 64 with Sam after he came back from work that evening.

So far, River and Wilder have opposite personalities. One is extremely neat, the other very messy. One is nice, the other very grouchy. Deragh and Sam look forward to seeing how their personalities develop and hope they’ll do well in school once they get to go.

Malmgren Family Story: Newest First|Chronological Order

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Bloom WIP - Toast and Stacey’s Bedroom (Holt Family Home)Charlie “Toast” Holt and his girlfrieBloom WIP - Toast and Stacey’s Bedroom (Holt Family Home)Charlie “Toast” Holt and his girlfrieBloom WIP - Toast and Stacey’s Bedroom (Holt Family Home)Charlie “Toast” Holt and his girlfrieBloom WIP - Toast and Stacey’s Bedroom (Holt Family Home)Charlie “Toast” Holt and his girlfrieBloom WIP - Toast and Stacey’s Bedroom (Holt Family Home)Charlie “Toast” Holt and his girlfrieBloom WIP - Toast and Stacey’s Bedroom (Holt Family Home)Charlie “Toast” Holt and his girlfrie

Bloom WIP - Toast and Stacey’s Bedroom (Holt Family Home)

Charlie “Toast” Holt and his girlfriend Stacey share this room with their young daughter, Katelyn. I’m still working to add more decor and clutter, but this was all I got done before my game froze because my computer decided to install updates last night. The Holts don’t have much money so most of their furniture is mix-and-match from what they’ve picked up from thrift stores.

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Malmgren Family - Small UpdateSince we last checked in with the Malmgrens, things haven’t gone well.

Malmgren Family - Small Update

Since we last checked in with the Malmgrens, things haven’t gone well. Deragh and Sam have their hands full with the toddlers, and are having a hard time getting them on a good schedule. They’re often tired when they go to work, and sometimes have overlapping work schedules but can’t afford a nanny to help. Somehow, both boys have learned to walk, but there’s still potty training to be done.
Deragh is considering quitting her music store job and starting a home hairstyling business, but without much land to expand the house, she’d have to have clients in the kitchen. It’s something she wants to talk over in depth with Sam, if they can ever find some time alone.

Malmgren Family Story: Newest First|Chronological Order

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Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country ClubThis lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and

Bloom Decor Photos - Linton Country Club

This lot is originally the golf club by @ilikefishfood, and I’ve been making modifications to it for Bloom. I’ve updated the restaurant and patio where a big scene in the next episode of Bloom will take place. It’s been a fun project to do since I had to research what country clubs look like because I’ve never been in one.

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One of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t folOne of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t folOne of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t folOne of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t folOne of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t folOne of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t folOne of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t fol

One of the newest ventures in my game is trying to successfully run a home business that doesn’t fold in a few days, so I aged up one of my classic sims from the Acceptanceshort film, Graciela, and created a new storyline for her as a first-time homeowner as she starts her own florist business. I’m using @crispsandkerosene‘shome business lot for Graciela and redecorated so that her shop is downstairs and she lives upstairs. She’s just moved in so there’s still some decorating to be done and her shop is still in its humble beginnings.

Perhaps I’ll age up Cameron too and move him in with her. They always ended up together in my mind.

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Bloom WIP - Dr. Ames’ Office - August 1997 Happy to share the first decor photos from the re-launch Bloom WIP - Dr. Ames’ Office - August 1997 Happy to share the first decor photos from the re-launch Bloom WIP - Dr. Ames’ Office - August 1997 Happy to share the first decor photos from the re-launch Bloom WIP - Dr. Ames’ Office - August 1997 Happy to share the first decor photos from the re-launch Bloom WIP - Dr. Ames’ Office - August 1997 Happy to share the first decor photos from the re-launch

Bloom WIP - Dr. Ames’ Office - August 1997
Happy to share the first decor photos from the re-launch of my series, Bloom. Dr. Wesley Ames is the superintendent of Linton Public Schools. He comes from old money and enjoys displaying his degrees and awards as a reminder of his accomplishments and wealth. Decorating this office made me realize how painfully short I am on professional, office-appropriate wall art., and how much cc I have that’s cluttering the Decorative section and probably needs to be deleted.
I won’t say much about Dr. Ames to avoid giving away plot points, but in Episode 2, we’ll learn what was in the envelope he asked Colleen to shred at the end of Episode 1.

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“I’m going to tell all my friends at school that you’re real!”Merry Christmas to all who are celebra“I’m going to tell all my friends at school that you’re real!”Merry Christmas to all who are celebra

“I’m going to tell all my friends at school that you’re real!”

Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating today.

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I had such a good time taking pictures of Niko, I decided to take pictures of spares from my SalamanI had such a good time taking pictures of Niko, I decided to take pictures of spares from my SalamanI had such a good time taking pictures of Niko, I decided to take pictures of spares from my Salaman

I had such a good time taking pictures of Niko, I decided to take pictures of spares from my Salamander legacy. This is one of my favorites, Hester.

