#riley flynn


Midnight Mass Quicktypings

Riley Flynn - Type 9w1


From what we know, Riley seems to have (for the most part) tried to do what was expected of him. Riley has so much guilt over his drink driving and tries so hard to put it behind him, but never can until he forgives himself. 9s often need connections and don’t like to be isolated from people. Riley also seems to be disconnected from everyone, but still craves and wants connection with his family and Erin. Riley shows his wing 1 as he is more reserved and quiet than a 9w8.

Bev Keane - Type 1w2


Bev shows a lot of really unhealthy type 1 characteristics and motivations. I think Bev believes she is a good person and doing the right thing (according to her beliefs). She constantly judges and preaches about the Bible and Christianity and cannot accept other viewpoints at all, leading to her being extremely bigoted and prejudiced. When Annie tells her off and explains how she is not a good person, she cannot accept it. She is also one of the infected that tries to hide because at her core she knows she has done a lot of bad things. Bev shows her wing 2 as she is more outwardly assertive and extroverted than a wing 9.

Father Paul Hill/Monsignor Pruitt - Type 2w1


Father Paul seemed to be mostly motivated by helping the people in his community. He truly believed he was doing the right thing and was going to be the saviour of the island. He also was very concerned with reconnecting with Mildred and wanted a second chance of having a family as he believed it was what would make him happy. Father Paul shows his wing 1 as he is concerned with doing the right thing and is more reserved than a wing 3. 

Sometimes a family isn’t a mom dad two and a half kids and a dog, sometimes a family is

  • A sad teacher with mommy issues
  • A smart lesbian doctor with daddy issues
  • An old lady Benjamin buttoning her way through life
  • A tired Sheriff with his hands on his hips
  • A disgruntled alter boy
  • A girl who can’t feel her legs