#rip cales slacker life


Cale Henituse AP Stats

(Spoiler warning, I guess…?)

Cale Henituse
Attack:______________Sky Eating Water (agressive combat)
Defence:_____________Indestructible Shield (defensive combat)
Strength:____________Super Rock (hardened body)
Damage:______________Fire of Destruction (destruction & purification)
Constitution:________Vitality of the Heart (recovery)
Dexterity:___________Sound of Wind (navigation)
Agility:_____________Instant (speed)
Wisdom:______________Embrace (special skill)
Intelligence:________Record (info analysis)
Charisma:____________Dominating Aura (bluff)

Bonus round
Special Effect:______Dominating Water
Accuracy Buff:_______Annual Rings of Life
Critical Hit:________Blood-Drenched Rocks
Health Upgrade(?):___World Tree Dagger
Enemy Loot:__________Sky Attribute & (5+) APs

TCF hilarious moments #16 – Aggressive Negotiations

Chapter 314 – Cale and Adin’s friendly chat

Adin:*video-calling* Cale Henituse, you’re similar to me.
Litana: (As if!)
Cale: Indeed I am!
Litana: Huh???
Adin: Yes, I knew it. What is it that you want? Fame? Power?
Cale: Me? I want to be a slacker.
Adin: …
Adin: What?
Cale: I said, my dream is to be a slacker.
Cale’s group:*nodding*
Adin: Are you mocking me?
Cale: Are you mocking my dream?! (Do you have any idea how hard it is to achieve??)
Adin: …clearly, you have no intention of being honest with me.
Cale:*frustrated* I AM being honest!
Adin: So you’re saying… that you don’t want anything.
Cale: NO, I said that I want to be a SLACKER! (Why doesn’t he f***ing understand?!)
Adin:*not buying it* Yes, yes, I get it.
Cale:*satisfied* Good. Glad we’ve reached an understanding.
Cale: Now sit tight until I find and murder you, you sick bastard

Yet another TCF fanfic, this time a one-shot crack with the concept of:

“After Cale and his friends defeated the Sealed God, apparently they all get to have a reward for it… Godhood, to be exact.
Yes, ALL of them. Clopeh included. He’s the only one who’s excited about this development.
