#vyvyan basterd


I can’t for the life of me draw Rick

Wow this tumblr is dead. Anyway I’ve been at uni for 2 months now and I hate it. I’ve been brightening up my days by watching shows with Rik Mayall in them, also creating a wall in my room full of different Rik Mayalls from shows/movies he’s been in.

The Young Ones has always been one of my favourites since I first watched it when I was 7 :)

the lads and Little Ben Elton (from how the young ones changed comedy)

about the boys, from NME in the mid 80’s

apparently, ade wrote as himself instead of vyv and chris wasn’t even invited to write about mike.

Hand painted 35mm metal miniatures of Rick,Vyvyan,NeilandMike from The Young Ones. For each base, I added a colour I associate with the person, a symbol to represent them and made them extra gross looking. Watermark - My instagram