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The Tri-Var gals got a well deserved makeover <3Heather & Tiffany: clothes & hair by PlatThe Tri-Var gals got a well deserved makeover <3Heather & Tiffany: clothes & hair by PlatThe Tri-Var gals got a well deserved makeover <3Heather & Tiffany: clothes & hair by Plat

The Tri-Var gals got a well deserved makeover <3

Heather & Tiffany: clothes & hair by PlatAsp here

Brittany: hair by minicule here & clothes by PlatAsp here

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“OK, you all know the orders, right? Matar and I will take care of the Princess. Auriga and Feyrora, you both take care of the Queen!”

“Great! Now, let’s get inside before anyone gets suspicious of us!”

“It looks like all of the guests have finally arrived, let’s proceed to the next step!”

“Psst! Not here! You know this will only make people suspicious! I’ll join you two in the kitchen.”

I guess … now or never!

“Alright, sweetie! Matar will come later to clean up the mess! I’ll take care of the Princess now.”

(in the meanwhile)

“Excuse me, yourmajesty? But you wouldn’t probably think that I was going to dine in my dancewear, would you? Where can I change my dress?”

“Uhmm… yeah, sure, miss! My bad! This way, miss!”

“Cassie, my dear princess, are you in here, honey?”


“I… I can explain… she was just…”

“OH, REALLY! I can explain better, YOU DIRTY DOG, YOU!! GET LOST, NOW!! How could you cheat on me… in OUR DAUGHTER’S BED and most importantly, at MY GALA DINNER!”

“Sirius, that was hot!”

“OH, don’t you even get me started! WHO INVITED YOU EVEN IN?!”

“Take that, your majesty!”

“Your majesty, I love your beautiful crown! It alerts me to immediatelyhate you!”

“Mom, I know the annual gala dinner is very important for you, but I don’t think I want to be a part of it this year…”

“Why?! You’re going to be a part of it, girl! No matter what!”

“Well… may I request to remove my boyfriend Tapaho from the invitation list then? Because I don’t want to see him ever again.”

“If that’s what you want, sure!”

“Don’t worry, everything will be alright! I’ll be here with you!”

“So far, we have… Neptune, Poseidon, Persephone, Selene, Melboula and Matar, who should we also invite?”

“How about Feyrora? I think you missed Feyrora…”

“Ehh, no? Because she will obviously NOT come?!”

*doorbell rings*

“Oh right, that must be the caterers we’ve ordered! Let me greet them real quick! In the meanwhile, don’t do any other invitations!”

“Greetings! Glad you could make it on time. Here’s the lobster you’ll need for the Lobster Thermidor and for dessert, we’d like you to serve Baked Alaska. Any questions? Good? Good!”

“Phew, the door is still open! I’m sorry babe! I.. uhm.. really didn’t want to be late!”

“May I have your name, sir?”

“Taphao Thong Fenhong.”

“Your name is not on the invitation list, I’m afraid. We’re sorry, but we kindly ask you to leave now!”

“What? NOO!! This can’t be true! I’m Cassiopeia’s boyfriend… Cassie, can you ask them to let me in? Cassie? CASSIE?!”

“I’ll be over at my dad’s house tonight, so I can’t join you guys, I’m sorry! But I hope you guys still have fun! See you!”

“Well, I guess it’ll just be the two of us now! May I ask my beautiful sister for a dance?”

“Now you really sound like Mom, stop being so polite, lol!”

“We’ve been best friends for a while, I know, but… uhmm, I love you!”

Taphao… WHY?? OMG, this can’t be happening!

“Titania… Titania, stop!”

“You know very well that I have a girlfriend…?! Cassiopeia doesn’t deserve any of this!”

“Oh, holy crap! Don’t get me even started with her! I know very well that you love me too! Don’t tell me you love her, I know it’s a lie!”

“I do… I love you, too, but only as a friend! Now, leave me alone!”

“You can’t deny the chemistry between us! I can feel your love, Taphao! No matter what you say, you hear me! I know your true feelings! So, stop running away from the love of your life, you hear me?!”

“… and then, she kissed him and they made out in front of my eyes!”

“My dear little sis, I’m so sorry to hear this! You know, you don’t have to be with him anymore, right? He truly doesn’t deserve your love!”

“Aww come here, sweetie! Lemme hug you! Tomorrow, we’ll go shopping and you can buy whatever you want, OK? I just know, things can only improve from now on!”

How could he do this to me? I trusted him! But now… it kinda makes sense why he was trying to run away from me! What should I say to him? OMG, why is this so difficult? What do people say when they catch someone cheating on them?
