#ringneck parakeet

Mochi donning his hazmat suit to protect him from the evil FUMES. Bird safety becomes an issue when

Mochi donning his hazmat suit to protect him from the evil FUMES. Bird safety becomes an issue when these items are heated. The toxic fumes can lead to X▾X.

Not only is it harmful to birds, but to humans and the environment, as well. 

Last Week Tonight did a whole episode on it. You can also do your own research. 

PFOA/PTFE/Teflon™ is hidden in all sorts of everyday items. It can be found in pots & pans, cookie & muffin trays, George Forman Grills, waffle irons, electric skillets, certain crockpots, rice-cookers, heavy-duty aluminum foil, irons, ironing boards, glue guns, space heaters, some heat lamps… It’s pretty crazy. 

If it’s heated, check the manufacturer’s website to see if it contains PTFE and/or PFOA. 

The self-cleaning cycle on your oven can have similar harmful effects but for different reasons. New ovens have chemical residue that needs to be burned off before introducing your birds back into your home. 

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What’s the most beautiful parrot you’ve ever seen in person? For me, it has to be this guy, the plum headed parakeet. I’ve never seen a photo or a painting (including this one) that does justice to the eye-catching coloring of these guys, they are really something else. That purple head is so vibrant Fun fact, when we got Cricket, I actually wanted a plum headed parakeet. But Cricket made up his mind that he was coming home with us, so who were we to say no?
