#riva aso


Riva 1) became a mass murderer and 2) told a lie and decided it was time to go back home. It is a tough galaxy out there.

Riva adding “I’m sorry” when they couldn’t pinpoint any location bc they were drugged and Skip quickly adding “it’s okay” before the scene moves on was completely insignificant but I liked it

Riva being drugged and only acting slightly different then usually is a wonderful representation of them as a person I think

Riva being drugged the entire time is incredibly funny

I do have to ask how the fuck they plan on transporting them out of there for an escape when they are in a large dome though I am not going to lie

However; Lucceino kiss, Skip’s weird fuckery obsessed dad, Lou/Gunnie not only recognizing the Morse code but linking it to squid game, the Barry reunion, Zorch completely freaking out and Sydney hyping everybody up all in one episode was Such a fever dream I am screaming in real time right now
