#ride the cyclone musical


I’m taking my friends to see Ride The Cyclone tomorrow.

Do I prepare them for “Space Age Bachelor Man” or do I let them go in blind and just see how they react?


If you haven’t yet,, GO WATCH RIDE THE CYCLONE! It is rotting my brain. 

Mischa Bachinski and Noel Gruber fanart! They are on the brain 24/7


Physically weeping over Noel leaning his head on Mischa.

Also in Noel’s little rant/backstory about himself he says he wants a man that leads him to drink. Then in the birthday scene Mischa passes him the bottle, asks if he wants a drink. I. Will never be over them. Im going insane.


When I first saw people shipping Noel and Mischa, I thought it was just pairing two random characters to be able to have a ship, not actually based on anything, because I’d only listened to the album. Then I watched the bootleg. My god. These bitches gay.
